Ed's church

Fellowship Church
Grapevine, Texas 76051

About Ed
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: The Church should be the most creative entity on the planet.
  • Family: Husband to Lisa, father to LeeBeth, EJ, Landra & Laurie, grandfather to Sterling, Thunder, Jackson, Dodge, and Bear, father in love to Sam, Brad, and Jess.
  • Books that have had an impact: Purpose Driven Church
  • Hobbies: Painting Fishing
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Newest Sermons

  • Recipe For Romance

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2022

    In this sermon by Ed & Lisa Young, you'll find that there's help and hope for troubled marriages as well as a challenge to make great marriages greater.

    7 SENSES OF MARRIAGE : RECIPE FOR ROMANCE JANUARY 30, 2022, 9:30AM ED AND LISA YOUNG ED YOUNG: This is my wife, Lisa, we've been married for almost 40 years. LISA YOUNG: Just in case you didn't know. I'm not just some random girl standing up here with Ed. ED YOUNG: We're talking more

  • Anchored

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2022

    In this sermon, Ed and Lisa Young ask, "What are you anchored to?" When the rogue winds and waves hit, if you have the right anchor — Jesus — He will provide stability and strength to not only survive but to thrive in the storm.

    7 SENSES OF MARRIAGE : ANCHORED JANUARY 23, 2022, 9:30AM ED AND LISA YOUNG ED YOUNG: How's everyone doing today? You guys doing well? Please be seated. I want to say hi to all of our different locations and all of our different platforms on social media. I had the opportunity to grow up across more

  • Sound Communication

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2022

    In this sermon, Ed and Lisa Young teach the do's and don’ts before saying, "I do." We'll learn that following biblical guidelines for conflict resolution will help us develop sound communication skills before it comes to saying: "We quit!"

    7 SENSES OF MARRIAGE : SOUND COMMUNICATION TALKING AND HEARING JANUARY 16, 2022, 9:30AM ED AND LISA YOUNG ED YOUNG: Thank you so much for being here today. We're talking about communication in marriage and if you're single, or if you are a student, if you're talking to someone, if more

  • Vision

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2022

    In this sermon, Pastor Ed Young teaches that God's vision for marriage is far more profound and much broader than today's culture can even begin to comprehend.

    7 SENSES OF MARRIAGE : VISION JANUARY 9, 2022, 9:30AM ED YOUNG There's a pandemic out there. Have you heard about that? It's everywhere around the world and there's obviously a serious side too at a life and death situation to it. But also on the other hand, there's a lot of smoke more

  • Happily Ever After

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2022

    In this Sermon, Pastor Ed Young gives us a panoramic view of the end times. The Bible says we don't know the exact date or time, but we know that Jesus is coming back! So what are the SIGNS to look for?

    WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS : HAPPILY EVER AFTER FEBRUARY 20,2022, 11:15AM ED YOUNG Welcome everyone to Fellowship Church. If you're watching online, how's it going? Make sure if you can make it, make it next week, because I'm teaming up with the Tom Brady of prophecy, Jimmy Evans. We're more