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  • Health And Wealth? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 25, 2013

    Focus on eternal matters not just the here and now.

    As we had noted earlier, when Jesus entered the Holy City of Jerusalem, He was welcomed as the New King of Israel. People, including the Disciples of Christ, were expecting Jesus to take charge, get rid of the Roman Empire, and bring back the Glory of Israel like it was during the rule of King more

  • Claiming Your Divine Health And Wealth SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    As a child of God, you have the right to be healthy in body, soul, and spirit. It's crucial to claim what belongs to you, otherwise, the enemy may steal or rob you of your divine inheritance.

    Today, we will explore the topic of possessing our inheritance in Christ. As children of God, we have certain rights and blessings that are available to us. However, it is important for us to understand and claim these blessings, lest the enemy steals or robs us of our rightful inheritance. more

  • Has God Promised Health And Wealth To Christians? Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 18, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    Expose’ on Prosperity Doctrine

    HAS GOD PROMISED HEALTH AND WEALTH TO CHRISTIANS? Questions People Ask Powerpoint for this and hundreds more free sermons at our website: We’ve dealt w/ some difficult subjects the last several messages. Though they’re controversial, they are areas in which more

  • Wealth And My Spiritual Health Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 25, 2014

    The way I acquire and use wealth is a good measure of my spiritual health.

    I grew up in a typical blue collar family. My dad managed one of the very first fast food restaurants – the Lucky Wishbone – and my mom stayed at home taking care of four kids. She didn’t work outside the home until all of us got older, so for much of my life, our family got by on more

  • Restoring The Blessing Of Life Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Oct 8, 2010

    The Blessing we are referring to is not that of some outward sign of health and wealth that we need to claim, but the blessing of God as Father.

    Today we’re beginning a new series. We’ve entitled this series “Living in the Blessing.” The Blessing we are referring to is not that of some outward sign of health and wealth that we need to claim…. but rather something more foundational to life. It is the blessing more

  • One Was Pleading And The Other Was Praising

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    From Mark Yarbrough called “When God Doesn’t Heal” ( Why doesn’t God cure everyone who prays fervently for healing? Two assumptions and then 3 points

    HoHum: A faith healer ran into his old friend Max and asked him how things were going. Max said, “Not good, my brother is very sick.” “Don’t say that, your brother isn’t sick,” answered the faith healer, “he only thinks he’s sick. Remember that, he only things he’s sick.” Two months later they more

  • A Peek At Prosperity

    Contributed by Jeff Hagan on Sep 26, 2017

    Word of Faith, Health & Wealth, and Prosperity gospels are all false gospels. This is a very brief treatment of just a couple issues regarding prosperity.

    Scriptures: Matt. 6:19-23; 23:25; Luke 8:1-3; 9:25; 12:15; 18:24; 1 Timothy 6:6-9 The “prosperity gospel” is a term used to describe, at least in part, the Word of Faith Movement (WOF), and the teaching is exploding in popularity across the world. But is it true? Where is the focus? Is the more

  • An Arrogance Of Wealth Or A Wealth Of Generosity Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    3 of 4 on 1 Timothy 6. This message explains the purpose of wealth.

    An Arrogance of Wealth or a Wealth of Generosity The Apprentice There was a TV show a number of years ago called "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". In this presentation we were given a glimpse (just a quick peek - mind you) of the kind of life wealth can provide. It was ostentatious, opulent, more

  • 10 New Year's Resolutions From The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived

    Contributed by Preston Brown on Dec 28, 2001
    based on 896 ratings

    Almost all New Year’s resolution deal with health or wealth or happiness. The principles found in Proverbs 3 guarantee all 3 of these.

    10 New Year’s Resolutions from the Wisest Man Who Ever Lived This is the 1st Sunday of the New Year. You know, when you think about it, all New Year’s Resolutions basically fall into 3 categories. They deal with: 1. Things to make us look better and live longer. 2. Things to make us have more

  • The Treasure Pipeline Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 28, 2007
    based on 95 ratings

    The "health and wealth" doctrine is a heresy. But it uses many sound Biblical truths in its false teaching. Do you know what one basic truth they’ve left out?

    OPEN: Ray Stedman shared the true story of a man who lived in Houston that received a letter from a large international radio broadcast seeking support from Christians for their broadcasting. They sent out a letter - the kind that is double-spaced, every sentence is a paragraph, and they more

  • Misplaced Wealth Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Nov 27, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    How should American's handle our wealth? Should those who are wealthy feel guilty about special vacations and favorite hobbies. Should we sell everything if we want to be real follower of Jesus?

    Intro Today, we talk about something that requires wisdom and diligence to handle correctly. It is something we have all held in our hands at one time or another. It has the power for good, but it also has the power to destroy. Despite its power, it is something we all need. I’m talking more

  • False Teaching - Health Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Apr 11, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Does God guarantee health? Are the sick, crippled and disabled faithless and outside of God’s will?

    False Teachings About Health One of the tragedies about the health and wealth ’gospel’ is that it excludes any who aren’t perfect. If you are sick, you are a sinner or you lacks faith. Those in poverty, illness, disabilities, trials and suffering are told that they are faithless, under God’s more

  • Letter To The Laodicea Congregation Series

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on May 24, 2015

    A congregation that is not actively benefitting and transforming the culture in which it finds itself, it is sickening to Jesus, the Head of the Church. Jesus condemns the Laodicean 'Health & Wealth Gospel' which is promoted by modern-day televangelists.

    Verse 14 – Jesus introduces Himself to the congregation at Laodicea by three titles: (1) “The Amen” which is a reminder that the Lord – by His death on the Cross – is the living confirmation of the New Covenant with its promises. 2 Corinthians 1:19-20, “For more

  • Wealth

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Mar 1, 2022

    What did Jesus say about wealth? There will always be poor and rich people in every generation.

    Wealth Mark 14:3-9 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 3While He was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head. 4 But some were indignantly more

  • Enjoying Good Health Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 14, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    Consider the secret to good health and soul prosperity. 1- Minister to one another 2- Be faithful to God’s truth 3- Demonstrate love to all

    INTRO.- ILL.- When a physician remarked on a new patient’s extraordinarily ruddy complexion, he said, "High blood pressure, Doc. It comes from my family." "Your mother’s side or your father’s?" I asked. "Neither," he replied. "It’s from my wife’s family." "Oh, come now," I said. "How could more