  • Jeff Hagan

    Contributing sermons since Apr 29, 2014
Jeff's church

True Grace Ministries and Theological Institute
Tacoma, Washington 98398

About Jeff
  • Education: PhD in progress, ThD, MDiv, MABS, BA. Academic institutions attended: Western Seminary; Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Missionary Baptist Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Seminary; Dallas Seminary; Luther Rice Seminary; Grace Bible Institute; Tyndale Seminary; Oval Bible College and Seminary; Northwest University; and a few others.
  • Experience: Founder & President of True Grace Ministries and Theological Institute; Private Practice Christian Counseling; Co-Founder, Professor, Curriculum Designer, Student Counselor at Riverview Bible College; Associate Pastor at The Freeway Church; Counseling Staff and Assistant to Youth/Young Adult Pastor at Church By The Side Of The Road; Deacon at Wabash Presbyterian Church. I am also an author and have written approximately 350articles as well as four books.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: We are all in this together my friends. I hope these articles and sermons can be of benefit to you. May God direct and bless us all in what we do.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: There are many. I have enjoyed, learned and grown from sermons and books from the likes of: John Calvin, Tullian Tchividjian, John Piper, Wayne Grudem, Hank Hanegraaff (pre EO), Chuck Swindoll, Jeff Durbin, James White; Noice; Begg; etc.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Regeneration and faith act sort of like electricity and a light bulb. When you flip on a light switch it appears the electricity causing the bulb to activate and the light all happened at the same time. In actuality, electricity came first but the light came on right when the switch was hit. It's the same in salvation. Regeneration is the electricity and faith is the light bulb. Regeneration must come first before one can exercise saving faith, however, it appears to occur simultaneously.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: I don't like speaking in front of family. Lol. Both are proud and enjoy them though. I performed my older sister's wedding in front of many friends and even more direct and extended family. It was one of my best God be the glory.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I guess she didn't like them. She divorced me years ago. :-)
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Being a pastor is the most rewarding job there is, however, it is also by far the most difficult as well. Do all that you can to NOT be a pastor. If you cannot find fulfillment and everything keeps directing you back to ministry, then you can be assured your calling is real."
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible (of course, prefer ESV); Calvin's "Institutes;" Spurgeon's works; Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century; The Apocolypse Code; Counterfeit Revival; Letter's From a Skeptic; Mark Driscoll's "Doctrine;" "Flying Close To The Flame;" Grudem's "Systematic Theology;" "Amillennialism" by Riddlebarger; and many, many others.
  • Hobbies: Reading and studying Theology & Doctrine; Starbucks Mochas and Frapps; Martial Arts; Lake Fishing; Swimming; Movies; Music.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: I would focus on God's grace. I would make it clear He is not looking for reasons to keep us out of eternity with Him, but He is giving us reasons to recognize we are His for eternity.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Something small but very funny at the time: It was one of my first times speaking publicly and I was very nervous. I was sharing something that had happened in my life where my teeth had been chattering. Well, as I meant to say "my teeth chattered" I actually said "my teeth shattered." People were laughing, a few were trying to be respectful and hold it in, I was baffled as I didn't realize what I had said and the pastor kindly told me "you said shattered instead of chattered." Then we all laughed.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Ephesians 2:8-9 & Romans 8:1
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