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  • Flames Of Righteousness

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Nov 4, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Four question to asks. Christ died to sin in two senses:1) In regard to sin’s penalty- He met its legal demands upon the sinner. 2) In regard to sin’s power- forever breaking its power over those who belong to Him. Paul’s point is that believers have d

    Flames Of Righteousness Romans 6:9-12NKJ Over a hundred years ago, a dignitary of France visited America. Upon his return home he wrote: “I sought for the greatness of America in her harbors and rivers and fertile fields, and her mines and commerce. It was not there. Not until I went more

  • The Righteousness Of God.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 23, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The key word in this stanza of the Psalm is righteous/ righteousness. The word appears five times in the section.

    THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. Psalm 119:137-144. PSALM 119:137. “Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments.” “Righteous art thou, O LORD,” is a declaration of the righteousness of God. And because He is righteous, all His “judgments” are “upright,” or “just.” Thus more

  • Peace, Joy And Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Todd Brock on Nov 13, 2008

    In the book of Isaiah, Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. He is called the Righteous One(Acts 3:14). He was said to have had Joy even as He faced the Cross (Hebrews 12:2). If these are indeed traits Jesus has, and if we are to imitate Him, then Peace

    Introduction: In the book of Isaiah, Jesus is called the Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6). He is called the Righteous One (Acts 3:14). He was said to have had Joy even as He faced the Cross (Hebrews 12:2). If these are indeed traits Jesus has, and if we are to imitate Him, then Peace, Righteousness more

  • A Credit Line Of Righteousness Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014

    The difference between when Jesus died and the death of every martyr or every hero who ever died is this: Those people died and they are still dead. The thing about Jesus Christ is he died, he was buried, and he came back after three days.

    INTRODUCTION Back in December I read a list of things you will never hear a good ‘ole boy in Texas say like, “I thought Graceland was tacky.” You’ll never hear, “You can’t feed that to the dog,” or “That deer head takes away from the decor of this more

  • The Armor Of God: Righteousness

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jul 16, 2023

    Dr. Bradford Reaves, minister with Crossway Christian Fellowship in Hagerstown, Maryland, told how when he was a police officer, he wore a piece of body armor every day.

    Alba 7-16-2023 THE ARMOR OF GOD: RIGHTEOUSNESS Ephesians 6:14 Dr. Bradford Reaves, minister with Crossway Christian Fellowship in Hagerstown, Maryland, told how when he was a police officer, he wore a piece of body armor every day. It was heavy, bulky, and hot, but it provided protection and more

  • Raised Up For Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 13, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    The Lord works sovereignly over the world & individuals because He created both the world & its people. It is His right as Creator & Sustainer. What God does He does in righteousness in order to bring forth righteousness.

    ISAIAH 45: 8-13 RAISED UP FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS The Lord works sovereignly over the world and individuals because He created both the world and its people. It is His right as Creator and Sustainer. Those created have no right to rebelliously question the Creator’s ways. What more

  • He Leads Me In The Right Tracks.

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Apr 8, 2009

    The Good Shepherd is the best guide for arighteous life.

    Changing the Price Tags: Tony Campolo "Who Switched The Price Tags?" One year, my best friend and I devised what we thought was a brilliant and creative plan for mischief. We decided to break into the basement of the local five-and-dime store. We did not plan to rob the place (Sunday School boys more

  • Lot - The Struggle Of Righteousness

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 19, 2009

    The stories in Genesis present Lot in a very negative light, but Peter and Abraham thought he was righteous. It is a time for adjusting our interpretation.

    Lot – The struggle of righteousness Genesis 18:16-33 This is a classic passage because it depicts something that we somehow know we should not do, bargaining with God. Abraham, out of concern for his nephew Lot, in an episode that sounds like an auction, begs God to be merciful. Five times, more

  • Raising The Righteousness Bar Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 220 ratings

    Jesus looked at the righteousness of those considered to be very religious in his day. Then he raised the bar to a level most would have considered impossible.

    Understanding the Kingdom - Part 5 3-25-01 INTRODUCTION In Jr. High, as part of my school’s track and field team, it was tough for me to find a field event. I tried them all, except pole vault (only b/c I couldn’t get in the air). No good at any of them. I could run at one speed for a long more

  • Judged By Whose Righteousness?

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Feb 7, 2015

    The claim to innocence can be rightly made only by the Savior, but, instead of seeking to escape judgment, He submitted Himself to wrath for my sake.

    If you're like me when you read Psalm 7, you may find your heart resonating with the opening verses: [1] O LORD my God, in you do I take refuge; save me from all my pursuers and deliver me, [2] lest like a lion they tear my soul apart, rending it in pieces, with none to deliver” more

  • Righteousness, A Gift For All Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 13 ratings

    None of us can earn God’s favour,because none of us is righteous, but he gives us righteousness, unearned and unmerited as a gift through the death and resurrectin of Jesus Christ.

    Can I just say how much I love baptisms. It’s great to be able to share the joy of parents and family and friends as they welcome a new person into the world and especially as we welcome that new person into the life of God’s Church. And it’s perhaps fitting that today we’re looking at a passage more

  • Just As He Is (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Apr 26, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    To establish that at Christ's second appearance; we shall see Him as He is, and be like Him: in righteousness, purity, and glory. This lesson stresses that we are sons of God, pure in heart, and made righteous: just as He is, "through the faith of Christ Jesus."

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. Just as He is: Sons 2. Just as He is: Pure 3. Just as He is: Righteous Remarks. 1. In our lesson today we are going to be discussing the theme: "Just as He is." John wrote: we shall see Him as He is, and be like Him, in glory and honor. This is solely possible more

  • Real Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 9, 2011

    The vast majority of the people on this planet are unrighteous in the eyes of God.

    Intro: 1. John Raymond, the executive pastor of the World Harvest Church in Slidell, Louisiana. He became the first clergyman on reality television when he appeared on Survivor Ta-hi-ti. Pastor Raymond wanted to use the experience to spread the gospel. Raymond brought things along that more

  • Real Righteousness

    Contributed by Scott Jensen on Oct 29, 2019

    Luther's studies reveled that we are saved by grace through faith, and not by works. That thought is the heart of what the reformation. This sermon ties into the reformation with the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

    Opening and Introduction Tonight, is a special day as we celebrate the reformation. Just over 500 years ago, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses on the Wittenberg church door, which changed the landscape of Europe, and the world. Luther’s disagreement with the Catholic church was very similar to the more

  • The Gift Of Righteousness

    Contributed by William Nieporte on Nov 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Righteousness is God’s gift to us, not our gift to God.

    Two men go to church to pray First – one of the few, the proud, the chosen – one of the Pharisees Rules—obeyed; Rituals—observed; Regulations—followed. Religion = Performance He performed well. He was self-centered, self-serving, and self-righteous. Sabbath – prayer time. Song of Ascent more