Sermon Series Season of Lent
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I Desire Mercy Not Sacrifice
Experiencing the mercy of God in our lives
Ready & Faithful
Looking to Jesus for help now and hope in the future
Why Suffering?
Help your church understand God's plan in pain
Just like a good shepherd who leads his sheep to rest, God will give us rest and provide for us.
INTRODUCTION • What picture comes to mind when you think of rest? • Maybe it's a beach, a hammock by a cabin in the woods, or lying in a meadow next to a bubbling brook. • No matter the scene, we have pictures and images that help us imagine what rest looks like. • People are desperate to more
Scripture: Psalm 23:1-4
Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ
Explores prioritizing God's kingdom in our lives, facing life's difficulties, and living a fulfilled life through Christ's teachings.
Good morning, church family! I'm so glad to see y'all here today, ready to open your hearts and minds to God's word. We're gonna have a chat today, a heart-to-heart conversation about our lives, our struggles, and how we can truly live the good life in Christ. Before we get started, let's read the more
Scripture: Matthew 6:33
Topics: Good Life, Christ
First sermon in series "Living Life on Purpose - Christ’s Answers to Man’s Questions". This is a question from John the Baptist.
Christ’s purpose-driven life was constantly arousing the curiosity of onlookers. Whether His followers or His enemies, people were so impressed with Him, or, in some cases, intimidated by Him, that they wanted to know how and why He had it all together - so they asked Him questions. Jesus used more
Scripture: Matthew 3:1-17
Denomination: Baptist
The Body of Christ needs to learn how to administer “Good Grief” in loss, in crisis and in trauma situations of life.
Good Grief - part 1 On the lighter side of life: Peanuts Comic Strip - with Charlie Brown sayin "Good Grief." Thesis: The Body of Christ needs to learn how to administer “Good Grief” in loss, in crisis and in trauma situations of life. Introduction: Dr. H Norman Wright tells this story: My more
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational
Good Grief -- Part 4 On the lighter side of life: Funny pictures from Testimony: Trevor Jorgenson Thesis: The Body of Christ needs to learn how to administer “Good Grief” in loss, in crisis and in trauma situations of life. Summary of the series – What have we learned? Good Grief pt more
Scripture: James 1:2-5
This sermon answers the question of evil, the one humanity has wrestled with for years: If there is God, why there is so much evil in the world.
Introduction The question of evil is one that humanity has wrestled with for centuries: If there is a God, why is there so much evil in the world? It's easy to wonder how a good and loving God could allow such things to happen when we witness suffering, injustice, and pain. Many skeptics more
Scripture: James 1:17, Romans 8:28
Denomination: Pentecostal
If you’re going to pass the tests of life and come out on the other side of your trials a better person, look to the God who is always good, and listen to Him.
We all know that duct tape and bailing wire will fix almost anything. Well, not quite. A man in Alaska less than a month ago (June 8, 2017) attempted to cross a channel near Juneau on a homemade, inflatable raft made with duct tape. He put the raft into the water with a paddle and his dog, but no more
Scripture: James 1:17-20
Denomination: Evangelical Free
Go ahead, have a good cry if you need to. Then let your tears draw you close to others and to God.
There is a new trend in China’s changing culture, which I find very interesting. The trend is a Cry Bar and it’s spreading to several major Chinese cities. The first Cry Bar opened eight or nine years ago (2003) in the city of Nanjing with only a sofa, a few tables, and tissues – a lot of more
Scripture: Genesis 50:1-26
This sermon encourages believers to seek divine guidance, embrace transformation, and answer God's call to discipleship for a life of faith, fruitfulness, and fulfillment.
Good morning, dear friends. It's a joy to gather with you today, as we stand on the precipice of a new week, brimming with God's promises and possibilities. We find ourselves, once again, in the comforting embrace of fellowship, ready to open our hearts to the enduring wisdom of God's word. In the more
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20
Topics: Eternal Life
This sermon explores the depth of God's love as demonstrated through His gift of Jesus, the grace of the cross, and the goodness derived from sacrifice.
Welcome, beloved, to this sacred gathering. It's truly a blessing to be here in the house of God, with each one of you, as we get ready to immerse ourselves in God's Word. Each time we come together, we are given this unique opportunity to grow, to learn, to be nourished by the holy scriptures, and more
Scripture: John 3:16
Topics: Jesus, Cross
In the decision to go to the cross, Jesus made the decision to identify with humanity in the final and greatest way.
God Loved So Much Easter Weekend Message April 10, 2004 Cornwall/Montreal When we think of Incarnation, if we think of it at all, we think of it in the Christmas season. We understand that Incarnation has to do with God coming to be with us, and we understand that he did this by coming in Jesus as more
Scripture: Mark 26:52-54, John 3:16
God’s love is supremely exhibited in the cross of Christ.
The cross of Christ – by which we mean his suffering, and death, and resurrection – is a topic packed with significance. Without the cross, there would be no Christianity. No forgiveness of sins, no eternal life, no hope for the future, no power for this present life. The cross is more than a more
Scripture: John 15:13
Is My Heart Open to God? Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – January 13, 2019
Is My Heart Open to God? Series: Encountering Jesus (through the Gospel of Luke) Brad Bailey – January 13, 2019 Intro A belated welcome into the New Year. Our planet has completed it’s rotation around the sun…and we are now on a fresh start. It gives us the opportunity to consider how we are more
Scripture: Luke 3:1-20
On Easter Evening Jesus "opened the minds" of the disciples to see that He was fulfilling the O.T. prophecies. Ezekiel 34 is one of those passages.... Jesus is telling the Pharisees that He is the Lord. Some thoughts are from a sermon by John Piper
In Jesus Holy Name April 21, 2018 Text: John 10:11 Easter IV “God Promised A Shepherd…… Himself” Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! The Good news of Easter is not that Jesus lived and died but that “Jesus Died and Lives” and He will return again. more
Denomination: Lutheran
This sermon explores how God can use what appears to be evil or harmful for His greater purpose.
Introduction: The Story of Joseph Let us begin with the story of Joseph, the son of Jacob. Joseph was beloved by his father but hated by his brothers. Out of jealousy, they sold him into slavery, and Joseph was taken to Egypt. There, he endured many trials: he was falsely accused of a crime and more
Scripture: Genesis 50:20