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  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Michael Blankenship on May 22, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    what is the good Life? Will we know it if we have it?

    Years ago, the Saint Petersburg Times, ran clues to a treasure of two hundred dollars that had been buried some where in the Tampa-Saint Petersburg area. Two thousand people showed up in front of the papers offices on the day the final clue was printed. During the next thirty minutes several more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by W F on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 209 ratings

    Psalm 1 describes how to be truly successful in life.

    The Good Life (Psalm 1) INTRODUCTION A young man was learning to be a paratrooper. Before his first jump, he was given these instructions: 1. Jump when you are told. 2. Count to ten and pull the ripcord. 3. In the unlikely event that your chute doesn’t open pull the emergency ripcord. 4. When more

  • Good Life Series

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on May 6, 2004
    based on 99 ratings

    Message series in book of James: “Extreme Makeover: What Really Looks Good to God”Get God’s view of a good life.

    “Good Life” Message in “extreme makeover” series Happy Mother’s Day! Ah the good life… Mothers, actually, all of us dream of the good life, don’t we? Our culture is big on it, especially now powered by the popular “Extreme Makeover” TV series and all its clones. And it seems, as our culture more

  • The Good Life Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    A good life involves having 1) the right attitude, 2) have the right response, 3) have the right standard, and 4) have the right incentive.

    VBS this week: joy of children celebrating realities of God, it becomes obvious how we often learn ways of casting off Joy and losing focus. This morning, given our locale of worship, I want to change our usual format to focus on the nature of a good life in 1 Pt 3:8-12 in having 1) the right more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Aug 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Whatever you have, learn to be content with what God has entrusted to you. Remember, it isn’t wrong to earn more to live in security and provide for your family. It is the love of money that is dangerous. It is the constant pursuit of the good life tha

    The Good Life, Luke 12:13-21 Introduction By the time I met my father in law he had been a used car salesman for more than thirty years. For the bulk of that he owned a buy here pay here lot. He could always get a great deal from him, but you just had to know that any car you got from “Big John” more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Aug 31, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    An exploration of the good life according to Hebrews 13:1-8.

    The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 29, 2010 The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. St. Andrew’s Church Hebrews 13:1-8 “The Good Life” I don’t watch a lot of television commercials but I have to admit that there’s a series that I enjoy. They feature a burly more

  • The Good Life Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 13, 2013

    A study of the book of Proverbs #2

    Proverbs 2: 1 – 22 The Good Life 1 My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, 2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; 3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, 4 If you seek her as more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Daniel Wheat on May 29, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The average lifespan of a man is 70 years. For a woman it is 75. With all of the medical advances there are those who have lived to 100 and even as old as 115 years of age. To imagine all of the life experiences in that much time. What technological advan

    The Good Life Psalm 90:12 Psalms 90:1-17 (ESV) Intro: The average lifespan of a man is 70 years. For a woman it is 75. With all of the medical advances there are those who have lived to 100 and even as old as 115 years of age. To imagine all of the life experiences in that much time. What more

  • The Good Life Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Oct 22, 2019

    This blog address the issue of good life. What is the good life? How to have a good life based on God’s word? Read and see how the good life is in our attitude and not in our possessions.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: This blog address the issue of good life. What is the good life? How to have a more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on May 1, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    To find out how to life a "good life" in the eyes of Jesus please read this sermon on Psalms 16.

    Living the Good Life Psalms 16 Online Sermon: What does “living a good life” mean? The obvious definition would be that a good life is one that does not do evil unto others. Many people believe that if a person’s words or deeds do not infringe on more

  • The Good Life

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Nov 9, 2018

    This blog address the issue of good life. What is the good life? How to have a good life based on God's word? Read and see how the good life is in our attitude and not in our possessions.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: This sermon address the issue of good life. What is the good life? How to have more

  • The Good Life Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 28, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    1) the right attitude (1 Peter 3:8), 2) The right response (1 Peter 3:9), 3) The right standard (1 Peter 3:10-11), and 4) the right incentive (1 Peter 3:12).

    1 Peter 3:8-12 8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. 9 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. 10 For “Whoever desires to love life more

  • The Good Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 14, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores prioritizing God's kingdom in our lives, facing life's difficulties, and living a fulfilled life through Christ's teachings.

    Good morning, church family! I'm so glad to see y'all here today, ready to open your hearts and minds to God's word. We're gonna have a chat today, a heart-to-heart conversation about our lives, our struggles, and how we can truly live the good life in Christ. Before we get started, let's read the more

  • Good Words = Good Life Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 28, 2016

    In this sermon, we explore the good uses of our tongues and our words.

    Introduction: A. Today, we are returning to our series called: “Speak Life – Speaking Words that Heal, not Hurt.” 1. The Bible tells us that words have the power of life and death. 2. God’s desire is for all of us to learn how to control our tongues so that our words more

  • The Good Or Not So Good Life Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Nov 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This is a look at Psalm 1. It lists six things: Things to Avoid - Things to Pursue - Things to Produce - Things to Cast-Away - Things of Warning - Things to Choose

    The Good Or Not So-Good Life On the news this past week there was a report on the most expensive neighborhoods in the United States. I don’t recall all the neighborhoods it talked about so I looked it up. Here are some of them: 3. Beverly Hills – Cal. $22.8 million 2. Snowmass – Col 23.6 more

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