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  • The Future Salvation Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Aug 6, 2012
    based on 17 ratings

    The restoration of Israel has always been part of God's plan. For the word of God's promise must be fulfilled. The new covenant will not be complete until it fully embraces the people of the old covenant.

    ROMANS 11: 25-32 THE FUTURE SALVATION OF ISRAEL [Isaiah 60] The crowning outcome of the discussion in chapters 9-11 is "THE FUTURE SALVATION OF ISRAEL." The culminating point is that God has promised to save Israel. For the same mercy that has overtaken the Gentiles who were once disobedient more

  • God Knows Who You Are

    Contributed by John Quigley on Oct 13, 2012

    Based in Hebrews 4:12-16 expository sermon on Christ as High Priest and our receiving mercy and grace by His actions on our behalf.

    Heb 4:12-16 NKJV For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (13) And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all more

  • God Pursues His Beloved

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Mar 16, 2021

    God wants to be known personally, intimately, and vitally. He wants us to look to him with deep affection, and to depend on him always, because we know him. So foster that true commitment to God: listening to him, speaking with him, and walking with him.

    Say you’ve met that “special someone.” It’s one you’ve come to love, it’s the one you want to marry. Probably we all can picture this very human event: meeting someone, falling in love, becoming husband and wife. There’s a lot of joy in this great gift! But then something takes place that nobody more

  • Being Independent Together With God

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 31, 2024

    This message is a revision of a message I delivered previously. God has given us free-will and will not override our decisions. His desire is that we will choose to come into agreement with Him and walk with Him. The choice is ours.

    Being Independent Together With God Scripture: Amos 3:3; John 8:36; Exodus 1:11a; 3:7-8; Romans 12:2 Good morning Strangers Rest! This morning, I will be talking with you about “Being Independent Together With God.” While the title seems to be contradictory when you consider that the more

  • God's Requirements

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 19, 2023

    What does God require? What's the MINIMUM? What Does God want?

    God’s Requirements (Micah 6:1-8) Intro: A. I have been a dad to four children, a father-in-law, a grandfather, a child to my parents and in all of the family situations I have been in there comes a time, the terrible two that last until 32, where the child says to the parents, “What do you want more

  • A Tale Of Two Prayers

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Apr 16, 2013

    Knowing ourselves to be a sinner opens the door to salvation, whereas self-righteousness separates us from our God and our neighbor.

    "A TALE OF TWO PRAYERS" It was just another day, like all the days that came before, and two men entered the temple to pray, as men had done for centuries. One of the men was a Pharisee. He was a man, to use Mark Twain's phrase, "who was good in the worst sense of the word." The other man was a more

  • A Dynamic Church Witnesses To The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    God enables those who have received mercy to witness to the gospel through deeds of mercy.

    Scripture Introduction “Who is my neighbor?” “Who is my neighbor?” One of the most intriguing and studied questions ever asked. It all began when a religious leader, in order to test Jesus, asked: “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus’ answer was simple, if impossible: more

  • “hard Hearts And Providential Pots: More On God’s Sovereign Character” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Apr 27, 2013

    Romans 9 gives an excellent and clear view of the excellence and Sovereignty of God in choosing some for salvation and honorable eternal service to His Glory.

    “Hard Hearts and Providential Pots: More on God’s Sovereign Character” Romans 9: 13-29 God does not “choose” people for salvation according to race, religion, ancestry, or ability, but more

  • Luke 18:9-14 Series

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Jan 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating


    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • Don't Just Feel It Heal It

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Nov 25, 2008

    Don’t Just Feel IT Lord Heal IT You can also listen to this message at (November)

    LK 17:11 Commentators say Circumstances meant Jesus took an alternative rout to Jerusalem. Perhaps Because of Rejection/Un-receptiveness In Samaria which was the Normal / Direct Easy Usual Route. Jesus stays away from Un-receptiveness, Paul Open Wide Your Hearts, Are You But Just one invite all more

  • To Dip, Or Not

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 8, 2020

    A study of the transformation Naaman experienced may encourage us to humble ourselves before the Lord.

    “Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master and in high favor, because by him the LORD had given victory to Syria. He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper. Now the Syrians on one of their raids had carried off a little girl from the land of more

  • Parable Of The Pharisee And Tax Collector

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Oct 21, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    prayer does not have to be complex - God hears them all

    Luke 18:1-14 This is yet another one of Jesus’ parables which teaches us about the quality of prayer. In several other parables within the Gospel of Luke, Jesus addresses our need to prayer faithfully and unceasingly. This parable addresses whose prayers are welcomed by God and whose fall on more

  • God Working In Us

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on Sep 1, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    God saves us by His mercy, then supplies us through His riches, and also strengthens us by His power.

    GOD WORKING IN US I ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY HE SAVES US Titus 3:4-5 When God our Saviour revealed his kindness and love, He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. more

  • God Is Still With You PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores God's unfailing love, mercy, and grace, and how our present choices shape our divine destiny.

    Good morning, dear friends. We are gathered here today, not by chance or coincidence, but by divine appointment. We are here to delve into the richness of God's word, to seek His face, and to find solace in His promises. Opening Scripture Reading – Our focus today is the well-loved verse from the more

  • Part 19: Follow The Lord! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 29, 2011

    Follow the Lord, because He: 1. has a mission for you (vs. 1-4). 2. is the Master for all time (vs. 5). 3. is full of gracious mercy (vs. 6-7). 4. has the infinite power of miracles (vs. 8-10). 5. wants to manifest His glory through you (vs. 28-33).

    Moses on the Mountain with the Lord Part 19: Follow the Lord! Exodus 34:1-33 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Nov. 3, 2010 *Moses is certainly one of the greatest heroes of our faith, one of the greatest men of all time and one of the greatest leaders of all time. *But why was more

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