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Sermons on Galatas 6:14:

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  • Put An Asterisk By Your Name

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon examines some of the key elements that should characterize a believers life.

    In writing, whenever you put an asterisk by something you are drawing attention to a footnote, a note or to a reference. At the end of Galatians Paul does something that is similar to putting an asterisk in your writing. In the book of Galatians Paul has combated the false teachings of the more

  • True Fruit And Bragging Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    A message from an expository series from the Book of Galatians.

    Think for a moment about how Paul must have felt as he dictated this letter. Perhaps he picked up the manuscript and reread the arguments he presented and the instructions he gave. Probably some time had passed since the original dictation. He thought the letter was complete and as probably was more

  • Thank God For Teachers!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The best way to honor your teacher is to live out the truths they are teaching you.

    Thank God for Teachers! Galatians 6:1-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 29, 2007 *We are not always as grateful as we ought to be. Here’s part of a quiz Richard Burkey put together to help measure your gratitude. *Question 1: You are in the 10 item, cash only line with more

  • The Tree That Dwarfs All Trees, Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 15, 2008

    The General Sherman tree in Sequoia is really large, but the cross of Jesus Christ dwarfs all trees.

    Pictures of the Cross Part 1 Introduction: 1. In Sequoia National Park in California, There is a big tree called the General Sherman. One of the oldest living things in the world Largest living thing in the world 102 ft. around the base of the tree It has the distinction of being the more

  • Why The Cross And Not Some Other Form Of Death, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Why was the cross the instrument of death for Jesus and not some other form of death?

    Pictures of the Cross Part 2 Introduction: 1. In Sequoia National Park in California, There is a big tree called the General Sherman. 2. We learned last week, the tree of the cross of Calvary dwarfs the General Sherman "And, having made peace for us by the blood of his cross, he more

  • Repentance And The Spirit Of God Gives Access To The Power Of God, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We will learn that through repentance and the Spirit of God, we gain access to the power of God na dthe cross.

    Pictures of the Cross Part 3 Review: Last week we learned, three reasons why the cross was the means of death. 1. The cross would give sufficient time for Christ to feel the weight of sin, and the disgrace, and the abandonment, we all have felt 2. Suspended between two worlds, more

  • Accessing The Power Of The Cross By Faith, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 15, 2008

    we accessthe power of the cross by faith. The cross of Jesus offers no power for those who do not believe in that which had taken place there.

    Pictures of the Cross Part 4 Review: Lets review the three messages preached so far First- The tree that dwarfs all trees Second- Why the cross and not some other form of death? Third- Repentance and the Spirit of God grants access to the power of the cross And the title of more

  • The Cross, The Power Of Choice, Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Richard Laraviere on Aug 15, 2008

    The cross offers the power of choice to each one. Just like the thieves who hung there, each made his choice.

    Pictures of the Cross Part 5 Text: "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." (Galatians 6:14, NKJV) A. The cross, the place of choice a. Hanging each on the other side of the main more

  • How To Apply The Fruit Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Nov 18, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Practical application of the Fruit of the Spirit. Stop living by what comes naturally to you, start living by what comes unnaturally, Paul calls this, Life in the Spirit.

    “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” When we lived in San Antonio I had a vegetable garden out back. I grew various types of vegetables, but the plants that always did the best were pepper plants. Now I didn’t have a lot of room for a garden, so a crammed more

  • Live To Please God Series

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Jun 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What is is that God wants of me? God doesn’t want religion he wants faithfulness.

    1/ God’s purpose ... God wants us to live for him. The law was given so people could demonstrate their faithfulness and love for him. That would over flow into love for other people. People have turned their back to live for themselves. Many of these people are religious (Christian even) They more

  • Freedom's Cross Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    If we want to be free from the pressure to perform, we cannot seek to impress others with ourselves. Instead, we must be impressed only with what Christ did for us on the cross.

    Freedom’s Cross (Galatians 6:11-18) Once upon a time an old man and his son were on their way to market. The old man was leading a donkey and the boy was walking behind when they went through the first village. There, the people called the old man a fool for not riding the donkey. So he more

  • Marked By Freedom Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 2, 2009
    based on 36 ratings

    Motive is what is dealt with, & the church today needs to examine the motive for our ministries. We know what we are doing, but do we know why we are doing it? Many a good work is ruined before God because of a bad motive.

    GALATIANS 6: 11-18 MARKED BY FREEDOM [2 Corinthians 11:18-33] The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to add these closing words to give one more contrast between the legalists & the Spirit-led Christians. The Spirit-led live for the glory of Christ, not the praise of man. Motive is what is dealt more

  • The Glory Of The Cross

    Contributed by Joseph Barraclough on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is to help us understand why Paul gloried in the Cross of Christ, and see how this motivated him in ministry.

    Text: Galatians 6:14 “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Intro: On this day we have gathered together for this special service to commemorate the Resurrection Morning nearly 2,000 years more

  • The Two Ways

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jul 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The same crossroads that mankind had to choose from in Paul’s day are still with us today. The world is standing at the crossroads today, Will people choose the path of human justification and self-righteousness or will they take the path of God’s mercy

    The Way of The World/The Way of The Cross Galatians 6:11-18 11Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. 12As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should more

  • Boast In The Lord Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 18, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    1) Power: to free people from the world’s bondage, 2) Power: do what the flesh cannot do, & 3)Power: to bring salvation.

    I had an interesting event happen this week that perhaps you can relate to. In performing a martial arts drill I was instructed to hit a pad while an opponent was instructed to push me off balance. All went well until one of the pushes caused me to spin around and at the exact same time another more

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