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  • Father’s Day Message - The Good Father

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jun 9, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Our God is a Loving Father! What is God really like? Some people think the most important question of life is “Do you believe in God?” But a more important question is “What kind of God do you believe in?”

    Luke 15 has been called the lost and found department of the Bible. In it we find (1) the lost sheep that was brought home with joy, Lu 15:4-7; (2) the lost silver that was found with joy, Lu 15:8-10; and the lost son that had been a prodigal, but returned to his father's house, and was more

  • The Parable Of The Lost Sheep: A Message Of Redemption And Restoration

    Contributed by Christian Jones on Jun 9, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This timeless story carries a message of hope, redemption, and restoration that is relevant to each one of us, whether we are saved, backslidden, or seeking a deeper connection with God. Let us embark on a journey of inspiration and exhortation, as we look to this profound parable.

    Point 1: The Shepherd's Love and Care In Matthew 18:10, Jesus begins by emphasizing the preciousness of each individual soul. Our Heavenly Father cares deeply for every person, regardless of their current spiritual state. Just as a shepherd would leave the ninety-nine sheep to search for the more

  • Funeral Message (Of Sandra Age 73) Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 4, 2023

    Because our enemy of death has been defeated by Jesus who died on the cross to pay the penalty for sin. He died the just for the unjust to bring us back to God. He rose again that as Christians we to share in the resurrection.

    Funeral Message (of Sandra Age 73) We are here this morning to pay our respects to Sandra. She died at the age of 73 after a 15-year long battle with cancer. Her life, although not without its difficulties was rich and full. It was through her most difficult times that her strength of character more

  • Christmas Message - His Name Is I/Emmanuel Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 10, 2022

    The great fact Christmas shouts out is Immanuel. It means God is with us, with us in all those good and difficult situations. We look at some issues here where all through Life God is with us. He is the fullness of the Deity - with us forever. This is a Christmas message. GOD WITH US.

    CHRISTMAS MESSAGE - HIS NAME IS I/EMMANUEL TWO EXAMPLES OF CHRIST’S APPEARANCES IN THE OLD TESTAMENT In the first part of this message, there are scripture readings I have put into the text. [A]. THE FOURTH MAN IN THE FURNACE Daniel 3 – {{Daniel 3:19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with more

  • Great Messages Of Encouragement #2: Strength To The Weary

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 15, 2022

    In Isaiah's day Judah was invaded by Assyria, threatened by Babylon and ridden with sin. And yet, Isaiah offers a wonderful message of encouragement: 'they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles.' How is that possible?

    Last week we started a series on ‘Great Messages of Encouragement’ in Scripture. Today we’re going to look at a great message of encouragement in Isaiah. It’s at the end of Isaiah 40. Isaiah writes: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even more

  • Revival Fires! (A Pre-Revival Message)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 18, 2022

    I guess you heard about the two fellows out on a hot sunny day.

    One of them complained, "I am hot, let's find a place to cool off." The other one said, "Yea, me too! Where do you want to go?" The grumbler said, "Well, the coldest place I know of is the church down the street, let's go there..." Now, that has been told as more

  • Paul’s Message Before Governor Felix Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Feb 9, 2022

    We see that Paul is faithful to Jesus Christ in whatever his circumstance. He faced numerous attempts on his life. He was on trial and struck in the face. In all these hardships Paul remained steadfast and whenever he had the chance, he shared the gospel with Governor Felix.

    The Background of Paul before Felix Here we find Paul in Caesarea standing before Felix the governor. Paul recently completed his third missionary journey and now he is beginning his Jerusalem to Rome ministry. Right before he went to Jerusalem, he stopped in Caesarea to visit Philip the more

  • Dealing With Injustice - A Message From Psalm 49 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Apr 4, 2022

    Injustice is everywhere and how does that affect the Christian? Faith must be placed in God, and this Psalm is exploring that. We are not to fear. The Psalm takes up redemption then moves to ultimate death for all when we take nothing with us. God redeems from the power of hell.

    DEALING WITH INJUSTICE - A MESSAGE FROM PSALM 49 GOD WILL REDEEM MY SOUL FROM THE POWER OF SHEOL A MESSAGE FROM PSALM 49 - A SERIES ON THE SONS OF KORAH Ron Ferguson 16 June 2019 Many of the Psalms numbered in the 40s and in the 80s were written by “The Sons of Korah”. We will look at these more

  • God's Message To Us In Christ

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 30, 2023

    Throughout the ages, God has been seeking men and women who have ears to hear and hearts willing to respond to spiritual truths. In these last days He has spoken to us through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Is anyone still willing to hear Him?

    The Scriptures tell us that God is not silent regarding His presence, His direction, His expectations from us, and the message of salvation He brings to all who will hear and obey Him. He has spoken to us through the wonder of creation (Psalm 19:1-3; Romans 1:18-22), the words of the prophets, more

  • Preparing For Easter: An Outline For An Easter Sunday Message

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Apr 7, 2023

    There was no doubt Jesus Christ was dead. But there was also no doubt Jesus was alive again, after He had been crucified and buried. He is risen, hallelujah!

    Introduction: Easter Sunday. This is one of the best days ever! This is when we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord from the dead. Because He died, we may have life, because He lives, we too can life forever! But for those living on that first Easter Sunday, they may not have shared those same more

  • Artificial People Living Artificial Lives - Message Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Apr 13, 2023

    Do people live artificial lives because they are artificial, OR they are artificial because they live artificial lives? Olives will never be produced from a fig tree. The world is full of artificial people. What about Christians – are you living an artificial life that does not please God?

    ARTIFICIAL PEOPLE LIVING ARTIFICIAL LIVES - MESSAGE [A]. EXPOSING ARTIFICIALITY I have just seen one of these documentaries set in a very exclusive English Hotel rated with 5 stars. It is popular with some of royalty and film stars and other high profile people. It is very expensive with more

  • A Veteran’s Day/Thanksgiving Day Message Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Nov 18, 2022

    There's only a couple of weeks between Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving Day. This message is an attempt to combine features of each holiday.

    (Note: Based on and edited from a message preached November 13, 2022 at First Baptist Church, Chamois, MO. This is not an exact transcription.) Introduction: Veteran’s Day was originally called Armistice Day in honor of the Armistice ending the First World War. This Armistice took place on “the more

  • The Un-Changed Message In An Ever-Changing World

    Contributed by Anthony Sosa on Jan 14, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    In a world that never stops changing, the Gospel remains our constant, unshakable truth. While our methods may adapt to meet people where they are, the message of Christ’s love and salvation remains timeless and unaltered.

    Introduction We live in a world where everything seems to change rapidly—from the way we communicate to the way we live our daily lives. But amidst all the uncertainty and shifting trends, the Gospel of Jesus Christ stands unshaken. As Christians, we’re called to adapt our methods for sharing this more

  • The Last Message Of Daniel, 3. Persia, Alexander, And The Successors Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 3, 2015

    Here begins the predictions of the man of God via the Spirit of God, every one of which has, or will, come to pass. The Persian and Greek Empires are here seen, along with that which flowed from Greece's demise, which the Holy Spirit wants us to see!

    2: Persia, Alexander and the Successors 11:2b– 11:4 11:2b “Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia” In fact seven kings will rule in Persia, but the angel is asking Daniel to focus on the next three kings so as to pay special attention to the fourth. In 530 [all dates more

  • Life Advice

    Contributed by Ian Biss on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This a short talk I gave at my sons high school graduation party as he prepares to go into the US Army. It is the gospel presented as concisely as I can make it.

    Life Advice July 22 2007 A Farewell Message as My Son Goes to the Army As you will soon be leaving the nest, I wanted to give you the most important counsel that I have to offer. 1. Get and Stay Humble Pride can be a good thing for instance; it is good to have pride in your country, pride in more

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