Sermon Series
  • 1. What Timothy Might Say To His Mother

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2020

    If Timothy could have sent his mother, Eunice, a nice Mother's Day card, he might have said something like this.

    (Note: this edited message is intentionally somewhat brief, in order to provide time for honoring mothers on Mother’s Day such as flowers, other awards, and so forth.) Introduction: Timothy was one of Paul’s co-workers. He traveled with Paul to many places, assisting in Paul’s ministry, and even more

  • 2. The Message This Mother Didn’t Want To Hear

    Contributed on May 9, 2020

    She got the message that when she came back home, her son would die. What mother wanted to hear that kind of message? The wife of Jeroboam, first king of the Ten Tribes of Israel, experienced this very thing.

    Introduction: many Mother’s Day messages focus on the positive. Some sermons focus on any number of good mothers, those like Eunice (Timothy’s mother) who is only mentioned once in Scripture by name, but the deeds of her son speak volumes. Other good mothers come to mind, like Hannah, Leah, more

  • 3. Hannah—a Faithful Mother

    Contributed on May 17, 2020

    She wanted a child and promised the Lord she would give that child to the Lord's service. Hannah gives us a classic example of a faithful mother.

    Introduction: The story of Hannah is a beautiful story. She was a genuine believer in the LORD, God of Israel, first and foremost, and also the mother of Samuel, one of Israel’s greatest leaders. She was also one of a few women who, unable to have a child by any other means, bore a child as a more

  • 4. Jezebel: She Was Not A Good Mother

    Contributed on May 20, 2020

    Ahab, king of the Ten Northern Tribes of Israel, married Jezebel, a pagan woman. When she came to town, things went from bad to worse.

    Introduction: Scripture records the names of many mothers. Some of these mothers were good, raising their children for good and for God. Eunice, Timothy’s mother; and Elisabeth, mother of John the Baptist; are two mentioned in the New Testament. The Old Testament also has the names of many mothers more

  • 5. Solomon And The Two Mothers

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2023

    Solomon had prayed for wisdom, and he was going to need it when these two mothers came to see him!

    Introduction: Solomon, son of David, had just been crowned King of Israel. The LORD Himself had appeared to him in a dream, where the LORD asked Solomon what he would like to have. Solomon asked for wisdom and “an understanding heart to judge” the people (1 Kings 3:6-9). Now Solomon was about to more

  • 6. This Mother Made A Terrible Choice

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2023

    Famine. There isn't much worse that could happen to anyone. A mother made a deal with another mother to find food. But she made a terrible choice when she did this.

    Introduction: The city of Samaria was surrounded by enemies. Famine had come into the city and people were paying tremendous amounts of money for small portions of food. But for two mothers, they had a gruesome item on the menu. 1 The famine affected the city Text, 2 Kings 6:24-25, KJV: 24 And more

  • 7. Sisera's Mother-Her Son Was Missing In Action

    Contributed on May 8, 2023

    She had to be proud of him--he was a high-ranking officer in the army. But when the battle was over and he didn't come home, she began to have some concerns. "Missing" is the worst status ever for a soldier.

    Introduction: Nearly everyone who has ever served in the military is aware of the risk in any armed conflict. Some warriors are killed in action, others are taken prisoner, but the worst fate of all is to be listed as missing. Sisera’s mother was one of the many mothers whose son never came home more