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  • Famous Last Words On Mission Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 29, 2024

    Talk about mission from Revelation 8 & 9 from the first 6 trumpets

    HoHum: Memorial Day: I stand for the flag; I kneel for the cross WBTU: Saw a bumper sticker that said: Jesus is coming! Look busy! Boss is coming so look busy The Bible teaches that a day is coming when the trumpet of the archangel will sound, the eastern sky will split and Jesus will come more

  • Famous Last Words On Politics Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 12, 2024

    3 visions to fight beasts (of Revelation 12-13) are found in Revelation 14 (Material adapted from Eugene Peterson's Book, Reversed Thunder, chapter 9 of same title)

    HoHum: This is an election year so we need a sermon on the famous last words on politics. Eugene Peterson said, “There is no avoiding politics. The moment one life touches upon another politics begin. And our lives do touch on others whether we will it or not. We are centers of power- power more

  • Last Words (Genesis 50)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 2, 2024

    Will our last words be ones of reconciliation and forgiveness? Let's look at Genesis 50.

    Was Joseph forgiving and gracious towards his brothers’ past crimes? Did he see that God’s plan was greater than their sins? Do we also see God working things out even during great personal suffering? Let’s look at Genesis 50. Did Joseph mourn his father? Did the Egyptians also mourn Israel? And more

  • The Last Three 'fruit Of The Spirit': Faithfulness, Gentleness And Self-Control

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Aug 5, 2023

    How can we be more like God? By demonstrating God's character. We look at three more wonderful qualities of God that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in us.

    INTRODUCTION Today, we’re having the last in our series on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. We’re going to look at the last three fruit in Paul’s list: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I thought I’d do something a bit different to usual today. I’m going to look at three true more

  • Last Hours Of Jesus' Life - Free From Passivity

    Contributed by Joanne Chan on May 18, 2018

    In this sermon, we look at how the people mocked Jesus as he walked toward the hill of Golgotha, and contrast that with his encounter with Simon from Cyrene to see what it really means to carry the cross for Jesus.

    Central theme: Jesus denied himself and took the punishment for us with total dedication. We should take up the cross and follow Jesus, which means denying our old self (our comfort, your desires) and live for God because God is leading us to an even better place. Opening: Think of a place more

  • God Is A Faithful Restorer

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jan 25, 2025

    When God promises that he will restore double to you, he means he will restore what you have lost with (or plus) interest. This means that if you have lost ten lakhs in the last ten years, he will restore you ten lakhs(principal amount) with interest.

    Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. Zechariah 9:12 When God promises that he will restore double to you, he means he will restore what you have lost with (or plus) interest. This means that if you have lost ten lakhs in the last more

  • Passing The Torch Of Faith

    Contributed by Vernon L Caruthers on May 7, 2005
    based on 80 ratings

    Our text comes from the last letter Paul wrote from a Roman prison cell before his death. Paul realized that when his beloved Timothy recived word of his death --- Satan would use this to try to discourage this young minister. Paul writes to him and remin

    PASSING THE TORCH OF FAITH II TIMOTHY 1:1-7 INTRODUCTION: The book of II Timothy was the last known letter that the apostle Paul wrote from a Roman prison cell --- just before Nero had him beheaded for his belief in Jesus Christ and for the preaching of Jesus Christ and Jesus’ more

  • Great And Mighty People Of Faith

    Contributed by Danny Presswood on Jan 26, 2009

    The Lord’s supper is a GREAT AND MIGHTY WORSHIP experience, and I am convinced the Last Supper of Jesus gives us some insights into what it means to be GREAT AND MIGHTY PEOPLE OF FAITH.

    In his book, INVITATION TO THE FEAST, Danny Bush says “At the Passover meal with His disciples, directly before His death and resurrection, Jesus changed the meaning of that supper from a reminder of escape from slavery in Egypt to a reminder of the sacrifice He made that brings freedom from the more

  • Are You Going Over There? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the themes of trouble, hope, joy, and freedom in the context of Job's suffering, emphasizing that while anxiety and suffering are inevitable, we have the choice not to be imprisoned by them through faith in God.

    Good morning, church family! There's a quote by Max Lucado, that I want to share with you this morning. He once said, "The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional." That, my friends, is where we find ourselves today in the book of Job, chapter 3, verses 17-20. Hear more

  • Sheep Do Sheepy Things, Goats Do Goaty Things

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Aug 12, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. How then, can Jesus link our eternal destinies as "sheep" or "goats" to what we have done; i.e., whether we have served one another?

    All right. Everybody buckled up? Good. We may get jostled about a bit this morning, but our destination will be worth the drive. Let’s start with a question. It’s an important question, one of the most important questions that we are confronted with. The good news is that the gospel of Jesus more

  • Being Like Noah: Living Righteously In The Last Days

    Contributed by Christian Jones on Jun 23, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Today, I invite you to open your Bibles to Genesis 6:9 as we explore the life of Noah and draw valuable lessons from his example. In a world that increasingly distances itself from God's righteousness, we find inspiration in Noah's faithfulness and obedience.

    Point 1: Walk with God (Genesis 6:9) Noah's defining characteristic was his unwavering commitment to walk with God. In a world filled with wickedness, Noah found favor because he lived in close fellowship with his Creator. Similarly, in the last days, we are called to cultivate an intimate more

  • From Faith To Faith Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Jan 21, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon is 5 things that we have got to do to get from faith to faith. The outline was taken from Bruce Howell, and I am greatly indebted to him.

    You know how some sermons are just easy to listen to? Maybe they hit on a subject you were just wondering about, or they address a need you felt but hadn’t put a name to, or they re-affirm something you believed but didn’t have the words for. Some sermons just seem to hit us right where we are at more

  • Be Faithful To The Faithful One

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Nov 15, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Be Faithful to the Faithful One by confessing his gospel, by performing his work, and by trusting his promises.

    What’s the difference between a faithful fan and a fair weather fan? A faithful fan will continue to cheer and promote his team no matter how poorly it’s doing. A fair weather fan will only root for his team if it’s doing well. Such fans have even been known to switch allegiance in the middle of more

  • Faith’s Reality

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 10, 2013

    Understand what brings about faith’s reality. 1. Christ Died for our sin 2. He was buried 3. He rose again the 3rd day 4. Jesus Death & Resurrection is according to Scripture 5. Witnesses testify to the resurrection

    Charing Cross is the geographical center of London, England. “All distances in the United Kingdom from London are measured from Charing Cross. This spot is referred to simply as ‘the cross.’ A lost child was one day picked up by a London policeman. The child was unable to tell where he lived. more

  • From Faith To Faith

    Contributed by Duke Jeffries on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings


    A. IMPACT OF THIS EPISTLE 1. "When anyone gains a knowledge of this Epistle he has an entrance opened to him to all the most hidden treasures of Scripture." - John Calvin 2. "Time and again in the course of human history it has liberated the minds of men, brought them back to an understanding of more

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