Sermon Series
  • 1. Locusts, And Their Place In Biblical History

    Contributed on Sep 25, 2015

    What an incredible creature, the locust. How has God used it to judge those who needed it?

    JOEL, JOHN, and the COMING LOCUSTS A. LOCUSTS in our Earth and in History Locusts have a locally prominent place in Scripture. You’ll see them at the beginning of the Bible story, a little past the middle, and at the end. When they show up, they take over the text, as in real life they more

  • 2. The Locusts That Are Already Here!

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2015

    Final descriptors of the coming locusts, plus an extraordinary 2015 article about some military locusts that are already here!

    Final descriptors of the locusts of Revelation v. 9. Breastplates like iron. Takes us back to the helicopter/machine description. A steel – plated vehicle impenetrable by normal weapons. Have we not seen all this on the movies of horror? No not really, but we get a little inkling from more

  • 3. 9th Century Israel Or The End Of All Things?

    Contributed on Sep 28, 2015

    Joel's prophecy causes some confusion for interpreters because it seems, and is, a description of two very different events. Very different, yes, but very related, also. See for yourself.

    2. History and Prophecy. The book of Joel There are two portions of Scripture that I believe need our further scrutiny on the subject of locusts. Actually the subject is Bible prophecy, a favorite of mine for sure. The first portion is the prophecy of Joel. I quote here from a former blog of more

  • 4. Joel Sees John's Locusts

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2015

    The prophet Joel and the apostle John see the same vision! Confirmation that God is speaking.

    The day of the Lord is coming! 2:1-11 It is impossible to imagine what Joel now sees, but we assume it is awful enough to warrant a severe warning. Though we hear the familiar “it is near” as in the Book of Revelation, we are clued in to the reality that the things Joel is about to more

  • 5. The Promise Of Restoration

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2015

    Joel sees a time when all will be made right, Israel will not be ashamed, or a curse to anyone. We know this time has not yet come.

    The Lord offers mercy even now. 2:12-17 Utterly amazing is the grace and mercy and tenderness of the Lord. “Even now”, He is willing to forgive Judah. Remember He was willing to spare Sodom. And the northern kingdom of Israel. Any nation, including even America, that will repent from more

  • 6. Spirit And Judgment In The Last Days

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2015

    Is it afterward, as in Joel, or "in the last days" as quoted by Peter? Are we in the last days, everyone wants to know. Amazingly simple answer.

    The final days: Spirit and ultimate judgment. 2:28-3:3 The most famous passage of Joel is this one that is quoted by Peter on the Day of Pentecost. The assumption is that the Holy Spirit gave this passage to Peter, to link what he was experiencing there to the end times that Joel is here more

  • 7. The Valley Of Jehoshaphat

    Contributed on Oct 8, 2015

    Where is the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and what will be the final outcome there?

    v. 12. The valley of Jehoshaphat is once again named as the location. This is not heavenly warfare. The battle has come to Earth. In time and in a place. You wanted to challenge the God of Heaven? This is your chance to prove what you have. As to the location of the “valley of Jehoshaphat, I more

  • 8. Smoke From The Pit

    Contributed on Oct 9, 2015

    Amazing comparison between Joel 2:1-11 and Revelation 9:1-12

    Locusts in Prophecy. Revelation 9. It is not an easy thing to drop down suddenly into the Book of revelation and start talking about an event John is experiencing, but we must try. So far in the book, Jesus has revealed His person to John, and His warnings to seven churches that existed in the more

  • 9. Creatures From Hell

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2015

    When the smoke clears, what do we see? Locusts? Horses? People? Machines?

    Creatures from Hell emerge from the Smoke... v. 3. From the smoke, or when the smoke clears, behold, “locusts!” And the locusts are given power. Power like a scorpion has power. Painful. Dangerous. Can hurt. Can kill. And so many! Here, Joel (2:2) talks of a great more