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Sermons on expensive perfume:

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  • Perfume On A Guy?

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Jun 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Message about Mary’s sacrifice of expensive perfume to anoint Jesus before His death.

    Perfume on a Guy? Matthew 26:6-13 June 14, 2009 Me: Most of you know that my wife and I lived in Colorado Springs, CO, for two years, just after we got married. We worked for The Navigators, which is a missions organization that I was involved with while I was in college. We were part of a more

  • Extravagant Love Series

    Contributed by Dan Raymond on Dec 9, 2015

    Sermon 4 on the astounding mathematics of grace. This is account of Mary anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume. I also have graphics available.

    What is Jesus worth to you? You could look in a Kelly Blue Book and find out real quick what your car is worth? You could talk to Jason and he could recommend a good appraiser who could tell you exactly what your house is worth? You could sit down with Amber and let her do her insurance thing, and more

  • Expensive Worship

    Contributed by Eric Snyder on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 59 ratings


    Expensive worship, Mark 14:3-6 August 25, 2002 Eric A. Snyder, Minister, Farwell Church of Christ Flip Wilson was a popular comedian several years ago, and one of his characters was a Preacher at the “What’s Happening Now Church.” Flip did a Skit where he told about this preacher. He’d shout more

  • Expensive Shampoo Wasted? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 16, 2017

    Why is the story of the women pouring perfume on Jesus' head be told along with the Gospel of Salvation?

    Let’s continue our worship of our Lord Jesus Christ by reading from the Gospel of Mark 14…. Read along with me v1-9……… As we had noted in the past, Scriptures explains Scriptures; and so, it is always good to see if other Gospels have the same story as the one we are studying…. Turn briefly to more

  • Extravagant Worship Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 22, 2022

    This sermon focuses on Mary's pouring of expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus as an act of extravagant worship, and how extravagant worship might be expressed by worshippers today.

    If you have your Bibles with you today, please open up to John 12:1. We have been looking through the book of John and we took a break from the book of John during Christmas and now we are picking it back up as we go from Christmas to Easter. It is very appropriate to pick it up here at chapter more

  • "the Perfume Of Gratitude"

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Jun 6, 2023

    The story of a woman anointing Jesus' head.

    Jesus Anointed at Bethany Mark 14 Now the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were scheming to arrest Jesus secretly and kill him. 2 “But not during the festival,” they said, “or the people may riot.” 3 While he more

  • Extravagance (April 3, 2022)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 31, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    When Mary used that pint of expensive perfume on Jesus, she was expressing how thankful she was of what Jesus had done for her. Today, we will talk about gratitude and grace.

    John 12:1-8  Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.  (2)  There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him.  (3)  Mary took a pound of costly perfume made more

  • Lent 2021 - Mary's Singular Focus Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Mar 13, 2021

    Jesus was anointed at least twice in His ministry with the last time being just days before His crucifixion. What do we see in these accounts that is often overlooked?

    Mary’s Singular Focus Please stand with me as we go over our current memory Scripture: Matthew 5:3-5 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” And our more

  • The Perfume Of Grace

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Dec 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A perspective on John 12: 1-8. What happens at this evening meal is extraordinary. The perfume was worth a years salary, and Mary gave it freely and willingly to anoint the feet of Jesus. How will you respond to salvation, to the perfume of grace?

    John 12: 1-8 The Perfume of Grace Past events can be re-called, remembered through the help of pictures, stories and even pleasant aromas. Toast reminds me of breakfast as its aroma fills the house and beckons me to have more. For some Jewish people the aroma of BBQ lamb contributes to remind more

  • Flies In The Perfume

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Jan 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Sometime we stink before GOD

    Flies in the Perfume Intro: Perfume maker Many years ago there was a perfume maker who made the best perfume. He had been working on his latest creation for over a month. All his work was beginning to pay off, this was the best perfume he had ever created. He couldn’t wait to show it to the more

  • The Unforgettable Perfume - Mark 14:1-8 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Apr 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Is it really a good thing for this woman to spend a whole year’s wages on a single, momentary act of worship? And if so, why perfume? Wouldn’t there be some more practical gifts that could be given with that amount of money?

    Mark 14:1 Now the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him. 2 "But not during the Feast," they said, "or the people may riot." 3 While he was more

  • The Beauty Of Extravagant Worship Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Jan 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Worship isn't about coming to get something from God; it's all about giving Him something. When you bless the Lord, you can't help but be blessed in return.

    INTRODUCTION I’ve shared some church bulletin bloopers in the past, but churches just keep making mistakes with their announcements. Here are some actual statements that appeared in church bulletins. 1. The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted more

  • "Love, Devotion And Sacrifice” Series

    Contributed by William Tan Yh on Jul 16, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    When we realize how much Jesus has forgiven us, we will develop a deep love for him. When Jesus hung on the cross, he was looking forward to the joy of saving us so that we can be with him forever. Therefore, let us reciprocate his love by growing in our love for him daily.

    Dear Brothers and sister in Christ, I entitled my sharing “Love, Devotion and Sacrifice”. Have you wondered why there are some Christians who seems to be so in love with Jesus? Do you wish to be like them? May the sharing be used by the Holy Spirit to bring us into a deeper love relationship with more

  • "worship From The Heart"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Mar 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about giving our all to Jesus.

    “Worship from the Heart” John 12:1-8 Today we are in a home in the Jerusalem suburb of Bethany, right before Jesus entered the BIG CITY for the last time. We will celebrate THAT next Sunday—Palm Sunday. But today, Jesus is in the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. They are throwing a dinner more

  • An Act Remembered Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Dec 22, 2012

    Mark presents the only act of devotion to Jesus we will see until his death.

    Introduction The Passion begins. Beginning now through the end of chapter 15, we may as well title the section, “The Death of Jesus,” for every scene is about his inevitable death. From early on Mark had intimated Jesus’ death, building the tension as his story progressed. The more

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