
Summary: Why is the story of the women pouring perfume on Jesus' head be told along with the Gospel of Salvation?

Let’s continue our worship of our Lord Jesus Christ by reading from the Gospel of Mark 14….

Read along with me v1-9………

As we had noted in the past, Scriptures explains Scriptures; and so, it is always good to see if other Gospels have the same story as the one we are studying…. Turn briefly to Matthew 26… it is the same story but starts with a very helpful information.

Matthew 26: 1-2….. After Jesus spoke about the final end days, He spoke to His disciples about His death in 2 days!

And so, with this information, the story in Mark 14 makes more sense, right? Let’s take a closer look.

Mark 14:3 - A woman poured a jar of perfume on Jesus’ head.

How expensive was the perfume?

v4-5a: perfume was worth over a year’s wages! How much is that today?? Worth today - $51000!

v5b: can we blame the disciples for rebuking the woman?

The large amount of money could have been used for a better cause! Before we criticize the disciples, how would we have reacted to $51000 used for shampoo?

It is so easy to rebuke the woman for wasting $51000!! What did the disciples forget to note??

The disciples forgot that Jesus was going to be crucified in 2 days!!

The disciples have spent about 3 years learning from Jesus but yet they were still self-absorbed rather than focusing on their Master, Lord, Savior!

And so, Jesus rebuked them! What did Jesus say?

v6-7: Jesus told the disciples to have the right focus and priority!

In v8 Jesus tells us that she poured the perfume to prepare Him for burial. The woman believed in what Jesus said about His death. What can we say about this woman doing what she did knowing that Jesus was going to die in 2 days??

We can summarize it this way….

v8-9: The woman loved Jesus so much and she knew how crucial time was, she gave all she had!

And so, what do we need to apply to our lives today from this passage?

First of all, like those first disciples, can we be self-absorbed and not have the right focus and priority in life?

1. Focus and priority in the Christian life is to love the Lord Jesus Christ!

How do we love Jesus Christ in a daily practical way??

What does one do for a loved one?? – Talk, listen, get to know, and do whatever we can for the one we love!

And Jesus tells us in Mark 14:9 that what the woman did will be told along with the good news of salvation. What did that woman do? The woman loved Jesus Christ. Yes, the gospel must be told because belief in Jesus Christ is the only thing which saves us from eternal judgment of our sins! However, we are only sharing half-truth when we don’t share that belief in Jesus Christ includes loving Jesus Christ with all we have!

How did the woman love Jesus Christ? The woman loved Jesus so much and she knew how crucial time was, she gave all she had! And so, let us follow her example….

2. Let us love Jesus by knowing what time it is and doing whatever we can for Jesus!

What time is it right now in God’s clock? What was Jesus talking about just prior to this event with the woman? Jesus had just been talking about the final judgment of the world! What time is it?? – Jesus is coming soon to judge the living and the dead!! Are we keeping this in mind as we love Jesus Christ on a daily basis?

And as I have suggested in previous messages, we should always know “our calling” as we live out our lives.

If one is a student, that is your calling at that time, keeping Christ in mind!

If one is single, that is your calling at that time, keeping Christ in mind.

If one is married, that is your calling at that time, keeping Christ in mind.

If one has a job, in the home or outside of the home, that is your calling at that time, keeping Christ in mind.

If one is retired from work, that is your calling at that time, keeping Christ in mind.

May I suggest that we all write on a page of paper our priorities, our calling, and our duties and activities in life, keeping in mind to love Jesus Christ with everything!

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