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  • The Insensitive Leader

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Oct 24, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In Rehoboam, the people saw a “second Moses” who would deliver them from their oppression. But the king turned a deaf ear to their requests.

    THE INSENSITIVE LEADER "16 Now when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying: “What share have we in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, O Israel! Now, see to your own house, O David!” So Israel departed to their more

  • Ministry Leaders Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 5, 2021

    Who is qualified to be a ministry leader?

    Let us continue to worship with the Word of God. Open your Bibles to 1 Timothy 3. The letter by the Apostle Paul, by the power of God the Holy Spirit, was written to Timothy who was left in Ephesus to minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ about 2000 years ago. Ephesus back then was a pagan more

  • Murderous Leaders Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Jan 19, 2021

    Why are religious leaders so full of hate they would want to destroy somebody full of love? It is a question for our times.

    Scripture Reading: Mark 3:1-6 Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there who had a withered hand. They watched him to see whether he would cure him on the sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man who had the withered hand, “Come forward.” Then he said to them, “Is it more

  • Unqualified Leader Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 20, 2017

    If you want to be a positive influence on others, don't compromise with the world, take care of your family, be consistent in the way you live your life, but most of all, count on God's grace.

    Peter Falk (1927-2011), who died just a few years ago, will always be remembered for the role he played as an eccentric, sloppy detective in the TV series called “Columbo.” More often than not, he played dumb, but that put his subjects off guard, and he was always able to solve his cases as a more

  • Strong Leader

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 27, 2022

    Leadership qualities of Abraham stand out in this chapter which we all should emulate.

    Small beginning Genesis 23:20 “So the field and the cave that is in it, were deeded over to Abraham for a burial site by the sons of Heth.” Though chapter 23 begins by talking about the death of Sarah who was 127 years old; yet, we need to have spiritual eyes to understand the work of God behind more

  • Follow The Leader

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Sep 13, 2021

    A sermon for the Sundays following Pentecost, Year B, Lectionary 24

    September 12, 2021 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Isaiah 50:4-9a; Mark 8:27-38 Follow the Leader Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Vacations often involve long road trips. Those journeys can be filled with road games more

  • Godly Leaders Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Sep 26, 2016

    What makes a godly leader?

    We finish today our study of the Book of Joshua. I hope you have learned and been challenged much like I have from this godly story of Joshua and Israel. Led by godly Joseph God’s Chosen People Israel were brought to Egypt to be blessed and prosper (kind of like the Pilgrims in America). But more

  • False Leaders

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jul 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a church where there leaders are false? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers in a false church III. OBJECTIVES: To show the qualities of false leadership as highlighted by the bible. IV. TEXT: 2 Corinthians 11:20 (New

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a church where there leaders are false? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers in a false church III. OBJECTIVES: To show the qualities of false leadership as highlighted by the bible. IV. TEXT: 2 Corinthians 11:20 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) You put up with it more

  • Jewish Leaders Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 14, 2016

    Let's talk about the what, why, and how of envy (The "How" is from Ray Fowler at:

    HoHum: The devil was once crossing the Libyan Desert, and he came upon a spot where a number of small devils were tormenting a Christian hermit. The Christian man easily shook off their evil suggestions. The devil watched their failure, and then he stepped forward to give them a lesson. “What more

  • Follow The Leader

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 8, 2023

    A third perspective is what Jesus is saying about the sheep. That is, that left to their own devices, sheep will stray.

    Why do you suppose The Runaway Bunny is one of the most popular books for toddlers ever written? Because it reassures the child that whatever happens, she can’t get lost for good. Even if he gets mad and runs away, he still can’t get lost - because the mother bunny will always come after her child. more

  • New Leader

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jan 31, 2024

    Moses announces there will be a new leader and Israel needs to listen to Him.

    Deuteronomy 18:15-20 “New Leader” Or, the E.F. Hutton television ad campaign in which a park is full of people (could be a mall or an office), and everyone is talking. The camera zooms in on one couple, one of whom is saying, “Well, my broker is E.F. Hutton, and he says …” Action in the background more

  • Prayers For Leaders

    Contributed by Michael Brown on Nov 6, 2024

    I wrote this to give at the church evening Bible study the day after Election Day to show how Christians are called to pray for government leaders

    Prayers for Leaders The last few months the political world has been all over the place in America. We’ve seen accusations made & heard so many promises that if we vote for a particular candidate, they will do this or that. Politics often reveals our selfish nature. We want what is best for more

  • The Unlikely Leader Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 21, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 10th Sermon in the Series from the Book of Judges, "Spiritual Decay".

    Series: Spiritual Decay [#10] THE UNLIKELY LEADER Judges 11:1-40 Introduction: We are going to study the story of Jephthah, an unlikely hero. We will uncover profound truths about God’s ability to use those whom the World might overlook. Jephthah’s journey begins in a place most of us can more

  • Kingdom Leaders PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the concept of Kingdom Leadership, emphasizing the importance of our view of God in influencing our actions, decisions, and leadership styles.

    Good morning, family! Let me start by quoting a thought from one of the most respected Christian authors, A.W. Tozer. He said, "A low view of God is the cause of a hundred lesser evils, but a high view of God is the solution to ten thousand temporal problems." It's simple, y'all! Our view of God, more

  • Leader On The Run PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Even in times of fear and uncertainty, we can remain faithful and trust in God's perfect plan, as demonstrated by David in 1 Samuel 21:10-14.

    Good morning, beloved! We’ve all had those moments when fear grips us, when faith seems hard to muster, and when the future seems uncertain. Even the greatest leaders in the Bible experienced these moments. Today, we're going to take a deep dive into a passage that beautifully captures these human more

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