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  • How A Church Is To Be Organized

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    An exposition of Titus 1:5

    How a church is to be organized Titus 1 Scripture reading: Hebrews 13 For the last month, at his school, my son has been learning about how Canada is organized and run. In the world there are 6 different systems of government: anarchy, monarchy’s, republics, dictatorships, democracies, and more

  • The Title Deed To Creation Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Jan 27, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    John see the title deed to creation and weeps because no one was found to open the seals to the scroll. But then the Lamb, the Lion of the tribe of Judah prevailed to loose the seals of the scroll. Jesus Christ has paid the redemption price.

    I. Introduction A. Turn to Revelation 5:1 Revelation 5:1 Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 1. First we have to remember that the scene is the same as the one in Revelation 4 a. John is in the Spirit, more

  • The Central Role Of The Pastor Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Mar 31, 2005
    based on 66 ratings

    # 6 in a series on 1 Timothy this sermon deals with the role of the pastor in the local church.

    “The Central Role of the Pastor !” 1 Timothy 3:1-7 What is a pastor suppose to look like? I have been told on occasion you don’t look like a preacher. I don’t know whether that is an insult or a compliment. Someone wrote a facetious account called “The Perfect more

  • Table Servers And Bible Servers Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Sep 21, 2007

    Exposition of Acts 6:1-7 specifically as it relates to the job descriptions of pastors and deacons

    Text: Acts 6:1-7, Title: Table Servers and Bible Servers, Date/Place: NRBC, 9/23/07, PM A. Opening illustration: select a few jokes from the Pastoral Search Committee thing B. Background to passage: If you were here this morning you know the context of the growing church carrying out the mission of more

  • The Return To And Stay At Antioch Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Paul’s journey had been one of missionary enterprise; it was the journey of a pioneer, the going into new territory with the Gospel. He created division wherever he went, dividing cities and men into two camps, believers and blasphemers, men full of...

    December 1, 2014 By: Tom Lowe Title: The Return to and Stay at Antioch (Acts 14:20b-28) Scripture (Acts 14:20b-28; KJV) 20b and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe. 21 And when more

  • Joshua Ordained (Numbers 27)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 3, 2024

    What mistake did Moses, the humblest of all men make? Let's look at Numbers 27.

    Though Moses was the humblest of men, he did make one arrogant mistake that removed his leadership? What were the qualifications of Moses’ replacement? How have we chosen our leaders? Let’s look at Numbers 27. Inheritance laws ensured that family land would remain within the tribe. A woman who more

  • Sermon 8: God Works In Mysterious Ways Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Aug 4, 2019

    This sermon wraps up the book of Ruth, first examining Boaz's role as a kinsman-redeemer & Christ's role as ours, & the results of those actions, both in history (David was Ruth & Boaz's great-grandparents) and the larger story of redemption through Christ.

    Sermon 8: God Works in Mysterious Ways Series: Ruth Chuck Sligh August 4, 2019 TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Ruth 4. INTRODUCTION If you asked the average person to quote a verse of scripture, besides John 3:16 or Genesis 1:1, the third most probable verse they would cite would be that more

  • A Deacons Yardstick

    Contributed by Bob Soulliere on Jan 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Today we are going to look at a measure of a person who makes the grade of being a Deacon, A yardstick if you please.

    A Deacons Yardstick Next week we will nominate those men we see as meeting the qualifications of a Deacon. Today we are going to look at a measure of a person who makes the grade of being a Deacon, A yardstick if you please. The term “Deacon” is a term which is our English transliteration of the more

  • On Membership Part Two Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jul 17, 2023

    the Bible clearly teaches that Christians are members of the Body of Christ. But is local church membership Biblical? We examine this in this study. This is not a typical sermon, but more of a Bible study lesson for our congregation.

    In doing some serious study on membership and what that looks like in the Church at a local level one encounters a potential problem. It just isn’t there. That’s not to say it is bad, wrong, or sinful to have formal membership rolls, as having such is very practical and quite helpful to local more

  • Deacon Ordination

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jan 12, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Ordination message for a Deacon at Bethlehem Baptist Church.

    Deacon Ordination - Chad Dopson January 13, 2008 Introduction (Have Lisa come up to the pulpit with me.) This morning is a very special morning in the life of Chad and Michelle, and for our church. Today Chad takes a tremendous step in the ministry to His Lord by becoming a Deacon here at more

  • Called To Do Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 9, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    There's a difference between church people who are "hearers" and those who are "doers." Do you know the difference? And do you know how to tell which group you're in?

    OPEN: I read once about a certain Chinese church, where – when converts were baptized for the forgiveness of sins – when they came up out of the water they were told: “Now, Jesus has new eyes. And Jesus has new hands. And Jesus has new feet.” When we became Christians, we became the eyes and more

  • The Church Of The New Testament - Part 7d Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Feb 27, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Part 7D is a continuation of the functions we observe in the church in its infancy, and corresponding gifts that enable and empower the functionaries to perform in their various roles.

    This 13-part series of classes has been many years in the making. About 25 years ago I began in earnest to examine the features, character and characteristics of the church as it existed in its earliest years. As I sometimes do, I kept my notes all along the way, and this series of classes is to a more

  • What Is The Church? Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Dec 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When you read the word church in your English Bible it is a translation of the Greek word ekklesia. The literal meaning is those who are called out. The general use in Greek was to express the idea of an assembly.

    You are most likely familiar with the children’s hand motion and rhyme to learn about church. Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the door and see all the people. Well, when we really understand church we say, here is the building and here is the steeple, open the door and see the more

  • Worship

    Contributed by Bill Naugle on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    “The hour is come and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is looking for such to worship Him. God is Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24

    Biblical Worship “The hour is come and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is looking for such to worship Him. God is Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 1. The time is now - more

  • The Leaders' Overlooked Ingredients - (Part 1 Of 7) Series

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 80 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime and still not completely reach. We ought to take this list seriously but also graciously and realistically. I. The Overlooked Ingredient 1 Timothy 3:1 "Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being more

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