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  • Desire For Other Things Series

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Jul 13, 2007
    based on 194 ratings

    Standing in the storms requires a commitment and desire for a close relationship, mant have a desire for other things

    Standing In the Storm #5 Desire for "Other things" The girl knelt in the confessional and said, "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." "What is it, child?" "Father, I have committed the sin of vanity. Twice a day I gaze at myself in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am." The priest more

  • Man's Desires, God's Will Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Feb 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When man's desires take precedent, we lose sight of God's will. We need to "sanctify" our desires by seeking God to know His will and surrender our will to His ways.

    Man has his desires, God has His will. Our desires do not always sync with His, of course. • We can have godly desires, knowing what God wants. We can have ungodly and selfish ones, driven by what we want. • There is nothing wrong with human desires; God made us with such longings. • But our more

  • To Desire A Better Country

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jan 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Funeral service for Anne Tlholakae, diplomat of the Embassy of South Africa. All of us desire a better country; that journey begins with faith. As Biblical wanderers sought that better country but died in a foreign land, so Anne sought and found Christ

    The desire for a better country goes deep in the human heart. The desire for something more, something finer, than what our ancestors left us is an aspiration that transcends all boundaries. Just as here in the United States we celebrate those markers in our history that made us a greater nation, more

  • What God Desires Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 160 ratings

    The psalmist asked: "What is man that you are mindful of him?" This sermon asks, what is man that God should even want to spend time with him?

    OPEN: Recently, President Elect George W. Bush has been going through the process of having Congress approve his cabinet selections. During John F. Kennedy’s presidency, there was one member of his cabinet who had a unique relationship with the President: the Attorney General was his brother more

  • God's Desire For Deacons Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 3, 2013

    God wants deacons to: 1. help solve problems. 2. help set priorities. 3. serve faithfully. 4. have spiritual abundance.

    God's Desire for Deacons Acts 6:1-8 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - September 1, 2013 *You know there are a lot of jokes out there about preachers and deacons. Over the years I've heard some preachers (men a lot better than me) tell some of these jokes about deacons. But I don't more

  • David's Dozen Desires

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 24, 2009

    David’s hunger for the Word is examined

    ‘David’s Dozen Desires’ In Psalm 119 David reveals his heart’s intent by requesting the Lord to work in his life through the Word of God over six dozen times. His most frequent desire was for the Lord to ‘quicken’ him with the Word of God. This has been the desire of more

  • Desiring Eternal Growth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 21, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Birth must be followed by nurture. Just as a natural baby requires milk in order to be nourished & to grow, so must a spiritual baby have the milk of God¡¯s Word in order to be nourished and to grow up in Christ.

    1 PETER 2: 1-3 [Renewing Hope Series] DESIRING ETERNAL GROWTH [Philippians 3:7-14] God's imperishable Word stands forever. This imperishable Word was the content of Peter's preaching (1:12, 25). He preached the Word for God's Word has life. He preached the Word for God's Word gives life. He more

  • Deepening Our Desires Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Sep 22, 2006
    based on 8 ratings


    Recently I’ve had a desire to do catch-up between my soul and God. In part because I’ve wanted renewal as a pastor to grow in the depths of my own experience with God. But also because in a very short time I’m going to be fathering a young life. I realize it’s more than “how to’s” but what we more

  • "The Believer's Desire"

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    This message deals with both good and bad desires that plague mankind. It reveals that when we have the right desires, we will live the right kind of life.

    "The Believer’s Desire" Text: Psalm 73:25-26 Intoduction- DESIRES!!! We all have them. Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are bad. Scripturally we could say that unfulfilled desires are the source of all of the evil that exists in our world today. more

  • Paul's Desire For The Colossians

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Important needs of Christians to be prayed for.

    <PRE> Paul was a man of many desires, but his wishes were more of spiritual. Most of his desires were not for his advantage, but for the profit of others and for the glory of God. In the first and last chapter of Paul’s epistle to the Colossians, there was a man mentioned by Paul named more

  • Desiring His Word Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 26, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    1 Peter 2: 1-3 shows us how believers can live out a proactive love by 1) remembering our life source, 2) eliminate sins, 3) admit need, 4) pursue spiritual growth, and 5) survey blessings.

    Legal trials can often be interesting events. The current trial of Conrad Black on fraud charges has made for interesting press. It seems like the international media cannot get enough of what he and his wife will say. They hang on every word. But this is not unusual. From Donald Trump, to Tony more

  • The Desire To Glorify God

    Contributed by Tony Maramara on Aug 13, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    It is absolutely essential that a church perceive itself as an institution for the glory of God. But sad to say, many churches (even here in the Philippines) have descended from a church that focuses on glorifying God into a church that focuses on men.

    THE DESIRE TO GLORIFY GOD Exodus 33:12-23 - "SHOW ME THY GLORY" Prepared by: Pastor Tony Maramara For: Passing the Baton Camp – UNIDA, Silang, Cavite – June 21, 2011 - 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Let us read Exodus 33:18 – “And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy more

  • What God Desires PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores God's desire for justice and righteousness over rituals, and how we can live out these values in our daily lives.

    Hey there, folks. I'm glad you could join us today. We're going to spend some time in the book of Amos today. Yeah, that's right, Amos. It's a little book tucked away in the Old Testament, but it's got a big message for us. Before we get into it, let's read the passage together. Amos 5:23-24 says, more

  • Worship God Desires

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 27, 2022

    We are all created in the image of God. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means every mortal that has ever been created by God has god-like attributes that can be found in their life.

    We all like some things. (1) WE ALL LIKE TO BE APPRECIATED We all like to be appreciated for WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE HAVE DONE! Illus: Thinking about being APPRECIATED FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE, did you hear about the artist that asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings more

  • Worship God Desires

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on May 26, 2022

    We are all created in the image of God. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

    It means every mortal that has ever been created by God has god-like attributes that can be found in their life. We all like some things. (1) WE ALL LIKE TO BE APPRECIATED We all like to be appreciated for WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE HAVE DONE! Illus: Thinking about being APPRECIATED FOR WHAT WE HAVE more

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