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  • Healing Scriptures

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jan 2, 2025

    We are vulnerable to sickness and disease. But it is the POWER of GOD that Raises you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you, to cleanse you. Rise Up and Walk and BE HEALED in JESUS Name! (Acts 3:6)

    2025.01.02 HEALING SCRIPTURES - All scripture from the NKJV BIG IDEA: We are vulnerable to sickness and disease in this earthly vessel... Aren't you glad it doesn't end there? BUT GOD... IT IS the POWER of GOD that will Raise you up. Let the WORD of GOD wash over, in and around you to more

  • Persistence Through Persecution Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 2, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus openly warns that the missionary aspect of the mission of His followers would be countered with serious & even deadly opposition. Yet Jesus also knew that danger & even threat of death could not defeat a soul set ablaze by His eternal love.

    MATTHEW 10: 16-23 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED] PERSISTENCE THROUGH PERSECUTION [Acts 4:8-21] Previously the Twelve's mission had been depicted as being received in a relatively friendly manner. In this passage, the disciples were warned that many who rejected the Kingdom message would not leave it more

  • The Helmet Of Salvation Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Sep 14, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The devil gets to us most effectively through the gateway of our minds. On the battlefield of life we must have our heads protected to ward of our enemies deadly blows. The helmet protects our thoughts but it also perfects our thoughts.

    Intro: Do you ever think about what you think about? No. Usually we just think. Turn to a friend and tell them the last thing you thought about last night before falling asleep and the first thing you thought about this morning. Sometimes we have very little control over our thoughts; they more

  • Sloth Series

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Sloth is not just a slow animal on Zootopia, but is the failure to be good STEWARDS of the opportunities and blessings God gives us -- it's the failure of a LIFE, That's why it's listed as one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

    Summer of Sin #3 SLOTH INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Kids Can Sure Get the Wrong Idea 1. There was a boy who was lazy and couldn’t wake up early. His mom wanted to teach him a lesson about the benefits of waking up early. She said: “Son, I’m going to tell you a story and then I want you to tell me what more

  • No Sleepwalking Allowed Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Nov 28, 2023

    Sleepwalking is a dangerous practice, because those who practice it are unconscious, unaware of the dangers around them. In the same way, spiritual sleepwalking is dangerous, but moreso, because those who casually sleepwalk their way through life, expose themselves to deadly deceptions.

    Has anyone here ever been afflicted with somnambulism? Okay, does anyone even know what somnambulism is? Well, it's a technical term for sleepwalking. So, back to the original question--has anyone here ever had a sleepwalking experience? How did it go? Did anyone get hurt? The reason I more

  • Ambassadors For Christ Series

    Contributed by James Jack on Mar 12, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    We are compelled to take the gospel to the world, for we are God’s fellow workers

    2 Cor 5:11 - 6:2 40 Days of Purpose - Evangelism Dead Poets Society is, I think, one of the best films of all time. In his first lesson with his senior class, the rather eccentric but very inspiring English teacher John Keating, played by Robin Williams, takes the boys into the foyer outside the more

  • Triumphing Over Temptation Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 25, 2014

    The process of temptation and sin and how to short circuit the process.

    When it comes to the sin in our lives, for many of us our first reaction is to blame someone else, perhaps even something like this. [“The Devil Made Me Do It” video] In a lot of ways, things haven’t changed a whole lot since Adam and Eve in the Garden. Let’s look at how more

  • What Does The Bible Say About The Coronavirus?

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 16, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s always relevant and right to ask, ‘What does the Bible Say’ and repent today!

    What Does the Bible Say About the Coronavirus? Genesis 3:17-18 Rev. Brian Bill April 18-19, 2020 We’re all facing a viral villain we can’t see, an invisible and insidious enemy that is silently stalking us. My pastor friend Cisco Cotto, who was scheduled to preach at Edgewood during my more

  • Role Reversal

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on Jan 1, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    This message treats how the quality of life on the other side of death shall be reversed by the soverieng grace of God. It looks at the high becoming low, the rich becoming poor, the diseased becoming whole. On the Other Side of Death is A Role Reversal!

    I want to use the platform of this Preaching Moment to highlite this Headline: "ROLE REVERSAL." The Text I have tagged and targeted for Teaching is LUKE 16:19-26. I agree with Louis B. Craddock, who said in his book entitled ’LUKE" that, ’In the course of teaching and preaching in the Church, more

  • Virgil's Race Is Won!

    Contributed by Christopher Martin on Jun 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A funeral sermon for a 79 year old man who had been afflicted with Parkinson’s disease for the last 18 years of his life, but never wavered from his faith. Perhaps my best sermon yet.

    “Pastor, I wish you could have known Virgil in his younger years, before Parkinson’s took its toll on him.” I’ve heard that said quite a bit by both Virgil’s family members and friends since I came to Audubon last fall. From the things I’ve heard from his family and others in the community, I more

  • Luke 5:12-15 Jesus Makes A Leper Whole

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Dec 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In the bible leprosy is a picture of sin; even though there has been many diseases that have been kept under control because of modem medical advances, an estimated ten million people around the world is said to have leprosy.

    Luke 5:12-15 JESUS MAKES A LEPER WHOLE 12-01-12 Today I want to bring a few thoughts to do with leprosy; let me say that Leprosy is still around in many countries even today, mainly in third world countries. Even though there has been many diseases that have more

  • A Life Changing Touch Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Mar 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Leprosy was a dreaded disease, that led to a slow and painful death apart from divine healing. Jesus touched a leper, bringing healing and hope to his life. Leprosy pictures sin, and the saved have experienced such a touch from the Lord.

    A Life Changing Touch Mark 1: 40-45 Today we read of one of the greatest miracles Jesus performed while here on earth. Leprosy was a dreaded disease without a known cure. Apart from a divine touch of God, those who contracted the disease faced a slow and painful death. There is only one other more

  • Divine Healing

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Feb 27, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    When the doctors and medicines cannot heal a person to whom can one turn? Cry out to the Great Physician for He who knit you in your mother's womb can heal any disease of the body, mind and soul!

    Divine Healing Luke 7:22; Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 5:27-32 Online Sermon: Where can one look for healing of the body, mind and soul when all human attempts at healing have failed? While we would all like to stay forever on the mountain top of more

  • Unity In The Church Series

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jun 8, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    The church is growing and God is adding people however to truly be effective we must have unity. Growth without unity is a disease that has infected the body. Cancer is a growth in the body, but it is against the body and not working in unity, we cannot

    “Unity in the Church” By Pastor M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Ephesians 4:1-6 “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to more

  • Oy Vay--What Shall We Do? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 11, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    It’s time for us to imitate the early Christians, not Ahaz. Political solutions are like bandages. They can stop the blood flow but they can’t cure the fundamental disease, which is loss of faith in God, and disobedience to His commandments.

    Tuesday of the 15th Week in Course 2020 Plague Year homilies When you consider it, God, whom we call by a kind of nickname “Yah” every time we sing the Gospel acclamation, God was heavily invested in His people. Specifically, He made a promise to King David, the greatest of the kings of Israel, more

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