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  • Spiritual Moodiness-Busted!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Oct 4, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    God’s word creates an atmosphere to be healed and helped in every area- including ourselves!

    Spiritual Moodiness-Busted! Text: Isaiah 43:1,7 Show video called "Fastlane" by But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “ Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.7 Everyone who is more

  • You Can Alter Your Moods And Emotions!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 12, 2014

    Who are you punishing by accepting bad moods? You must control your emotions by faith. Do you blame others for your moods?

    MOODS: WHAT ARE MOODS? HOW DO WE GET INTO THIS MOOD? CAN WE CHANGE OUR MOODS... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Ever wonder why they were called the SONS OF THUNDER? Mark 3:17 And James the more

  • What To Do When You’re Not Feeling Worshipful

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 28, 2014

    What To Do When You’re Not Feeling Worshipful

    What To Do When You’re Not Feeling Worshipful Psalm 40:1-3 February 16, 2014 It’s been a rough week. It was super cold outside, it snowed, the kids were sick, the car wouldn’t start, the pipes froze, the furnace couldn’t keep up with the cold. And now it’s Sunday more

  • The Qualifications For Soul Winning

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A classic sermon on effective evangelism by D. L. Moody.

    1. Shake off the vipers that are in the Church, formalism, pride, and self-importance, etc. 2. It is the only happy life to live for the salvation of souls. 3. We must be willing to do little things for Christ. 4. Must be of good courage. 5. Must be cheerful. God had no children too weak, but more

  • For There Is No Difference

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Sep 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A salvation sermon adapted from a sermon by DL Moody by the same title.

    For There Is No Difference This is a modern adaptation to a sermon by DL Moody by the same title. Chuck Sligh September 29, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me more

  • Consider Your Neighbor Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Feb 9, 2019

    D. L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon were great preachers of the 19th century. Moody admired Spurgeon from a distance and looked forward to the opportunity of meeting him in London. On that historic day...

    Introduction: D. L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon were great preachers of the 19th century. Moody admired Spurgeon from a distance and looked forward to the opportunity of meeting him in London. On that historic day, Spurgeon answered the door with a cigar in his mouth. Moody was aghast. “How could more

  • Christian Love

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A classic sermon by D. L. Moody on the importance, power, and indispensibility of Christian love.

    It speaks in Galatians about love, the fruit of the Spirit being love, joy, peace, gentleness, long suffering, meekness and temperance. The way this writer has put it -- and I think it is very beautiful -- is that joy is love exultant, peace is love in repose, and long suffering is love enduring. more

  • Twelve Ways To Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Mind Series

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on May 2, 2008
    based on 128 ratings

    The Scriptures were not given for our information, but for our transformation. -D. L. Moody-

    Twelve Ways to Be Transformed by the Renewing of Our Mind - Rom. 12:1-3 Introduction: The Scriptures were not given for our information, but for our transformation. -D. L. Moody- 1. RESURRENDER - Renewal begins by offering up our whole body, soul, mind and spirit more

  • Does God Answer Prayer?

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A classic short sermon by D. L. Moody on whether God really answers prayer

    I suppose there has been no word on Christians’ lips so frequently at this time as the word "prayer," and there is not one in this hall who has not thought often, during the last forty-eight hours, of the importance of prayer. During this week of prayer, they are a great many not only thinking more

  • Where Art Thou?

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Jun 12, 2009

    A classic sermon by D. L. Moody on the importance of developing and maintaining constant communion with God.

    THE very first thing that happened after the news reached heaven of the fall of man, was that God came straight down to seek out the lost one. As He walks through the garden in the cool of the day, you can hear Him calling "Adam! Adam! Where art thou?" It was the voice of grace, of mercy, and of more

  • Christ's Mentoring Model

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 23, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    Quote: It is better to train ten people than to do the work of ten people. But it is harder. Moody.

    Why Jesus Encouraged People to Seek the Mentorship of Godly People Quote: A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing. M. Luther. Quote: It is better to train ten people than to do the work of ten people. But it is harder. Moody. 1. Jesus knew more

  • God Blesses Us With Boomerang Blessings

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jun 22, 2022

    In 1924 George Shuler and Ira Wilson were roommates at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois.

    They combined their talents in giving to the world this wonderful Christian song, "Make Me a Blessing." • Wilson wrote the lyrics • Shuler the music The song “Make Me a Blessing” is a wonderful prayer that we should sing to God often. This song has become the heart cry of more

  • Made Alive.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The famous Baptist pastor D.L. Moody used to say, “Some day, you will read in the papers that D.L. Moody of East Northfield is dead. Don’t believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now!”

    Made Alive. Ephesians 2:1-22NIV The book of Ephesians was written some 70AD. The apostle Paul wrote this book from prison. What would make a man go to such extremes? -Paul had been made alive! He had a Damascus Road experience. -When you are made alive, more

  • Christ All In All

    Contributed by Dwight L. Moody on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    A classic sermon by D. L. Moody describing how Christ is all in all to everyone who has truly found Him.

    Colossians 3:11- "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all." Christ is all in all to every one who has truly found Him. He is our Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, Shepherd, Teacher, and also sustains toward more

  • A Guarantee.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jan 17, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    D. L. Moody was to have a campaign in England. An elderly pastor protested, "Why do we need this ’Mr. Moody’? He’s uneducated, inexperienced, etc. Who does he think he is anyway? Does he think he has a monopoly on the Holy Spirit?"

    A Guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 As a child, I was taught not to question authority. The battle cry in that day was, mine is not to reason why, mine is to do or die. Patriotism was based on my country, right or wrong. Such is the basis for fanaticism and blind loyalty. Then came to Vietnam more