7 Practices Of A Healthy Christian
Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021 (message contributor)
1. Worship - Satisfy Yourself
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
You had enjoyed food and friendships and being productive and investments and vacations and hobbies and reading and shopping and sports and TV and travel … but not God.
Today, we launch a new series, Seven Practices of a Healthy Christian. This series fits nicely after talking through Creed for the summer. First, we discussed our creed and now our deeds. Beliefs always precede our behavior. You can find today’s sermon notes on YouVersion and go to “Live event.” ...read more
2. How The Bible Can Impact Your Life
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
D. L. Moody placed the following words in the front of his Bible: “Sin will keep you from this Book and this Book will keep you from sin.”
We continue our series, Seven Practices of a Healthy Christian. Last week, we focused on the heart and this week we focus on the mind – live the Bible. Through the process, we’re keying in one two key words: constancy and consistency. A recent survey shows that less than only one in five ...read more
3. Why Christians Are Different?
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
We are in a series of sermons called, The Seven Practices of a Healthy Christian. This week we’re focusing on “Why Christians are different” by examining our giving.
Part One (This message is in two parts as the offering separates it.) This morning I want to talk about, “Why Christians Are Different.” We are different in many ways from the rest of the American population but one of the ways we are different is in how we use our money. I want to call your ...read more
4. How Prayer Can Change Your Life
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
Oh, that our church would have many more people who prayed for the lost by name. Who continually before the throne room of heaven called the name of the lost in order that God would changer their hearts. Such a conquering faith is such a rarity!
Christopher Hitchens is the author of God is Not Great: Why Religion Poisons Everything. The title of his book tells his attitude toward God. Hitchens was 62 when he was undergoing chemotherapy for his throat cancer. Now deceased, he was famous for his atheism. So many Christians prayed for his ...read more
5. Developing A Passion For Others
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
What makes feet beautiful is when they become leathery, dusty, gnarled in taking the Gospel across the street… across the fence post… we must go across our community… across the country… and across the continents.
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (July 1, 1818 – August 13, 1865) was a Hungarian physician now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. He is known as the savior of the mothers. His story was portrayed in a 1938 movie, That Mothers Might Live, that won an Academy Award. Philip was born into a ...read more
6. Work Hard Serving
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
Christians are to display a willingness to be offended, disadvantaged, even abused without making a return, without requiring vengeance, without demanding an accounting – whether an apology, or punishment, or a repayment of some kind.
Today’s Big Idea: God Works Diligently on Our Behalf. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in ...read more
7. Why Fasting Is Imporant
Contributed on Jun 4, 2021
Placing attention on fasting is dangerous business. Placing attention on our performance is dangerous. Yet, wea are commanded to fast.
Voter’s Guides are Available in Ministry Galley. I encourage each one of you to vote. Today we conclude our series Seven Practice of a Healthy Christian. And our focus this morning is on the mouth. I call on our church to a Week of Prayer and a Day of Fasting for World Missions. For this reason ...read more