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  • Let Your Yes Be Yes Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus always kept his promises and made time for silence and reflection. We can learn from his example to manage our time well.

    You might be thinking, "What does Jesus know about my crazy schedule? He didn't have to deal with school, homework, sports, social media, and everything else I've got going on." But here's the thing, Jesus totally gets it. He had people pulling him in all directions, but he still managed to keep more

  • Speaking & Boasting Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Our words have the power to bring life or death. We must be mindful of how we use them, ensuring they reflect our faith and the love of Christ.

    James kicks off by saying that teachers and preachers are gonna be judged more strictly because their words carry a lot of weight. Our words can make a huge difference, and if we can get a handle on what we say, we can control our whole selves. Imagine this: You're playing a video game, and you're more

  • Listen In The Wilderness Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God often speaks to us in a still small voice, especially in our most vulnerable moments. We need to learn to quiet our minds and hearts to hear Him.

    Today, we're diving into the story of Elijah, a dude who knew a thing or two about tough times. So, picture this: Elijah, fresh off a major win against the prophets of Baal, is now hiding in a cave. He's scared, feeling alone, and probably wondering what's next. God shows up and asks him, 'What are more

  • The Way Of The Cross Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Feb 20, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Denying ourselves and following Jesus wholeheartedly may not be easy, but it is essential for a life that honors God.

    You know how in a game of Mad Libs, you have a million choices and it's all a bit crazy? Well, life can feel like that too. But in the middle of all that, Jesus is like, Hey, forget about yourself for a minute, and follow me. Hey, forget about yourself for a minute, and follow me. Imagine you're at more

  • The Way Of Jesus In Politics Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 4, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    As followers of Christ, we are called to embody humility and service, placing our hope in Jesus above any political party or leader.

    Hey guys! Let's talk about something that's everywhere right now - politics. I know, I know, it's not the most exciting topic, but stick with me. I promise it's going to be interesting. You know how in school, there's always that one kid who wants to be the class president, not because they want to more

  • Contrast

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Dec 10, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    If you want to know the heart of the Bible, and the central truth about world history from God’s point of view, you only need to know two people. This section of Scripture shows a contrast between Adam and Christ.

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: Several years ago Billy Graham preached in St. Petersburg, Russia. During the crusade a very brilliant architect, an atheist, came to hear him. Night after night he listened to the preaching of the gospel. He didn’t make a decision during the crusade. As he thought more

  • Giving Life To Your Man Series

    Contributed by Dan Carroll on Jul 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This sermons helps couples communicate, particularly a wife to her husband.

    I. WHAT MAKES A MAN TICK • Work, accomplishment, protect and provide. • Achieving means everything. • Man was made to work. • Genesis 2:15, “The Lord God put the man in the Garden of Eden to care for it and work it.” • Ephesians 5:31-33, “A man more

  • Lying Prophets

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Feb 26, 2024

    When the prophets be lyin' souls be cryin' and faith be dyin'.

    Jeremiah14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. Ezekiel 13:17 Likewise, thou son more

  • Frivolous Miracles

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 10, 2021

    God is not a showman putting on shows. He has purpose for all that He does.

    Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness. Frivolous miracles? When I woke up this morning this thought came to me, does God do miracles that have no more

  • The Opening Of The Seven Seals Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The opening of the seven seals in Revelation 6 reveals the consequences of sin and the coming judgment, but also the hope and salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

    Hey guys, we're diving into some pretty intense stuff today. We're going to talk about the future, about some crazy things that are going to happen, and about how we can be ready for it. We're looking at Revelation 6, where John sees some wild visions of what's to come. Imagine you're playing a more

  • Rooted And Established In Love Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Jul 25, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    God's love is beyond our understanding, but we can experience it personally and together as a church. It's important to be rooted and established in God's love.

    Hey guys! Today, we're going to talk about something super cool - love. But not just any love, we're talking about God's love. It's like the ultimate superpower. You know how in superhero movies, the hero always has this crazy power that's way beyond what normal people can do? That's kind of like more

  • Bulging Eyes Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 22, 2012

    The bulging eye’s disease which Jesus is talking about here is directly related to what our minds and hearts dwell on. When Jesus readjusts the false scale for sin he makes it clear that lusting after another is already the first step of sin and the same

    Series: Cliff Hangers Jesus teaching from the Sermon on the Mount: These teachings were risky, some would even say very dangerous, they would be teachings that would be opposite of what the religious leaders of the day were teaching, and they would become points of dissension and points of more

  • Choosing Friends

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Feb 26, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    An exhortation to choose friends wisely.

    Choosing Friends It could be said that we live in an age of strangers. Very few folks meet at the fence anymore for a friendly chat and most folks do not even know the names of their neighbors. With varying work schedules and so many things we need to do and want to do, there is very little more

  • A Life In One Direction Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Apr 30, 2012

    Marriage is a gift from God and He has given us three steps towards building our lives together. Last week we began to look at the first two steps - leaving and cleaving - in this message we consider the third step - weaving our lives together in a patte

    A Life In One Direction - Genesis 2:24 - April 29, 2012 Series: After The Honeymoon - #3 This morning we are continuing our series on marriage, entitled, “After the Honeymoon.” You’ll remember that last week we began to look at Genesis 2:24 where we read these words: more

  • There's No Place Like Home Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jan 16, 2022

    It is the cross and the promise of a life after this one that makes this world, with all its ups and down, with all its sorrow, with all its conflicts and challenges all that much more bearable when we know that all of this is just temporary.

    “There’s no place like home.” Who said it? Right … Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Why is that line so iconic? As soon as you hear it, you see Dorothy … aka Judy Garland … holding Toto, clicking the heels of her ruby red slippers three times, and uttering the words … “There’s no place like more

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