
A Nation of Priests

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Understand how the Old Testament presents the Kingdom of God and how it applies to us today as believers, called to be a community that represents God's grace, mercy, and love.

A Nation of Priests

Youth Group Plan: A Nation of Priests (1 Peter 2:9-10, Isaiah 9:6-7)

Youth Sermon: A Nation of Priests

The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament

You're an Israelite, and you've just escaped from being a slave in Egypt. You've seen some crazy stuff, like the Red Sea parting right in front of you. You're so pumped, you start singing a song about how God is going to reign forever. That's the first time the Kingdom of God is mentioned in the Old Testament.

God told the Israelites in Exodus 19 that if they obeyed Him and kept His covenant, they would become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. They would be like God's VIPs, showing everyone else what it's like to live with God as their king.

That's the first time the Kingdom of God is mentioned in the Old Testament.

Our Role in God's Kingdom

Jesus has set us free from the bad stuff in our lives so we can show the world how awesome God is. We're like God's band, playing His song of grace, mercy, and love.

It's not enough to just believe in Jesus. We have to let Him be the superhero of our lives. We have to live by His rules and show His love to everyone we meet.

The Messiah and the Kingdom of God

The Israelites saw King David as a superhero. They thought the Messiah would be a superhero like him. When Jesus came to Jerusalem, they shouted, 'Hosanna! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!' They knew Jesus was the superhero they'd been waiting for.

Isaiah, a prophet, talked about the Kingdom of God like it was the most epic movie ever. He said the Messiah would rule a kingdom that would last forever, with justice and righteousness. That's Jesus. He's the King of the most epic kingdom ever, and His rule will never end.

Our Call to Action

We're called to be part of God's band, His superheroes, His VIPs. We're supposed to show the world how amazing God's love is. So, how are you going to do that this week?

Let's pray. God, thank You for making us part of Your kingdom. Help us to live by Your rules and show Your love to everyone we meet. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does the story of the Exodus show the Kingdom of God?

2. What does it mean to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation?

3. How can we represent God's grace, mercy, and love in our daily lives?

4. How does King David represent the coming Messiah?

5. How can we order our lives according to God's values and priorities?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Kingdom Charades

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