
Rooted and Established in Love

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Jul 25, 2024
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God's love is beyond our understanding, but we can experience it personally and together as a church. It's important to be rooted and established in God's love.

Rooted and Established in Love

Youth Group Plan: Rooted and Established in Love (Ephesians 3:14-21, 1 John 4:8, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

Youth Sermon: Rooted and Established in Love

Love: The Ultimate Superpower

Hey guys! Today, we're going to talk about something super cool - love. But not just any love, we're talking about God's love. It's like the ultimate superpower.

You know how in superhero movies, the hero always has this crazy power that's way beyond what normal people can do? That's kind of like God's love. It's higher, wider, deeper, and longer than anything we can imagine. It's like trying to measure the internet - you just can't!

Imagine you're a tree. What you're rooted in is what you draw your strength from. If you're rooted in God's love, that's what you're going to draw on when things get tough.

It's like the ultimate superpower.

Being Rooted in God's Love

Let's do a little experiment. I've got a bag of potato chips here. Looks full, right? But when we open it up, what do we find? It's mostly air! Just like this bag of chips, we can look full on the outside, but if we're not rooted in God's love, we're just full of hot air.

So, what does it mean to be rooted in God's love? It means that love is our first response, even when we're upset or scared. It means that we choose to act with love, even when it's hard.

And here's the cool part - when we're rooted in God's love, we can do more than we ever thought possible. It's like having a superpower that helps us to be kind when others are mean, to forgive when we're hurt, and to love even when it's hard.

Our Pact

So, how about we make a pact? Let's try to be rooted in God's love this week. When something tough happens, let's choose to respond with love. And let's see what amazing things God can do through us.

Let's pray together. God, help us to be rooted in your love. Help us to draw on your love when things get tough. And help us to show your love to others. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we be more rooted in God's love as a group?

2. Share a time when you felt God's love in your life.

3. How can we respond with love in difficult situations?

4. What does it mean to you to be established in God's love?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Love Measurement

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