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  • Family Values - Week 10 Series

    Contributed by Steve Greene on Dec 31, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Thousands of year ago, God put in place 10 key values that can make a difference in the life of every family. The Ten Commandments have stood the test of time. Discover how these important values apply to every single person, every married couple, and every family regardless of size or makeup.

    We’ve been in this series called Family Values. The Ten Values are based on Ten Commandments and they all come from God. The first nine commandments deal with our actions. But Commandment #10, deals with an attitude of the heart. The first nine are outward issues, dealing primarily with more

  • Transform Your Mind Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Tenth Commandment gives freedom by helping us see that we can have our minds under control

    Message Romans 12:2 “Transform Your Mind” The mind is a dangerous place. I’m talking about all that activity that goes on in your brain. The thoughts that you are now thinking that have nothing to do with church. That process going on in your head which is so easily distracted more

  • Divine Grace For The Soul

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 23, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Salt without prescribing how much is what king Cyrus offered the children of Israel. Knowing the salt or divine grace that God has provided us is the key to driving out coveting within our lives and is also the key to feeling unspeakable joy!

    Salt Without Prescribing How Much Ezra 7:22 Online Sermon: Knowing that there is limited amount resources tends to motivate us to seek to obtain and protect not only what we need but also what we think will be the greatest source of joy in our lives. more

  • Set Your Hearts On Things Above Series

    Contributed by William Baeta on Aug 24, 2019

    “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

    Introduction: The theme for today’s sermon is “set your hearts on things above”. Jesus, the perfect man, could only carry out His mission because He set His heart on things above. He is our example and according to the Scriptures He set His heart on the joy of being seated at the right hand of more

  • Rachel!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 7, 2015

    Some of us wake up only after we see our neighbor park his new car! Coveting, envying and grudging are from the devil!

    Rachel! Genesis 30:1”When Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, she envied her sister. She said to Jacob, "Give me children, or I shall die!" Some of us are chilling out with our goodies and worldly toys without God and then panic when things cave in! Are you listening? When more

  • For The Love Of Money?

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jul 29, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Ever wonder at what line a Christian crosses that makes money a trap and sin in their spiritual walk with Jesus? In this sermon I am going to outline a basic truth: putting trust in money and wealth and not God is a sin.

    For the Love of Money? 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Online Sermon: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines money as a “medium of exchange” for goods and/or services. While one could barter to obtain the necessities of life such as food, shelter and clothing for more

  • No Comparison

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Nov 24, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Comparing ourselves to others creates problems-anger, envy, hatred, division and even murder. There are solutions to the problem: Take the Eternal Perspective 2. Count others as better 3. Follow Jesus 4. Be so busy being cool that you don’t notice what others are doing 5. Give Thanks

    No Comparison Today I’d like to tell a few stories from the Bible, As well as read some of the Bible’s teachings concerning comparisons. Then, at the end, I’d like to consolidate some of the lessons we can learn from what the Bible teaches concerning comparison. This 5-Point message you’ll only more

  • Three Of The Oldest Church Traditions Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 9, 2015

    Because the disciples were very human, and because human nature hasn’t changed, they exemplified three established traditions that are every bit as common in the church today.

    Three of the Oldest Church Traditions (Mark 10:32-45) 1. We all live within the boundaries of routines and patterns; but they do not always hold true. 2. Two old friends bumped into one another on the street one day. One of them looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, "What more

  • "3 Wishes"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Nov 16, 2015

    Sermon for Kids. Used to help them understand that we should be careful what we wish for.

    I used a pic of a genie lamp. . Scripture "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive more

  • 10 Principles For Financial Agreement Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    10 principles for financial agreement in the family (Material adapted from Wayne A. Mack's book, Strengthening Your Marriage, Unit 5, pg. 113)

    Introduction: We should be one in the area of our finances, but easier said than done. It is unlikely that a married couple will be free from conflicts over finances. Several reasons: 1) Each of us is a sinner and inclined to be selfish 2) Raised in different homes and have different more

  • Adultery In The Heart Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Oct 31, 2014

    According to the Law of Moses, adultery carried a death sentence. Jesus equates lust with adultery. Was Jesus commanding lust-filled people to be put to death?

    How many of you remember Abigail Van Buren? She wrote a daily column answering questions from readers. Once a man wrote: "Dear Abby, I am in love and I am having an affair with two different women other than my wife. I love my wife but I love these other women too. Please tell me what to do, but more

  • Are You Free?

    Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Jul 15, 2009

    Luke 12:15 “And he said unto them, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”

    “Are You Free?” 7/1/2007 - Marsing, ID Ricardo Rodriguez Luke 12:15 “And he said unto them, "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” “Y díjoles: Mirad, y guardaos de toda avaricia; porque la vida more

  • Love Fulfills The Law

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on May 25, 2022

    Someone has said that if we love God with all our heart, and other people with all our heart, we can do as we please, because we will only do that which pleases God and benefits others.

    Alba 5-22-2022 LOVE FULFILLS THE LAW Romans 13:8-10 A woman and her husband came to their minister and said, “We're going to get a divorce, but we wanted to come to make sure that you approve of it.” There are those who they feel that if they have lost their love for each other they hope more

  • Mutiny In The Desert

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on May 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Why is it that we are never satisfied with what we have? Why is it that we covet the things others have like possessions, position or power (authority)? We seem to be like the monkey.

    Mutiny in the Desert Childrens Story Comment: There is a story that says in Africa and India the natives use a technique to catch monkeys. They hollow out one end of a coconut and they put peanuts in there Ive also heard bananas but same concept. The monkey puts his hand in the coconut and when he more

  • Motivational Atrocity-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jun 4, 2019

    2 of ? Amos declared God’s wrath to be justified/warranted due to nationally motivated atrocities. Why/When/How do nationally motivated atrocities move God to anger & retribution? National atrocity motivates God’s retribution when that nation endorses...

    MOTIVATIONAL ATROCITY-II—Amos 1:3--2:5 OR--Indefensible National Atrocities/Pride Attention: A distraught husband is standing in the local florist’s shop pleading with the clerk about his need for geraniums. “I'm sorry,” said the clerk, “we don't have potted geraniums. Could you use more

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