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Sermons on covenant requirement:

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  • The Patriarchs The Joys And Pains Of The Journey Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Aug 23, 2016

    The Patriarchs The Joys and Pains of the Journey Genesis 21:1-21 David Taylor June 26, 2016

    The Patriarchs The Joys and Pains of the Journey Genesis 21:1-21 David Taylor June 26, 2016 The overarching story of Genesis is the promise of a Deliverer whose mission will be to bless the nations by rescuing them from their sinfulness. This comes into focus when God chose Abraham to be the one more

  • The Requirements Of The New Covenant

    Contributed by Jonathan Twitchell on Dec 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The author of Hebrews has made the case that the New Covenant is superior to (and fulfills) the Old Covenant. What then are the requirements of this new covenant?

    Before we continue our study of Hebrews this morning, I want to take a moment to comment on our Gospel lesson found in Mark chapter 12. I love that short little story about the widow who placed her two coins in the offering. I love the way that Jesus so graciously commends this woman—not because more

  • Holiness (Leviticus 19)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 17, 2024

    Is holiness just an old covenant requirement or are Christians also to be holy? Let's look at Leviticus 19.

    Was Israel to live holy lives? Did holiness include how they treated parents, Sabbath, idolatry, peace offerings, the poor, telling the truth, immigrants, stock breeding, clothing quality, sex, harvesting fruit, pagan practices, the elderly, foreigners, and honesty in business? How holy are our more

  • Why Is Blood Needed For Forgiveness Of Sins? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 3, 2019

    A "Will" requires death (shedding of blood) in order for the promises in a will is realized; the old and new covenant requires shedding of blood but Jesus' was from heaven, once and for all, and eternal!

    As we prepare our hearts for Communion, let us listen and learn from God’s Word in Hebrews 9….. As we had noted from the first half of Hebrews 9, God established a relationship with the Hebrews of old through a covenant but it was limited, temporary, and only a shadow of what is in heaven. more

  • Covenant PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores building relationships with our new pastor, fostering inclusivity in our congregation, and embracing a renewed covenant with God for all.

    Good morning, dear church family. It's a joy to gather with you in the warmth of this sanctuary, the echo of our shared laughter and the harmony of our joined voices filling this sacred space. It's a blessing to be here with you, united in faith, bound by love, and driven by our shared pursuit of more

  • Requirements? What About Grace?

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 15, 2010

    Rearranging Micah 6 shows us that Micah had characterized the religiosity of Judah in ways that are comparable to our religiosity. But justice, compassion, and the humble walk are much more than we expected, and are our responses to grace.

    Takoma Park Baptist Church, Washington, DC August 24, 1986 Several years ago I went back to school for work on a graduate degree. Although I had been around schools and colleges and students all of my life, this was the first time in about a dozen years or so that I had actually enrolled in a more

  • A New Covenant

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Sep 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Man could not keep the covenant with God so a new covenant was required that we might be saved according to the will of God.

    A New Covenant 08/02/09 AM Text: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Introduction: I was channel surfing the other day, that’s how I spent my time during commercial breaks when watching TV, and as I went past the comedy channel I paused because the featured performer was talking about the bible. ILL: Comedian more

  • Are Christians Required To Obey The Law Of Moses? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 18, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the transition from the Old Covenant of law to the New Covenant of grace through Jesus Christ's fulfillment of the law.

    Good morning, dear friends. I trust the Lord has been your strength and your shield this past week. As we gather together in His name, let's take a moment to draw our hearts closer to His word, His promises, and His unending love for us. We gather here today to discuss an important and powerful more

  • A New Covenant

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 3, 2019

    a study in the Gospel of Matthew 26: 20- 30

    Matthew 26: 20- 30 A New Covenant 20 When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve. 21 And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” 22 They were very sad and began to say to him one after the other, “Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?” 23 more

  • Church Covenant: What Is Required Of Church Members #3 Series

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    This is third in series of messages concerning the Church Covenant, and What Is Required Of Church Members ?

    Sunday Morning Sermon Part 3 of series Church Covenant: What Is Required of Church Members Part 3 Ephesians 4:15-22, 5:15-19 This is the third in our series of messages on our church covenant. Our purpose is to define what a covenant is, and to determine what is required of church members more

  • A Cross And A Covenant Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 7, 2014

    A sermon on how the church is reflected in the OT covenants (Material adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, Rediscovering Community, chapter one- Covenant Graced)

    HoHum: Daniel Overdorf- I visited a friend in the hospital. He had neared the end of an extended battle with cancer. The chemotherapy had taken most of his ability to think. I read some Scripture passages to him about God’s promises, unsure if he even heard me, then I prayed. As I turned more

  • Making A Covenant With God

    Contributed by Travis L. Billings on Oct 20, 2020

    A covenant will always cost something. Whether it is personal comfort, self-pleasures, or anything in between. Your moment of decision will cost you something.

    Background checks Trunk or treat We are at a point where God had used Nehemiah and given him direction on many certain issues. Some of which were in the physical realm and some were in the spiritual realm. God has used Nehemiah to lead the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem for protection more

  • Covenant Keeping God

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Feb 16, 2025

    God is a Covenant-Keeping God who never fails. His promises are sure, and His faithfulness endures for all generations. When we walk in obedience and faith, we enjoy the full benefits of His covenant.

    COVENANT-KEEPING GOD By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Deuteronomy 7:9 Supporting Texts: Genesis 17:1-7, Psalm 89:34, Hebrews 6:13-18, Isaiah 54:10 INTRODUCTION: A covenant is a divine agreement between God and His people, sealed by His unchanging promises. Unlike human contracts that can be more

  • Church Covenant: What Is Required Of Church Members ? Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jan 23, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    This is part one of a series dealing with the church covenant used by most baptist churches. We seek to answer the question: What is required of church members ?

    Church Covenant: What Is Required Of Church Members ? Part 1 1 Cor. 12:18-27 ,Acts 11:25-26 1Co 12:18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. 1Co 12:19 And if they were all one member, where were the body? 1Co 12:20 But now are they many members, more

  • Church Covenant: What Is Required Of Church Members Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jan 29, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Second in Sermon series dealing with The Church Covenant & What is required of Church Members Church Members

    Church Covenant: What Is Required Of Church Members ? Part 2 1 Thess. 3:11-4:1 1Th 3:11 Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you. 1Th 3:12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward more