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  • "Jesus Approved Worship” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Mar 11, 2019

    From the worshiping women in Mark 14, we learn three things about the kind of worship that Jesus approves of.

    John says (John 12:1) Jesus arrived in Bethany 6 days before Passover, which means He arrived on Saturday. He and His disciples stayed in Bethany each evening during the first part of the last week of His life. They’d journey 2 miles into Jerusalem, He’d teach the people, stop for the evening at more

  • Entertainment Verses Worship

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jan 2, 2019

    A study in the book of 1 Chronicles 25: 1 - 31

    1 Chronicles 25: 1 - 31 Entertainment verses worship 25 Moreover David and the captains of the army separated for the service some of the sons of Asaph, of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, stringed instruments, and cymbals. And the number of the skilled men performing their more

  • Amazing Public Worship

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Jun 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Everybody ought to go to the house of God on a regular basis. Public worship is part of the amazing plan of God. Don't miss out on what God has yet in store for you.

    Amazing Public Worship Ps. 89:5 5 ¶ And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. (KJV) 5 Los cielos celebrarán tus maravillas, oh Jehová; tu fidelidad también en la congregación de los santos. (RVG04) Ps. 107:32 32 Let them exalt him more

  • The Worship At God's Throne Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 26, 2015

    The Throne and The Lamb, part 4 Worship is About God (vs. 8) Worship is about the Nature of God (vs. 8-11) Worship is Corporate in Emphasis (vs. 8-11)

    The Throne and The Lamb, part 4 The Worship at God's Throne Revelation 4:1-11 November 2, 2014 We are in the midst of a new series, “The Throne & The Lamb,” based on the Revelation, chapters four and five. I want to review where we have been, clarify a couple of things I said last more

  • The Worship At God's Throne Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 26, 2015

    The Throne and The Lamb, part 5 Revelation 4:1-11 Corporate worship is more important than private worship. Worship is Passionate in Expression (vs. 8-10) Worship Overflows Toward Mission (vs. 10-11)

    The Throne and The Lamb, part 5 The Worship at God's Throne Revelation 4:1-11 November 9, 2014 We are in the middle of our series, “The Throne & The Lamb,” based on the Revelation, chapters four and five. Chapter four opens up with the throne in the center of heaven and is the more

  • Worship The King Of Kings!

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 10, 2015

    Worship the Lord Jesus Christ: 1. For His plan (vs. 28-35). 2. For His peace (vs. 35-38). 3. For His power (vs. 37-40). 4. For His presence (vs. 41-44).

    Worship the King of Kings! Luke 19:28-40 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - March 30, 2014 *As we focus on Palm Sunday this morning, please open your Bibles to Luke 19, thinking about worshiping the King of Kings. My greatest goal for us today is to have true worship in our hearts more

  • God's Program Of Worship

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 1, 2015
    based on 58 ratings

    Let's consider various aspects of God's program of worship for here and now. 1- Worship Him only 2- Worship Him everywhere 3- Worship Him sincerely

    INTRO.- ILL.- One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the evil that was going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. So He called one of His best angels and sent the angel to Earth for a while. When he returned he told God, yes it is bad on Earth, 95% is bad more

  • The Heart Of Authentic Worship

    Contributed by Louis Bartet on May 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We often mistake the means of worship for worship itself!

    WORSHIP: The Heart of Authentic Worship CORE VALUE: Worship is always worship! While there are a variety of fish, a fish is always a fish. Biologically, a fish is never a tree. A fish is never an insect. It doesn’t matter if it’s caught in a lake in Africa or a bayou in more

  • The Test Of Our Worship Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    When we think of worship, many of us often think of music. Music and singing are one expression of worship, but what really is worship? What does it look like and what where does it come from? How can I determine if my worship is pleasing to God or if

    A Test of our Worship? Romans 12:1 Slide Good Morning. If I asked the question of you, “Did you enjoy worshiping this morning?” what would you think I was talking about? Would you be thinking of the musical worship time? Would anyone be thinking of the time during which we took up more

  • Worship Through Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    Worship is demonstrated and expressed in many different ways. One of the ways we demonstrate our worship is through sacrifice. What do our sacrifices speak and why is this worship and do the sacrifices we make and the way we make them matter to our wors

    Worship through Sacrifice Slide Good morning. Last week we began a series called A Life of Worship. Often when we think of worship, we think of music, and we are going to talk about worship through singing next week. But, we learned last week that worshiping the Lord is not just about singing, more

  • Worship Through Singing Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    Worship is demonstrated and expressed in many different ways. We have talked about a couple of different ways already, but the one everyone thinks of when they think of worship is singing. Why does God want us to worship Him through singing?

    Worship through Singing Ephesians 5:19 - Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord . Colossians 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and more

  • Worship Through Serving Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Oct 1, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    How and why we worship through serving.

    Worship through Serving Ephesians 2:10 God Saved me to Serve God Gifted me to Serve God Blesses me when I Serve Slide Good morning. So glad to have you here this morning. I am glad our PowerZone kids get to join us today for our service. And I am excited to have our Ministry Faire for more

  • Women, Worship, And Church Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 15, 2012

    We consider the role of women in worship and the church.

    Introduction We now close up the section about worship. Our passage leads us to consider the role of women in worship and the church. Text As in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as more

  • Back To The Basics - Worship Series

    Contributed by Mark Engler on Sep 28, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    The greatest thing about giving God our whole life in worship is that through worship and God’s love in us everything else and every other person in our lives will receive the love of God through us as well.

    Back to the Basics - Worship ME Take a look at this video this morning as we get into talking about worship this morning. It is David Platt talking about religion and sports. (Video) Isn’t that what someone from another country would see of our country when it comes to sports. Especially in more

  • Worshiping The Lord Of Hosts

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Mar 10, 2016

    What would it be like to be ushered into Heaven into the very presence of Almighty God? We may not know exactly what it would be like, but I am sure we would never be the same again.

    Worshiping the Lord of Hosts Isaiah 6:1-8 In Isaiah 6, a man by the name of Isaiah is called out by God to be His servant, to prophesy to a nation that was not living in God's will. The ministry God called him to would prove to be a difficult one. It would not be one of praise, wealth, or more

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