James's church

East Englewood Church of Christ
Englewood, Florida 33981
(941) 662-6025

About James
  • Education: Jim attended the Mount Vernon Nazarene College for two years before transferring to Cincinnati Bible College in th fall of 1988. He graduated from Cincinnati Bible College in the Spring of 1992 with a Bachelor of Science Degree.
  • Experience: During his last two years of college, Jim served as the Youth Minister for the First Church of Christ in Waynesville, Ohio. Upon his graduation from the Cincinnati Bible College, Jim accepted the invitation to go and serve as the Associate Minister at the First Christian Church, in Urbana, Ohio. He served there for five and a half years. In August of 1998, Jim and his family relocated to Peebles, Ohio where Jim began serving as the Youth Minister, two years later he became the Sr. Minister.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: God is continuing to work in my life. What you see is a work in progress. I hope that in some small way my sermons may bless the lives of those who hear them or read them.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The sermon that has had the biggest impact on me as a Minister and a Christian was preached at my Ordination into the ministry. It was Paul’s charge to Timothy to be a man of God, to preach the Word in season and out of season. That message and that charge has motivated me throughout my ministry.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: My favorite illustration is about a little boy who built himself a model boat. When finished he took it down to the creek to try it out. The current was very strong and before he knew it, the creek had taken away his boat. He was devastated. A short time later he was walking downtown, passed the toy store, and there in the window was his boat. He went inside and explained to the store owner that the boat belonged to him. But to no avail. So instead, he raised the money and bought the boat.
  • Family: Jim and his wife Lynn met at the Cincinnati Bible College and were married in May of 1989. They have four children; Jarrod (26), Joshua (23), Kaylee (18) and Karlie (12)
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents live a good distance away so we don’t get to see each other very often. They have heard me preach only a very few times. I hope that they are proud of the work God is doing through me.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife is very honest with me about my sermons, which is not always fun! But she is very helpful to me. She is my biggest cheerleader! I could not be in ministry without her loving support. She knows what I will be preaching on, and she helps to find relevant arcticles, quotes, and illustrations.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Before going into ministry, my "spiritual father" advised me- "Always keep your ego in check. Step into the pulpit as a humble messenger for God."
  • Books that have had an impact: One book that has had a huge impact on me is "Grace: Set Free." by Jack Cotrell. Another book that has been a tremendous help to me is "The New Testament Church," by Robert Shannon.
  • Hobbies: Jim is a huge sports nut and enjoys watching and playing many different sports. He also enjoys coaching his own boys in various sports such as basketball and soccer. His favorite sport to participate in is golf. He loves spending time with his family and also spending time with many of the people at Peebles with whom he has developed great relationships.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: If I could preach one more time, I would tell people to be finishers. Continue to fight the good fight. No matter how hard life gets, never ever give up. Continue to live every day as though it is your last. Live with the confidence and hope that Jesus Christ is coming back and we will be victorious.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Very early on in my ministry, I once preached at a very small country church. They had one of those pulpits with a light on it. As I shuffled my feet while nervoulsy preaching, I bumped the light outlet with my foot and the light went off. I didn’t realize why the light had gone off, so I continued to preach. Before long I bumped the light with my foot again and the light came back on. This continued to take place several times before I realized what happened.
  • What I want on my tombstone: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race.
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    based on 1 rating

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