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  • Whats In Your Hand?

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Mar 23, 2007
    based on 124 ratings

    God is wanting to do something awesome and powerful in your life, but it starts by giving him what you have in your hand.

    What do you have? What is available to you, at your disposal, in your possession? This rod was nothing special of itself, it was just a rod (a stick). What was significant about this stick was: It was what Moses had. Note: God did not ask Moses what he didn’t have. We could all make a long more

  • The Need For Preparation

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In our impatient world we do many things on the "spur of the moment", even in our churches. This message is about God’s expectation of being prepared as his servants.

    THE NEED FOR PREPARATION Luke 12:47 INTRO: There is a great need today for preparation. We do many things with out first preparing to do them. Today, we want to look at some of these things and see if we can find the need to prepare. I. PREPARATION FOR more

  • Aim High By Bending Low

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jul 9, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus washed his disciple's feet he performed an act of the utmost humility. In doing so he set an example for us to follow.

    AIM HIGH BY BENDING LOW John 13:1-17 INTRODUCTION: John of all the gospels has the longest account of the Last Supper. We owe him for many of the details of what went on in that upper room. First of which is what we’ll be looking at today as we see a great act of humility performed by our more

  • Freedom And Fruit Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 13, 2013

    Christians are free, but we are not freed for self-indulgence, but for service.

    Galatians 5:1, 13-26 Freedom and Fruit INTRODUCTION There are specific times in our lives when we experience an expansive sense of freedom. One of the times that I specifically remember is when I received my drivers license. Suddenly I was free. I was no longer limited to walking or riding more

  • Jesus Has Some Questions.

    Contributed by Buck Hughes on Nov 27, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus asks His disciples two questions. How would you answer them?

    Jesus has some questions. Matthew 16:13-19 I. Intro We are always asking God questions. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. What is your will for my life – my family – my job? What do you want me to do? Will you help me? These questions ask what does God more

  • The Commitment

    Contributed by Nicky Evans on Jul 20, 2011

    While the cost of discipleship is 100% commitment 100% of the time, the outworking of that commitment will differ from one person to the next.

    Last week we spoke about the cost of discipleship, or the cost of following Jesus, or the cost of being a Christian. Whether you are the pastor or a missionary or just the guy who gives out the hymn books each meeting, the cost of following Jesus is the same for us all. And from the Scriptures we more

  • Called Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Aug 26, 2014

    As a Christian, You are Called, but Called to do WHAT?

    BASIC Series Part Two Welcome Hold Up Bibles (tracks start playing in background, get louder and louder) Last week, we started this brand new series called B.A.S.I.C. (elaborate) TELL ABOUT BOOK: “ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN”, by Robert Fulgham All I really more

  • Go Down To Go Up Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Find the highest honor in the lowest places.

    John Ortberg, in his book Love Beyond Reason, talks about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, who pulled into a service station to get gas. He went inside to pay, and when he came out he noticed his wife engaged in a deep discussion with the service station attendant. It turned out that she knew him. more

  • On The Homefront Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012

    Service, Ministry, Outreach

    ON THE HOMEFRONT Luke 10: 25-37 (p735) Oct. 10, 2010 INTRODUCTION: When I was growing up there was a Methodist minister that came into my home almost everyday and taught me real truths about loving my neighbor…Fred Rogers would come into his house, take off his jacket, slip on his more

  • Dare To Be A Daniel

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We must live our lives in service and devotion to God, no matter the consequences.

    Dare to Be a Daniel March 1, 2009 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must live our lives in service and devotion to God, no matter the consequences. Focus Passage: Daniel 6 Supplemental Passage: Introduction: Several years ago, in Long Beach, more

  • "All Because Of The Cross!”

    Contributed by Grady H Moore on Feb 21, 2022

    Here in verses 54-57, Paul describes the rapture and the resurrection of the believers in the Lord Jesus.

    Here in verses 54-57, Paul describes the rapture and the resurrection of the believers in the Lord Jesus. *We notice 3 things about that great event. I. Because of the Cross, we have VICTORY. v57 Because of… the finished work of Jesus on that cross! II. more

  • The Joy Of An Abundant Christian Life

    Contributed by Dr. Michael Pope on Apr 10, 2018

    Learning how to live the life God has intended for us

    THE ABUNDANT CHRISTIAN LIFE JOHN 10:10 25 MAR 18 DR. M POPE INTRO: As we are one week away from Easter, we are reminded of the new life we have through Christ from being born again. To be Born again means we have experienced a ‘Spiritual Resurrection’. We have eternal life. What I want to more

  • Served To Save PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 22, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of the Lord's Supper, emphasizing Jesus' sacrificial service, the symbolism of the supper, and salvation through selflessness.

    Good morning, beloved family of God! Isn't it a joy to gather together on this fine day that the Lord has made? We are not here by chance, but by divine appointment. We are not here for a casual gathering, but for a divine encounter with the Word of God. We are here to meet with our Savior, Jesus more

  • Served To Save PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 22, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of the Lord's Supper, emphasizing Jesus' sacrificial service, the symbolism of the supper, and salvation through selflessness.

    Good morning, beloved family of God! Isn't it a joy to gather together on this fine day that the Lord has made? We are not here by chance, but by divine appointment. We are not here for a casual gathering, but for a divine encounter with the Word of God. We are here to meet with our Savior, Jesus more

  • Your Personal Commitment

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jan 9, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Make a personal commitment to pray. We are called to pray to strengthen our relationship with Christ and to pray for others, who are broken and weary. Make a personal commitment to be present in church.

    Your Personal Commitment Once there was a great story teller, who only had a fourth grade education. One of his favorite stories was about a chicken and a pig, who encountered a hungry man besides the road. Moved with compassion, the chicken said to the pig, “Why don’t you and I go together and more

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