Sermon Series
  • 1. Laugh Power

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Be a joy to others by sharing the gospel and excelling in your love.

    Less than two months after the tragic and momentous events of nine-eleven, Disney released a movie which became a parable of our times. The movie was Monsters, Inc. (released on November 2, 2001), and it described a world that was fueled by fear – literally. The power company in the movie more

  • 2. A Spiritual Workout

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2016

    If you want to shine as lights in a dark world, work out your salvation with fear, light and joy. Out of respect for Christ, choose to praise Him rather than protest your situation.

    In January 2010, Jeff Miller, 26, set the Guinness’ world record for the most hours of non-stop TV viewing in one sitting. He did it while participating in ESPN’s Ultimate Couch Potato competition at Chicago’s ESPN Zone. It was actually his third consecutive Ultimate Couch Potato more

  • 3. Joyful Generosity

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Give and bring praise to God, participate in the sharing of the Gospel, and profit from it yourself.

    A church was getting ready to receive pledges to their building fund, when the pastor thought of an ingenious way to get everyone to pledge. He called in an electrician and wired the seats. Then when the collection time came the following Sunday, he announced to the congregation, “All pledges more

  • 4. Men Of Honor

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Real respect comes not in the palace, but in the place of selfless, sacrificial service.

    A man was talking to his friends about their last child leaving home and coping with the empty-nest syndrome. He said, “The worst part about it is, that since the children left, my wife started treating me like a child. He complained, “When we go to the grocery store and I reach for more

  • 5. Pursue The Prize

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to be fully and completely like Christ, then look ahead to Christ, the goal; look around for positive examples, and look up to heaven.

    A customs officer observes a truck pulling up at the border. Suspicious, he orders the driver out and searches the vehicle. He pulls off the panels, bumpers, and wheel cases but doesn’t find a single scrap of contraband. He is still suspicious, but doesn’t know where else to search, so more

  • 6. Really Live!

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2016

    Do you want real joy in the face of any adversity? Then pursue the advancement of the Gospel and the exaltation of Christ above anything else.

    Maria Brunner's husband was unemployed, so she supported their three young children by cleaning other people's houses. However, even without a job, her husband managed to run up quite a number of unpaid parking tickets. The bill totaled nearly $5,000. Mr. Brunner kept the tickets a secret from his more

  • 7. Simple Faith

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    If you want the joy of your relationship with Christ back, beware of the legalists and simply believe in Christ. Stop trying to live up to someone's performance standards and simply trust Christ with your life.

    In our lawsuit-happy culture, American companies must go to great lengths to avoid lawsuits, and they do it by putting some of the strangest warning labels on their products. Every year, the Center for America sponsors the Wacky Warning Labels Contest, looking for what it calls “the most more

  • 8. Finding Peace

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Real peace starts and ends with Christ: Stand right on Christ, and be right with each other; then pray right, think right, and do right as you depend on Him.

    The monks at a remote monastery deep in the woods followed a rigid vow of silence. Their vow could only be broken once a year – on Christmas – by one monk. That monk could speak only one sentence. One Christmas, Brother Thomas had his turn to speak and said, “I love the delightful more

  • 9. A Worthy Life

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    If we want to promote the good news of God’s love, then we must stand together in suffering for the Savior.

    Just a few years ago (February 2013), Great Britain's Food Standards Agency closed a slaughterhouse and a processing plant after investigators found horse carcasses had been used to make beef burgers and kebabs sold in Britain. A month later, Swedish furniture giant IKEA was drawn into the food more

  • 10. The Joy Of Love

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2016

    Do you want to find joy in your relationships? It starts when you open up your heart to receive God’s love for yourself. Then, in the context of that grace and love, feel the same; think the same; and do the same, promoting others above yourself.

    A couple had been married for 60 years, and throughout their life they had shared everything. They loved each other deeply. They had not kept any secrets from one another, except for a small shoe box that the wife kept in the top shelf of her closet. When they got married, she put the box there and more

  • 11. Go Down To Go Up

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Find the highest honor in the lowest places.

    John Ortberg, in his book Love Beyond Reason, talks about the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, who pulled into a service station to get gas. He went inside to pay, and when he came out he noticed his wife engaged in a deep discussion with the service station attendant. It turned out that she knew him. more