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Sermons on aphrodite:

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  • Worshiping At The Temple Of Aphrodite Series

    Contributed by Darian Catron on Feb 21, 2025

    Aphrodite, like so much of what the world worships, is a false god offering a very false and imperfect form of love. Versus the one true God that we believe in representing TRUE LOVE. Today we are going to be studying “The Love Chapter,” as it is called. 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

    INTRODUCTION: Over the last two Sundays we have been exploring what the Bible says about love… specifically the kind of love that God demonstrates for us, gives to us, and is for us. We talked about how there are different forms of love, some very shallow and feeling based, some that are more more

  • There's A Place For Everybody (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed ...

    The words of Paul to the Corinthians, 1st letter, 12th chapter - the 12th of 16 in fact! This is the first time we’ve looked at Paul’s correspondence to the Corinthians for a good while, and you might find it odd that we do so today by jumping such a long way in to such a long letter! I frankly more

  • Epaphroditus – Selfless Christianity In Action! Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Last week, one of our goals was to provide a box top picture of what Christian preadolescence is suppose to look like. So many times, our young teens are frustrated with all the different physical, social, and emotional puzzle pieces that they’re suppose

    SERMONIC THEME Opening Statement: Last week, one of our goals was to provide a box top picture of what Christian preadolescence is suppose to look like. So many times, our young teens are frustrated with all the different physical, social, and emotional puzzle pieces that they’re suppose to put more

  • Paul And Corinth Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This lesson is an introduction to a series of sermons on 1 Corinthians.

    Introduction: A. Imagine, with me, a church wracked by divisions. 1. Powerful leaders promote themselves against each other, each with his band of loyal followers. 2. Someone in the congregation, maybe one of the leaders, is having an affair with his stepmother, but instead of disciplining him, more

  • Who's Going To Heaven?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 11, 2001
    based on 199 ratings

    What caused Paul to write, "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. . ."?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX A. "Who’s going to be in heaven?" Have you ever wondered about that? Have you ever wondered whether or not you’ll be in heaven? Just what kind of people do you suppose are going to be there? Now, of course, I’ve more

  • On To Corinth

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010

    On to Corinth. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts chapter 18 verses 1-17. • Last Sunday you looked at chapter 17 when the apostle Paul was in Athens • This week in chapter 18 he has left Athens; • And made a 90-mile journey west to Corinth. • And unlike Athens, when he is with Christian friends (chapter 17 more

  • "The Christian Code Of Conduct" 1 Cor. 6 Pt 6 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jul 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul tells us that the Christian who has been sanctified by Jesus will live by a strict holy code of conduct in their lives. They will act Christ like and therefore honor God and make Him look good.

    “The Christian Code of Conduct” 1 Corinthians 6 - pt 6 Opening Video Illustration: From “Horton Hears a Who.” In this clip Horton reaffirms that he will stay 100% faithful to the who’s - despite danger to himself. He will do this because his code of conduct has always been “100% faithfulness” to more

  • Always Evaluate Your Spirtual Growth Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 11, 2013

    Until Jesus returns, the Christian must continue to grow in faith.

    We continue to learn from the First Letter to the Thessalonians; please open your Bibles there… What have we noted so far? In Chapter 1 we noted what the right motives are for the Christian life! In Chapter 2 we noted 2 things, how to effectively share the Gospel and the importance of being more

  • "Living Single”

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Dec 14, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the Singles to affirm to others that Living Single is a Special Calling of God to a deeper level of spiritual devotion.

    BIG IDEA: LIVING SINGLE IS A SPECIAL CALLING OF GOD. REFERENCES: I Cor. 7:25-40; I Cor. 7:1-24; Matthew 19:8-12 (Because of the hardness of mans heart, Moses wrote the bill of divorcement … Not all men can receive this except for who is given … enuchs who have been so from birth …); Isaiah more

  • Epaphroditus - A Man Of Honor Or Shame? Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 4, 2022

    This sermon focuses on the little known man named Epaphroditus and two possible interpretations of Paul's opinion of him.

    We are continuing with our series on the book of Philippians. By now, hopefully, you realize that the book of Philippians was actually a letter written to the Philippians by the apostle Paul in about 60 A.D. Consistent with what we have been doing the last few weeks, I would like to have more

  • The Birth Of A Church Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021

    I don’t know what you think of when you think of evangelism, but evangelism is reason powered by the Holy Spirit. Paul would consistently use the persuasive powers of reason as he talked to people about becoming a follower of Jesus Christ.

    We begin a new series today. Our church celebrates its 125th year anniversary. We have some things planned for later this year. We also begin a new book: 1 Corinthians. Many of you may think it odd to begin journey of a book of the Bible and then focus on Acts. Yet, Luke tells us the beginnings of more

  • Evidence Of The Resurrection: The Church (Part 2)

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Aug 7, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon examining how the Church serves as evidence of Christ's Resurrection.

    EVIDENCE OF THE RESURRECTION EXHIBIT A: THE CHURCH (PART 2) I Corinthians 15:1-2 Several years ago, a man named John was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. As a result of his condition, his complexion was pale, his body was weak, he was unable to breathe without an oxygen tank, and he could not walk more

  • No Tripping Allowed

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 25, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    About spiritually tripping another person, or as Paul says, being a stumbling block to another Christian.

    Though one of the objectives of football is to knock the other guy down, tripping is not allowed. If the Packers' Ross Verba is blocking the Vikings' John Randle, trying to prevent him from sacking Brett Favre, he is not allowed to stick out his leg and trip him. If he does, and the referee sees more

  • Learning To Be A Missionary Series

    Contributed by James ( Jim ) Highland on Sep 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The development of Paul as a world missionary

    Learning to be a Missionary Acts 17:6 – 18:18 The writer Andy Andrews in his book “The Traveler’s Gifts” sends his readers to seven different historical persons to receive lessons about life that he wants them to learn. You might want to read his book if you are seeking more

  • Mcdonald's Mcdonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken And A Pizza Hut Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Jun 9, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    In Jewish Sacrificial Thought there are two parts to the sacrifice - the death of the animal and the sharing in the sacrifice through the meal. So what are those two parts when it comes to the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross? A sermon for Corpus Christi

    Based on a sermon preached 2nd September 2001 at ST John’s Bethnal Green - preached with a few more visual images on 2nd June 2024 at St Barnabas more