God So Loved That He Gave
Contributed by Darian Catron on Feb 13, 2019 (message contributor)
1. How Will They Know God Loves Them?
Contributed on Feb 13, 2019
How do people know that you are a Christian? What it is about you and your life when they look at you that says, "They're one of them Christ followers"? And what is your life telling them about Christianity and Christ?
INTRO: How do people know that you are a Christian? Is it by the way you live? Is it because you don’t do certain things that they do? You don’t say the same words that they do or watch the same filth or hang out with the same people? Is it because they know that you go to church on Sundays? ...read more
2. Between Love And Hate
Contributed on Feb 8, 2025
Sometimes to truly understand something, it’s easier to look at and compare it to its exact opposite. What would you say is the exact opposite of love? How about hate? In this Sermon we look at what 1 John says about love and hate.
By a show of hands, who is going for the Chiefs tonight? Who is going for the Eagles? Who could care less? You know, it’s interesting how people can be so passionate for their favorite team in sports. But then I think about how passionate I can be for other things too. Like music. Like art. I ...read more
3. Worshiping At The Temple Of Aphrodite
Contributed on Feb 21, 2025
Aphrodite, like so much of what the world worships, is a false god offering a very false and imperfect form of love. Versus the one true God that we believe in representing TRUE LOVE. Today we are going to be studying “The Love Chapter,” as it is called. 1 Corinthians chapter 13.
INTRODUCTION: Over the last two Sundays we have been exploring what the Bible says about love… specifically the kind of love that God demonstrates for us, gives to us, and is for us. We talked about how there are different forms of love, some very shallow and feeling based, some that are more ...read more