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Sermons on 2 Pedro 3:10:

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  • And The Creatures Say—come.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 18, 2021

    This chapter typifies the dramatic, heavily symbolic description of end-times events for which Revelation is famous. Series from Revelation, Verse by verse teaching. John sees a series of visions corresponding to Jesus opening the first six seals of the scroll He received in chapter 5.

    And The Creatures Say—Come. Revelation 6:1-17ESV We learn from chapter 5, that Jesus is the Lamb and He alone has the moral and legal right to open the scroll that He took from God's right hand (Revelation 5:5–7). Further, He alone is worthy to open the seven seals that kept the scroll more

  • Will Christians Go Through The Tribulation Period? (Xi) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Mar 22, 2021

    Message explores the readiness for Christ's coming called for in the Olivet Discourse. Three parables give insight on specific aspects of being prepared. The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats is also examined closely.

    Biblical Readiness for the Rapture: Intro In this message we continue to learn from the Olivet Discourse lesson about the coming of the Lord and how we are to respond to it. Last week we concluded with the point of Jesus’s message in Matthew 24: maintaining an ongoing readiness for his return. more

  • Selfless Holy Light In A Dark Age Of Self-Worship

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    We live in a world that is largely dominated by self interest. All around town, up and down, we see self interest at work. What can I get? What can I gain? We gotta make money.

    We live in a world that is largely dominated by self interest. All around town, up and down, we see self interest at work. What can I get? What can I gain? We gotta make money. We gotta meet the right people, and get what we need from them. Often times it feels like our lives revolve around what we more

  • The Warning Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 31, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible makes it clear that men are responsible for how they respond to warnings. If they choose to ignore them and are unprepared, their blood will be on their own head.

    On a Friday afternoon, May 31, 1889 a man by the name of Daniel Peyton came galloping down the road in Johnstown, Penn. Sparks were flying from the hoofs of his big bay horse. He was shouting for all he was worth that the damn had broken. Some believed his warning and fled to the hills. Others more

  • It's Getting Closer All The Time

    Contributed by David Nolte on Apr 11, 2021

    Of all people, we are nearest in point of time to Jesus' Reeturn

    People who are ordinarily rational, reasonable, relaxed individuals seem to lose those characteristics and become contentious, aggressive, hostile and belligerent, with red faces, snarling lips and bulging eyeballs when it comes to disagreement about Bible versions or translations, interpretation more

  • The Lord’s Patience Is Only Giving Us Extra Time To Be Saved

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on May 17, 2021

    This is an exposition of 2 Peter 3 as we learn not to become swayed by scoffers who cast doubts in our minds about the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming as He promised; what seems like a delay is only a chance for us to repent. In the mean time, we should live godly as we await His return.

    1. In the last days, there will be scoffers (v. 3) 2. The scoffers will be following their own evil (sinful) desires (v. 3) 3. They will mock the promise of the coming of Jesus Christ saying “Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything more

  • We Believe In The Second Coming Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    If the Bible were not to teach the Second Coming of Christ, then you would be left with a potentially endless cycle where things would simply go round and round. Your view of the end of time can have a profound effect on how you live your life in the present.

    We conclude this sermon series entitled Creed by examining the Bible’s teaching of the Second Coming of Jesus. If you were to travel to Rome to see Michelangelo’s fresco in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican City, you would no doubt gaze at the iconic and best-known picture of the Sistine Chapel – more

  • Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord (Think Https://

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Nov 20, 2020

    This is based on the Lectionary.

    "Thou didst forgive the iniquity of Thy people; Thou didst pardon all their sin Restore us again, o God of our salvation . . . show us Thy steadfast love, o Lord, and grant us Thy salvation . . . surely His salvation is at hand for those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our more

  • Christ's Return

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Peter's Teaching about the Return of Christ

    2 Peter 3 - The Return of Christ Turn with me this morning to the book of 2 Peter, chapter 3. We have been going through this book that we find at the end of the NT, five books before Revelation, the last book of the Bible. It is written by Peter, the bold fisherman who ended up leaving his nets more

  • The End Times- A Synopsis

    Contributed by Thomas Andrufski on Jun 7, 2021

    The following is a synopsis of the end times events that will hopefully shake you into the reality and the servility of the times we are living.

    We are in the last days, but even if we're not in the last days you are in your last days you're in your last days right now so regardless of the last days events regardless of the Rapture the bottom line is that you are living in your last days the Bible says tomorrow is not promised more

  • Take Me To Heaven Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    You cannot be disappointed by what God has in store for His people. The engine of your imagination cannot compete with what heaven actually is. You can never think it will be better than it actually is. Are you ready to enjoy just that?

    This morning I want to talk about a time when faith gives way to sight & where hope gives way to bliss. I want to show you the Bible’s view of life’s sequel for those who know Christ. I wanted to do a little follow-up to Easter & the resurrection with this short series. The Bible tells us more

  • When Will Jesus Return Again? Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’ Second Coming is rich news to those who are hurting. All the pain and suffering of our lives will not last forever. As one pastor recently said, “The promise of the second coming shows us the ‘good ole days are always ahead of us.”

    Several weeks ago, I asked for your help in your choice of today’s sermon. Your top choice was “When Will Jesus Return to Earth?” But a little analysis of the results led us to understand that it was really only this early service that asked for this topic. So … in the next couple of services, the more

  • Aliens From Outer Space Or Demons From Hell - Are Ufo’s And Alien Beings In The Bible? A 2-Part Message

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jul 7, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Many stories in the Bible are attributed to alien/extraterrestrials or alien technology. What does the Bible say?

    Part 1 There has been a significant increase in stories in the news media regarding the sighting of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and congressional hearings with alarming eyewitness testimony. The question has arisen: are UFOs manmade holographic projections, or are they Inter-dimensional more

  • When God Has His Day - Part 1

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 23, 2017

    This world will end one day Power Point is available upon request

    2 PETER 3:10-13 “WHEN GOD HAS HIS DAY” PART 1 A) Sometime when you look at our world and the in-roads satan seems to be making in it, you may get the idea that in the final say, the devil’s gonna win. * But I must remind you that things are not always as they may seem. B) I heard the story more

  • When God Has His Day - Part 2

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 23, 2017

    The end of the world Power Point is available upon request

    2 PETER 3:10-13 “WHEN GOD HAS HIS DAY” PART 2 A) One of these days, God’s day is going to come and man’s day will be over. * Man’s day will conclude, as v.7 tells us, with “the day of judgment against the perdition of ungodly men.” * Man’s day will be over and God’s day will begin. B) When more

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