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Sermons on 1 Timothy 1:16:

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  • "...because..."

    Contributed by John Daniel Johnson on May 5, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    We once were lost in sin, but in Christ we have been made a new creature. We'll be examining SEVEN traits that have changed in the life of a believer all BECAUSE of Jesus.

    Thank you for viewing the sermon. Free backgrounds for sermon are available free of charge is you request them. My email is The video for the sermon can be found at our church website at “...BECAUSE…” Scripture Reference: First Timothy more

  • Clinging To The Faith.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jul 23, 2020

    Church, I want you to repeat the Apostle Paul’s words—1 Timothy 1:15, This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all.

    Clinging To The Faith. 1 Timothy 1:15-20NLT Church, I want you to repeat the Apostle Paul’s words—1 Timothy 1:15, This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all. 15 This is a faithful saying, and more

  • Timothy Passing The Faith Down Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 2, 2016

    Paul's charge to Timothy to overcome his fears and pass down the true faith that has been distorted by gnostic heretics

    PASSING CHRISTIANITY DOWN AN EXPOSITION OF FIRST TIMOTHY B. The Faith Polluted (1:1-20) (a) The Protectors of the Faith (1: 1-3; 12-20) Sermon 2 TIMOTHY - PASSING THE FAITH (1:1-3: 12-20) “Watch out for false prophets.” (Matt. 7) “Guard yourselves and all the flock of God. more

  • Preaching About Nothing Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 4, 2016

    Message five in this exposition of First Timothy urges Pastors not to distort the fundamentals of the faith like godless men and not to demote them in our preaching some godly men do.

    PASSING CHRISTIANITY DOWN AN EXPOSITION OF FIRST TIMOTHY Copyright 2004 by Bob Marcaurelle Web Yahoo to bob marcaurelle MESSAGE 5 PREACHING ABOUT NOTHING C. The more

  • The Love Way And The Law Way Of Christian Living Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 8, 2016

    This message reveals how seeing the Christian live as obedience to rules often makes us legalistic judgmental, and loveless like the Pharisees but love for Christ because of the grace he shows us makes us obedient because we want to please Him.

    PASSING CHRISTIANITY DOWN AN EXPOSITION OF FIRST TIMOTHY Copyright 2004 by Bob Marcaurelle Revised 2016 by Bob Marcaurelle web homeorchurchbiblestudy,com bob marcaurelle Anderson, sc MESSAGE 6 THE LOVE WAY AND THE LAW WAY (1 Timothy1:6-17) Legalism or more

  • Honoring God’s Investment-1 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 2, 2014

    1 of 3. Paul reminded Timothy of the significance of God’s investment in us. When do we honor the gravity of God’s investment? We honor the gravity of God’s investment when we are Thankful. We honor God’s investment thru Thankfulness for His...

    HONORING GOD’s INVESTMENT-I—1Timothy 1:12-17 Attention: Thanksgiving place-setting ideas: ‘If you could invite anyone for Thanksgiving dinner, Who would it be? & Why? What would they discover about you? What are you most thankful for this year? 5 things for which you are more

  • Honoring God’s Investment-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 2, 2014

    2 of 3. Paul reminded Timothy of the significance of God’s investment in us. When do we honor the gravity of God’s investment? We honor the gravity of God’s investment when we are Thankful. We honor God’s investment thru Thankfulness for His...

    HONORING GOD’s INVESTMENT-II—1Timothy 1:12-17 Attention: A young man writing at the post office desk was approached by an older gentleman with a post card in his hand. "Sir, I'm sorry to bother you," the gentleman started. "But could you address this post card for me? My arthritis is more

  • Honoring God’s Investment-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 2, 2014

    3 of 3. Paul reminded Timothy of the significance of God’s investment in us. When do we honor the gravity of God’s investment? We honor the gravity of God’s investment when we are Thankful. We honor God’s investment thru Thankfulness for His...

    HONORING GOD’s INVESTMENT-III—1Timothy 1:12-17 Need: Paul reminded Timothy of the gravity behind God’s investment/charge. We must recognize the gravity of God’s investment. We must be made aware of the investment made to our responsibility with the Gospel. When do we more

  • First Timothy Chapter One Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Mar 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is a verse by verse study of First Timothy chapter one.

    1 Timothy Chapter 1 (What you will find here are my notes from a Bible Study I am attending on 1 Timothy. I hope they will prove helpful. AMP – Amplified Bible. MSG – Message Bible. BBE – Bible in Basic English. The main text I am using is the New American Standard Version.) GREETING 1Ti more

  • The Greatest Truth Ever

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 19, 2018

    We are going to look at Paul’s amazement over the greatest truth

    Text: 1 Tim 1:12-17, Title: The Greatest Truth Ever, Date/Place: WHBC, 2.4.18, AM A. Opening illustration: If you could decide on a news story/event/truth that would be life altering and world changing, what would it be? One such story is about a nineteenth-century South African named Afrikaner, more

  • Power Of God To Save Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 13, 2020

    I am praying that our hearts would be sensitive and with compassion for the people around us who do not know Christ as Lord.

    Power of God to save Series- “Solutions” 1Timothy and 2 Timothy Text- 1 Timothy 1:12-20 Well Good morning – I am glad that you are here with us and believe that the Lord has a word for you today. I hope you come with expectation and are open for him to do something amazing.. Have you found more

  • Under The Mercy

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Aug 27, 2020

    We're all sinners, saved only by the great mercy of God.

    1 Timothy 1:12-17 (Greet the congregation with “Good morning, saints.” After they reply, greet them again with “Good morning, sinners.” They’ll probably miss a beat before replying, but the point will be made.) We’re both saints and sinners, aren’t we? We’re saints seeking God, and sinners more

  • The Church's Message Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 18, 2019

    The key to church life is not our methods, means, miracles, magic, marketing, ministries, money or medium – it’s our message! And the message is Jesus Christ.

    INTRODUCTION I & II Timothy are known as “Pastoral Epistles.” They are letters written to inform, instruct and inspire. These letters came from the inkwell of the Apostle Paul and were written to his young assistant named Timothy. We might say these documents were written from the more

  • A Matter Of Life And Death Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 3, 2015
    based on 33 ratings

    Cage fighting is a particularly gruesome way of fighting, and yet Paul used the fighting of his day (more brutal than MMA) to describe Timothy's responsibilities. What could we possibly learn from MMA that could make us better servants of Christ?

    How many of you know the meaning of these letters used to describe a sporting event: MMA? (Mix Martial Arts). It’s kind of like boxing where the contestants not only hit each other with their fists, but also with their feet and knees and elbows. It’s also called “Cage more

  • "i Will Not Be Ashamed" Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 20, 2020

    Imprisoned and facing death, the aged warrior for Christ, the apostle Paul, presents his final instructions and counsel to the young pastor from Ephesus, his "son in the faith", Timothy.

    This second letter to Timothy is considered to be the last writing of the apostle Paul, composed around 67 A.D., from the confinement of Rome's infamous Mamertine Prison. He had been placed under arrest for the preaching of the Gospel and no doubt accused of insurrection for preaching that more

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