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  • 1 Peter Commentary —chapter 1 Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 18, 2021

    Peter’s first epistle is addressed to Gentile believers among the dispersed (the scattered) of Israel. They have been released from the futile way of life they learned from their ancestors (1:18). Those who were at one time, not a people, had become nothing less than the people of God (2:10).

    Tom Lowe 4/2/2021 Text: 1 Peter, Chapter 1 (KJV) 1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and a more

  • The Elegant And Meaningful Message Of The Book

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jun 1, 2021

    There is so much noise surrounding the Bible. There is so much rhetoric. There is so much bias. There are so many skeptics, with so many things to say. But when you actually open up the Bible and read it, wow. Just wow.

    1 Peter 1:3-9 (NIV) 3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven more

  • An Exposition Of 1 Peter, Part 3: Responding To Persecution With Joy

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Oct 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This is study three on a series on 1 Peter

    An Exposition of 1 Peter, part 3: Responding to Persecution with Joy 1 Peter 1:6-9 Introduction In the last study, we discovered that Peter has reminded us of the true state of affairs. We have been chosen, and are therefore special to Him. We also saw that this was accomplished by the more

  • Zechariah’s Third Vision: City Without Walls) Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Nov 10, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Jews in Jerusalem were thinking too small in their expectations of God's goodness. God's future for his people is so abundant that man-made walls could not contain the blessings. Jerusalem will be a "city without walls."

    We are becoming familiar with the book of Zechariah. For most Christians, it is a closed book. But God is opening this word to us because it is so relevant to world events today and to our personal journey in God. Today we enter Zechariah’s third vision recorded in chapter 2. The vision, as a more

  • The Guarded Inheritance (April 23, 2017).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We have a living hope, a guaranteed inheritance and the understanding that we are studying for what some call “finals” --- their final exam when they will receive the goal of their faith namely their salvation.

    THE GUARDED INHERITANCE Text: I Peter 1:3 – 9 The story is told about three unlikely men who guarded a missionaries home . “Tears glistened in the eyes of the Salvation Army officer Shaw who was a medical missionary who had just arrived in India, as he saw three shackled lepers. The more

  • Hope For The Hopeless Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 5, 2021

    God has given us the ability to feel the emotion of hopelessness, so that we will look for the ultimate source of hope. I believe that the resurrection of Jesus is the greatest source of hope in the universe.

    A. Happy Easter to everyone – I’m so thankful we get to worship the Lord on this Easter Sunday! B. As we get started, I want to share this cartoon – it really tickled me. 1. The cartoon shows Jesus telling the angel that resurrection morning: “I want you to fold up my burial clothes, wait for more

  • The Resurrection: Our Living Hope

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Apr 5, 2021

    Sermon for Easter/Resurrection Day. All Bible References are from the NASB.

    It is on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our entire Christian hope is based. Paul tells us: 1 Corinthians 15:20–22 But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. 21 For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. more

  • William Booth's Mount Purity: The Six Stages Of The Climb

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    According to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, there are 122 constants that allow for life to exist on planet Earth. And if even one of these constants were adjusted, there would be no life on Earth.

    According to astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, there are 122 constants that allow for life to exist on planet Earth. And if even one of these constants were adjusted, there would be no life on Earth. Let’s look at a few of those constants. First, oxygen. 21% of our atmosphere is oxygen. If it were 25% more

  • How To Obey Christ & Have Assurance On The Day Of Judgment

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    "As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Saskatchewan back country.

    "As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Saskatchewan back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got more

  • "Praises For A New Birth, A Living Hope-A Message Of Mercy, Grace And Joy”

    Contributed by Robert Tarasiak on Aug 26, 2023

    Peter praises God for granting believers new birth into a living hope

    I. Believers Are Born-Again by God’s Mercy to a Living Hope Through Christ. a. Only by God’s Mercy along with His draw of His chosen and His grace is there any hope for mankind. b. Notice in verse 3, Peter’s affirming that it is not by anything sinful, separated mankind can do to be right with more

  • A Living Hope

    Contributed by Steven Buhr on Aug 31, 2023

    Our hope is not just something that we are waiting for in the future after we DIE! No, it is a LIVING HOPE that we have been reborn into NOW!

    Where Angels Long to Look A study through Peter June 11th 2023 I’ve been praying and reading for a while about where to journey next in the scriptures as we continue on our mission to know Christ and make Christ known. All of this (the bible) is good, and ‘All Scripture is breathed more

  • Jesus Is Our Eternal Inheritance. Series

    Contributed by Christina Milander on Sep 2, 2023

    1 Peter 1:3-5 "... hath begotten us... [4] To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, [5] Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    Jesus is our eternal inheritance, He is every spiritual blessing in Heavenly places, He is The glory. 1 Peter 1:3 "[3]Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from more

  • Faith Futures At Record High - 1 Peter 1:7-9 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Nov 28, 2024

    Probably the most worn-out prayer there is, is that one-word reaction we always have when we suffer, “Why? Why is this happening?” Peter gives us the answer.

    1 Peter 1:6 In which you rejoice, a little while, if necessary, you may be grieved in multifaceted trials, 7 in order that the proof of your faith (more precious than gold, the perishing through fire, but proved), it may be found toward praise and glory and honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ, more

  • Inexpressible Joy

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Dec 1, 2024

    This kind of joy is not rooted in the absence of struggle or challenges but springs from a deeper place—a place anchored in God's promises. Today, we will explore this profound joy, its foundation, its vast greatness, and how it can be truly ours.

    1 Peter 1:6-9 Introduction A Kid Anticipating Christmas Use the excitement of a child counting down to Christmas morning. The child’s joy isn’t just about the day arriving; it’s about the hope and anticipation of what the day will bring. Similarly, our joy in Christ is grounded in the more

  • The Joy Of Advent: Anticipating Christ’s Coming With Joy

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Dec 4, 2024

    Advent is a time of hopeful expectation, but it’s also a season of deep, abiding joy. But what is this joy, and where does it come from?

    The Joy of Advent: Anticipating Christ’s Coming with Joy December 15, 2024 Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Romans 15:13, James 1:2, 1 Peter 1:8-9, Luke 15: As we continue our Advent journey, our focus shifts toward joy—the joy that comes with anticipating the coming of Christ more

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