Psalm 34:9-11 - Part 4 - A Deeper Study Of Verses 9-11 – What Does It Mean Not To Be In Want Of Any Good Thing? Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 1, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: We shall not want any good thing God tells us but what does it mean? Are we looking at material or spiritual or both? Not in want of any good thing! We open up “seeking the Lord,” and “the fear of the Lord.” Never be irreverent or casual in the Lord’s presence as some do. It is disrespectful.
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VERSES 1 – 7. We are introduced here to personal deliverance and because of that we draw promises for ALL of God’s people. The Psalm derives from David’s deliverance out of the hands of Achish, king of Gath, when escape seemed non-existent. David speaks with inspirational authority because he had experienced the great mercy of the LORD.
Too many speak what they do not know. Yes, they know church rituals and procedures, but what about a personal walk with the Lord? Some churches are so dead that they should allow the archeologists in for examination. Others are promoters of false teaching and anti-biblical betrayal. I know one denomination that advocates every aspect of the WOKE culture with full acceptance of “human rights” by which they mean acceptance of all gender positions and homosexual marriage and climate change support and total support for Palestinian rioters on our streets meaning they are enemies of Israel. The list goes on.
The beauty of these first 7 verses should warm the heart of every true Christian as it is like being in the throne room of the Lord. These verses are so precious and ought to be the subject of long meditation. I can only draw certain facts from them, but let each one dwell on the verses and let them uplift you and give you great understanding. Refer to the previous three messages for a deeper examination.
VERSE 5. This is one of the most beautiful verses in the psalms; indeed in the whole bible for relationship. {{Psalm 34:5 “THEY looked to Him and were RADIANT, and their faces SHALL NEVER be ashamed.”}} The “They” here are those who are in a relationship with the Lord and have know His presence especially in deliverance (and by that we can apply it to salvation, being born again; delivered from the clutches of sin.)
The word “radiant” (NASB) is translated as “lightened” (AV); but in nearly every other version the word “radiant” is used. The word expresses shining, light, burning, beaming, streaming, and all those expressions are associated with joy. That is how the child of God should be. When you go into some churches it is like attending a funeral and those there seems miserable. Then again, the opposite end of emotions is being hyped up at Charismatic meetings with a false joy, some being run like rock concerts. The child of God is moderate or as Paul said -
{{1 Thessalonians 5:5-8 “for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of (the) night nor of darkness, so then let us not sleep as others do, BUT LET US BE ALERT AND SOBER for those who sleep do their sleeping at night, and those who get drunk get drunk at night, but since we are of the day, LET US BE SOBER, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.”}}
Peter expresses the same thing in different words – {{1 Peter 1:8-9 “Though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with JOY INEXPRESSIBLE AND FULL OF GLORY, obtaining as the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”}} Sobriety does not mean being miserable but clear-minded and joyful.
What we have just described in Psalm 34 verse 5 – the joy and radiance of a child of God - would not be possible without having the steps of the ladder in place, and here are 5 steps on that ladder in this Psalm 34:
Verse 2 - “my soul MAKES its boast in the Lord.”
Verse 3 - “MAGNIFYING the LORD” and “exalting His name.”
Verses (4,10) - “SEEKING the LORD.”
Verses (7, 9) - “FEARING the LORD” as in reverence and awe.
Verse 8 - “TASTING to see that the LORD is good.”
Make no mistake. Those efforts must be in place first. God does not reward laziness or a careless spirit. So much in the New Testament is taken up with injunctions, those commands that we must take to heart and be disciplined about in order to grow, and show ourselves approved before God. Then we can look to God with radiant faces and not be ashamed. Being ashamed of what we are, and of our failure, even grievous failure, is a sad condition of lurking sin, but God has the remedy for dealing with sin in our lives. He cleanses us from all unrighteousness and restores us to the place of fellowship again.