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  • Faith Without Risk

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 28, 2006

    Joe stopped by one day in midweek. His son wanted to see what church was like so he was checking out churches in the area. I showed him around answered his many questions. His family started coming, got semi involved. Joe wanted to have lunch. At lunch he told me he wanted to commit his more

  • Once, When I Was In The Seventh Grade, My Dad, My ...  PRO

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 26, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    Once, when I was in the seventh grade, my dad, my brother, and I were traveling from Oak Ridge, TN to Jellico, TN. My dad was going to preach, and I was going to play the guitar and my older brother the saxophone. We got into a discussion, I will never forget. Dad is a student of the more

  • #8230; The Assertion [that Human Brings ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    “… the assertion [that human brings were made in the image of God] confirms the genuineness of each man’s freedom. Experience tells us that we are free, in the sense that we make real choices between alternatives and could have chosen differently, and theology agrees. Self-determining freedom of more

  • As A Pharisee Paul Had Dedicated His Life To The ...  PRO

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Apr 7, 2001
    based on 98 ratings

    As a Pharisee Paul had dedicated his life to the scrupulous observance of his religion. John Wesley would have had much in common with Paul. When he was a young man at Oxford University he founded the "Holy Club" with the intention that he and his friends should live well-ordered lives in God’s more

  • In 1996 A Spanish Man Visiting Stockholm On ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 22, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    In 1996 a Spanish man visiting Stockholm on business stood to inherit about a million dollars, according to an October newspaper account in Germany’s daily Bild. Eduardo Perez had stopped off to pray at a Roman Catholic church and signed the guest book of a man whose body lay there in a coffin. more

  • Richard Baxter, A Great Puritan Thinker And ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 73 ratings

    "Richard Baxter, a great Puritan thinker and writer, well understood the real truth. He used to write these words whenever he was asked to sign one of his books: "Lord, what Thou wilt, where Thou wilt, and when Thou wilt." In the old Puritan manner of speaking he was saying, "Lord, whatever you more

  • Richard Halverson, The Chaplain Of The U. S. ...  PRO

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 3, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    Richard Halverson, the chaplain of the U. S. Senate, pointed out something that bothers a lot of people and excites a few. He said, “Jesus Christ said more about money than about any other single thing because, when it comes to a man’s real nature, money is of first importance. Money is an exact more

  • One Middle-Age Mother Came To The ...  PRO

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Oct 11, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    ILL. One middle-age mother came to the conclusion that there was not a whole lot of difference between some of her physical problems & those of her teen-age children. Take their eyesight, for instance. Both of her children seemed to have a real problem with their eyesight. For example, her more

  • Am I Dangerous?  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Am I Dangerous? "Utterly ordinary, so commonplace: while we profess to know a power the 20th century cannot reckon with. We are all sideliners, coaching and criticizing the real wrestlers while content to set by and leave the enemies of God unchallenged. We are spiritual pacifists, conscientious more

  • I Know You Have Heard The Story Of The Man That ...  PRO

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 2, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    I know you have heard the story of the man that was on the ocean on a huge yacht. They had cruised for days, and somehow had gotten lost. The captain notice, the owner’s little son had placed his toy magnetic to the casing around the compass. The magnetic force had distorted the more

  • Charlie Brown And Linus  PRO

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 23 ratings

    Charlie Brown and Linus. Charlie brown asks Linus "What would you do if you felt that nobody liked you?" Linus responds "Well Charlie Brown I guess I would take a real hard look at myself, ask if I am doing anything that turns people off, How can I improve myself? Do I need to more

  • Max Jarman Asked In His Book, A Business Man ...  PRO

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

    Max Jarman asked in his book, A BUSINESS MAN LOOKS AT THE BIBLE, "Is the Bible the real word of God? The answer a man gives to that question can have a lot to do with his life. The kind of life a person leads, the actions he takes, the mental security he finds are determined by the basic beliefs more

  • While 88% In A Recent Barna Poll Believe Jesus ...  PRO

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 15, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    While 88% in a recent Barna poll believe Jesus Christ was a real person, what they believe about him differs sharply from scriptural teaching. 42% (even 1/4th of the “born again” Christians) believe that while on earth Jesus sinned just like other people. 61% believe the devil is just a symbol of more

  • Personal Surfing: The 5th Annual Web@work Survey ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2006

    Personal Surfing: The 5th annual Web@Work survey reports workers say they spend an hour or two each week surfing for their own interests. IT workers estimate the real number at slightly more than 6 hours weekly. Over 20% of workers say they use streaming software to listen to music or they store more

  • A Classic Type, Common To Many Renaissance ...  PRO

    Contributed by Mark Kennicott on May 31, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    "A classic type, common to many Renaissance paintings is the ’student.’ A favored follower, a protege or disciple, is always portrayed as very youthful, long-haired and clean-shaven...Throughout the Renaissance, artists portray St. John in this fashion. He is the ’disciple Jesus loved’ ....Only a more

  • A.w. Tozer (The Pursuit Of God) Writes, "Like ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    A.W. Tozer (The Pursuit of God) writes, “Like the eye which sees everything in front of it and never sees itself, faith is occupied with the Object upon which it rests and pays no attention to itself at all. While we are looking at God, we do not see ourselves—blessed riddance. The man who has more

  • Richard Halverson, The Chaplain Of The U. S. ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jun 18, 2007

    Richard Halverson, the chaplain of the U. S. Senate, pointed out something that bothers a lot of people and excites a few. He said, “Jesus Christ said more about money than about any other single thing because, when it comes to a man’s real nature, money is of first importance. Money is an exact more

  • This Week I Saw An Ad In The Arizona Republic ...

    Contributed by Mike Gilbert on Nov 21, 2007

    This week I saw an ad in the Arizona Republic newspaper. It was an ad placed on behalf of someone’s grandmother, which said: “Lost: one pearl ring. Lost near 35th Avenue and Cactus. Setting is chipped from many years’ wear, has one diamond on each side of pearl. Great sentimental value. Large more

  • I'll Never Forget The Episode Of "Home ...  PRO

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Dec 26, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    I’ll never forget the episode of “Home Improvement” in which one the Taylor children had a part with three others in the Christmas pageant at church holding up cardboard letters that were supposed to spell “NOEL.” They got backwards and spelled “LEON.” Al Borlan, Tim’s sidekick, leaned over to more

  • Just Before The Passover Feast" (V1) Is An ...

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Jan 14, 2008

    “Just before the Passover feast” (v1) is an interesting phrase that John placed strategically in this passage. Before we can have any true “Passover” experience there must be the transplanting of the human heart – not the fist-sized organ in our bodies pumping blood through our veins but the deeper more

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