Dana Chau
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Characters In Christian Community
Contributed on Feb 28, 2025
Complete this sentence: “I picture a warm church community to be….” Most people crave community. What if you could experience and bring a caring community into the lives of your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? Get ready to learn how we can Biblically care for our Christian community!
Characters in Christian Community Survey of 3 John A couple of months back, We had a lunch with those in our church who recently graduated from college. A common theme of many recent graduates was a desire for community. It was no surprise, but it was difficult to nail down exactly what that ...read more
Singles And The Church
Contributed on Feb 28, 2025
How do you think the church should encourage singles? What if you knew the value of single and married people to the church family and the benefits of integrating the two? You are invited to consider ways to better support single people!
Singles and the Church Selected Scriptures Today we continue with our 3-part series on Singles. Last Sunday we looked at Singles and Marriage. Today, Singles and the Church. Next Sunday, Singles and Sex. These are not just for singles, but for everyone. So that we would value and share life ...read more
Go And Be Reconciled
Contributed on Dec 15, 2022
What makes reconciling with someone difficult when you are offended or when you have offended others? Would it help for you to have the right motivation and approaches to restore a relationship? Prepare for a challenge that can be met with God’s grace and a reminder of His forgiveness!
Go and Be Reconciled Luke 15:11-31, Matthew 5:21-26; 18:15-17 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit www.danachau.com for a free online course.) Do you ever wonder why the church needs to learn and practice peacemaking? The unchurched goes through conflicts, also. ...read more
Gospel-Centered Community: Belonging
Contributed on Oct 21, 2022
Have you ever felt that belonging to a church requires more than an acceptance of the Gospel? What if you experienced community based on the Gospel as the only requirement for belonging in your church? Get ready to learn about the one truth on which Gospel-centered community is based!
Gospel-Centered Community: Belonging Galatians 2 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit www.danachau.com for a free online course.) This morning, we continue with Paul’s letter to the Christians in Galatia. Galatia is a region of modern-day Turkey. Paul established a ...read more
How Parents Love Children
Contributed on Oct 17, 2022
How do you know your parents loved you? Have you ever felt inadequate as a parent or adult responsible for children? What if you knew the truths about loving the children God has placed in your life that would help you bring out the best in them?
How parents love children Philippians 1:9–11 (If you feel this sermon is helpful, you are welcome to visit www.danachau.com for a free online course.) Dave Stone wrote: Once there was a preacher who had no children, who preached a series of sermons entitled, “Ten Commandments for Child ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Growing Better Together
Contributed on Oct 17, 2022
Growing In The Knowledge Of Jesus
Contributed on Sep 17, 2022
Growing Closer To God
Contributed on Sep 4, 2022
Contributed on Jun 29, 2004
Contributed on May 25, 2004
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Size Me Up
Contributed on Jul 21, 2003
SIZE ME UP When Tom Haggai went off to college, his dad said to him: "Remember, son, God is more interested in you than anything you’ll do, but whatever you do, do it well, for you never know when ...read more
Mark Twain Noted, "Most People Are Bothered By ...
Contributed on Jul 21, 2003
Mark Twain noted, "Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages ...read more
The Story That Inspired The Classic Lecture, ...
Contributed on Jul 7, 2003
The story that inspired the classic lecture, Acres of Diamond, tells about a farmer in Africa who became tremendously excited about looking for diamonds. He sold his farm to head out to the diamond line. He wandered all over the continent, as the years slipped by, constantly searching for diamonds ...read more
Gene A. Getz, In His Book, The Measure Of A ...
Contributed on Jul 7, 2003
Gene A. Getz, in his book, The Measure of a Church, asks the question, "What is the measure of maturity in the church?" And he lists what others believe are the measure of maturity: 1. An active church (involving people in meetings and programs) 2. A giving church (supporting the church and ...read more
Sometime Ago Time Magazine Ran An Article That ...
Contributed on Jul 1, 2003
Sometime ago Time Magazine ran an article that reported on the benefits of religion and the church, and some of the observations included: 1. Heart-surgery patients who draw comfort from their religious faith have a significantly higher survival rate than those who do not. 2. The blood pressure ...read more