based on 2 ratings
C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, writing, of course, as an elder devil to a younger devil,
"One of our great allies at present is the Church itself. Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean the Church as we see her spread out through all time and space and rooted in eternity, terrible as an army with more
Contributed by Bobby Scobey on Jan 15, 2003
based on 3 ratings
In December 1994 syndicated columnist Bob Greene told the inspiring story of Rob Mouw.
Rob played on the soccer team in his senior year at Wheaton Christian High School. In the final seconds of a big game against favored Waubonsie Valley, with his team behind by one goal,
Rob was dribbling the ball more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 24, 2004
based on 12 ratings
This is the beginning of Lent. Most people are looking for things to give up for Lent. It you haven’t made up your mind maybe these will help.
GIVE UP grumbling! Instead, "In everything give
thanks." Constructive
criticism is OK, but "moaning, groaning, and
complaining" are not more
based on 1 rating
As the Spring arrived this year, I watched as the new growth literally exploded from the ground. I began to think about the trees, which had looked so dead, but which were now budding and bringing forth blossoms, leaves and eventually fruit. I thought about the flowers which would bloom and more
Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Oct 6, 2005
based on 3 ratings
Clark Cothern, Decision, tells of a personal experience he had had.
“I once invited a friend, Gavin, to help my pastor and me guide 30 lively teens through an all-night "lock-in" at church. Early in the evening Gavin challenged me to a game of table tennis in the fellowship hall. Our game quickly more
Salvation Army
Contributed by Sermon Central on Apr 17, 2006
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In his brilliant new book, Catching the Light, quantum physicist Arthur Zojanc writes of what he describes as the "entwined history of light and mind" (correctly described by one admirer as the "two ultimate metaphors of the human spirit"). For our purposes, his initial chapter is most helpful. more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Dec 16, 2001
based on 4 ratings
When my wife and I were at Dallas Seminary back in the early 1960s, we lived in a little apartment that was part of a small group of apartments that have since then been destroyed, I am happy to say. Hot and cold running rats--all the joys of home were there. In the summer the weather came inside, more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 26, 2007
based on 6 ratings
Tony Campolo tells a story about being in a church in Oregon where he was asked to pray for a man who had cancer. Campolo prayed boldly for the man’s healing.
That next week he got a telephone call from the man’s wife. She said, "You prayed for my husband. He had cancer." Campolo thought when he more
Walker Percy, in his book Lost in the Cosmos, describes a scenario that can help us be a little more introspective. Imagine you’re bringing your garbage can out one evening. You roll it down your driveway, out to the street and you see your neighbor, John.
You say hi, and he says hi.
Then he more
Contributed by Don Hawks on Oct 28, 2007
based on 6 ratings
There’s an old story of a man and his grand-daughter who go for a walk to the local town park. The man and girl are sitting on a park bench sharing an afternoon snack when they are approached by a traveler.
"Good sir, please tell me. Is this a friendly town? I’ve had the misfortune to live in a more
God knows our needs and we can simply TRUST Him to take care of all our needs, day by day.
I thought of an example that happened a couple of weeks ago after a Bible Study Group that met at our house. George and Jeni, one of our young couples, were ready to go and Jeni realized she didn¡¦t more
Christian/Church Of Christ
Contributed by Sermon Central on Feb 18, 2008
From the book "A Love Worth Giving" by Max Lucado chapter 5- Harold suffered from cerebral palsy. The condition left him unable to walk, dress, feed himself, or go to the rest room. My job was to help him with this. And I didn’t like it. I had moved to St. Louis for spiritual training. Fresh more
Contributed by Glenn Durham on Apr 8, 2008
The April 2008 Newsletter from Timberdoodle (a supplier for homeschooling families) noted a problematic teaching in a Children’s Study Bible used in Sunday school. Referring to Matthew 3.12, the footnote said, “This means that Jesus will come to separate the good people from the bad people, saving more
Contributed by Scott Jensen on Jun 26, 2008
Shortly after the first edition of the Miami Herald had gone to press on Sunday night, December 29, 1946, Timothy Sullivan answered the telephone on the city desk. “Please help me,” a woman’s voice pleaded. “My husband is bleeding to death.”
Sullivan got the entire story. The man’s name was Rudy more
Contributed by Sermon Central on Jul 23, 2008
based on 1 rating
Rules. The world, our culture, our families... all have rules. Without rules, our world would be in anarchy, chaos. Some rules are called laws. We have civil laws and criminal laws. Break a civil law and it can cost you a lot of money or other material wealth. Break a criminal law, and you could more