Sermon Illustrations

“The Legend of Pepita’s Poinsettia”

Thank you much, my pretty friend,

For the beauty you display;

Those colors of green and red

Enhances our Christmas day.

Great is your reputation-

You’re like the Christmas Star,

For you are highly regarded,

No matter where you are.

You are called Poinsettia,

Part of the spurge family,

It was Joel Roberts Poinsett

that named you so fittingly.

He introduced you to us

Back in eighteen twenty-five.

From that time, and still today,

Your beauty is so alive.

Even though you are mostly seen

Adorned in dark green and red,

You also grow cream, or white,

Pink, or bright orange instead.

You don’t have flower petals;

It’s your leaves that make the hue;

But no matter your color,

We are all in love with you.

Now, as to your native home,

You derived from Mexico

And were used for Aztec dye

Such a long, long time ago.

It was there you first were named

And are still known as such this hour.

You helped celebrate Christ’s birth

As the “Christmas Eve Flower.”

Then, in Egypt, you were named

As “The Consul's Daughter”;

And called “Crown of the Andes”

By a Chilean potter.

In Spain, you are known as the

“Easter Flower,” so I’ve learned,

Celebrating Easter morn,

A place of honor earned.

But listen closely to me,

For a legend, I will tell,

About the Poinsettia,

This plant we know so well.

In the sixteenth century,

As Christmas bells did ring,

A poor girl named Pepita

Had no gift for Christ to bring.

Then lo, God’s angel appeared

To the sad young girl that day,

And told her to pick some weeds

To, on the church’s altar, lay.

She did as the angel said,

Her faith amazingly strong,

The people dared not scold her,

Though Pepita’s gift seemed wrong.

So, there upon the altar,

Those ugly weeds she laid;

Then, kneeling with broken heart,

In confident faith, she prayed.

Dear Jesus, I am so sorry

That weeds were all I could bring.

I know You deserve much more;

You are our Heavenly King!

Such tender loving teardrops

Fell from sweet Pepita’s eyes,

Then a sunbeam touched the weeds

As God heard the young girl’s cries

Next, a miracle happened,

Which caused the people dismay:

The ugly weeds were changed to

A Poinsettia that day.

Crimson leaves did blossom,

Shading over deep green leaves,

Symbolic of Christ’s pure blood,

Covering whoever believes.

The leaves are star-shaped as well.

Look closely, and you will see:

They so symbolize His Star

Of Bethlehem’s Nativity.

Ugly weeds were changed into

A beautiful plant indeed,

As many souls that God changed

When they acknowledged their need.

So, now you’ve heard the legend

From a long, long time ago,

About Pepita’s miracle

And the plant that we love so.

Friend, choose a Poinsettia,

add it to Christmas’ array,

May it remind you of Christ,

Heaven’s Beauty God displayed.

© 2015 Loyd C Taylor, Sr.

Author’s notes: The Poinsettia Flower has long been considered the Christmas flower, and has a rich and beautiful history, well worth researching. After I had spent several hours in my own search for information, I gained inspiration to write the poem, “The Christmas Flower.” I hope you enjoy it. I have this beautifully arranged in a frameable picture should you like a copy. You may visit my website ( or email me should you like a copy. Thanks, Loyd

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