Sermon Illustrations


Are you battling in life because of some problem that won’t go away? Are you weighed down by a stressful matter and can’t shake it? Does your life feel like it is starting to come apart? Do you feel the storms are thundering over your head?

That is what this poem is all about. It not only looks at the problem, but hopefully, the solution. God does not want us to have stress or to be anxious about anything – {{1 Peter 5:7 “casting ALL YOUR ANXIETY UPON HIM, because He cares for you.”}}

{{Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me all who are WEARY AND HEAVY-LADEN and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and My load is light.”}}. That was spoken by the Lord as an invitation to all who were weighed down by problems. The solution to life’s problems rests in the Lord; the world has no solution; its psychologists and their pills are of no lasting use. It is only when we come to the Burden-bearer, that we find relief.

Modern living is stressful. We can’t deny that. There is work and mortgages and raising children in a WOKE culture, family, relationships, and a whole lot more. However God is faithful who never abandons us and walks beside us all the way.

{{Matthew 28:20 “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, EVEN TO THE END OF THE AGE.”}}

Ron Ferguson



you are downtrodden on the path,

And everything has dimmed;

When the storm clouds burst asunder,

And your life feels it is trimmed;

When you face rejection from the ones

Who hate the Christian way,

They are the times you resort to God,

When you are in the fray.


Stressful are the times when you realise

Opposition seizes.

Your fretful life is agitated;

Everything just freezes.

Most people continue to battle,

And press on in their plight.

They try to summons up the courage;

Dig in their heels, and fight.


Mental frailties test resources.

Solutions are sought for.

Many problems are spiritual;

The answer is that door.

Yes, spiritual – your place with God!

With God do you connect?

Have you lived a life just for yourself,

But God, you just neglect?


Depression can attack a Christian

Altering behaviour.

We live our lives on a higher plane,

Dwelling with our Saviour.

Don’t let worry, stress or anxious thoughts

Impinge on your well-being.

“Come unto Me, you heaven-laden.”

Christ, your need is seeing.


Christian, in the murky night of stress,

Your Lord is always near.

His comfort and concern is for you.

You have nothing to fear.

“I am with you always, ‘till the end;

And in the stormy seas,

My hand will be your constant support,

For I guard all the keys.”


R E Ferguson Ended 3 May 2024 A-B-C-B-D-E-F-E 9-6 throughout

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