Sermon Collections
  • Proclamation | The Power Of Expository Preaching

    Shared on: Mar 1, 2021

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    Mark Dever defines expository preaching as "preaching in which the main point of the biblical text being considered becomes the main point of the sermon being preached." By allowing Scripture to define what you preach is manner in which Christ is successfully proclaimed. If we come to the Scriptures with our own ideas and homilies, we fail our congregation. Discover the power of expository preaching in this sermon collection.

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    based on 1 rating

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    based on 2 ratings

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    based on 1 rating

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    based on 1 rating

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  • Preaching And Teaching

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Jun 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    PREACHING AND TEACHING Joseph Trenaman found that listening to more and more material in a lecture seemed to interfere with learning from the earlier lecturing. A class listening to 15 minutes of lecture remembered 41% of what was presented; those listening to 30 minutes remembered 23% of the more

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