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Sermons on yes to god:

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  • My Answer Will Be Yes, Lord Yes PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 13, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Explores the profound commitment and trust involved in saying 'Yes' to God, and how this affirmation shapes our faith and daily lives.

    Welcome, dear brothers and sisters, to this gathering of hearts, united in the love of our Lord. We are here, not by accident, but by divine appointment. The Lord has something to say to us today, something that could change our lives forever - if we let it. Our theme today is a simple yet profound more

  • Ye Are Gods

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    What does the Bible mean, ‘You are gods’?

    What does the Bible mean, ‘You are gods’? One of the pet phrases in scripture that world religions use to support their doctrine is ‘you are gods’. This is found several places in scripture and in context the intent is clear. However, this can and often is twisted into unbiblical meanings and used more

  • Saying Yes To God

    Contributed by Brian William on Nov 10, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    When God became human, God said yes to humanity. When Jesus was obedient to the point of death, Jesus said yes to God. Because God said yes to us, we can say yes to God!

    Yes, no, maybe so. Yes, no, maybe so. Each and every day we’re faced with dozens of decisions – things or people or places or events that we must say yes or no to. Yes, I’ll have chicken for dinner tonight. No, I won’t have beef. Yes, I’ll go to work this morning. No, I won’t stay even a minute more

  • Saying Yes To God Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Aug 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    THe Book of Esther is written in a storybook fashion where each chapter ends climatically. It brings us to the point "for such a time as this" we are where we are.

    Saying Yes to God Esther Chapter 1 The Book of Esther is written in dramatic fashion, each chapter ends in a cliffhanger fashion. Each chapter ends in such a way to say, “Stay tuned” or “to be continued.” The story begins about 483 B.C.; about 55 years after Zerubbabel led the first group of more

  • Yes Or No PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    To emphasize the transformative power, blessings, and necessity of saying 'Yes' to God and His divine plan for our lives.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. We are gathered here today to delve into a profound passage from the Book of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 37, where Jesus instructs us simply: "But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." It's a message of more

  • May It Be As You Have Said

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 5, 2018

    Saying "Yes" to God.

    “May It Be To Me As You Have Said” Luke 1:26-38 Imagine a 12-13-year old girl being asked by the angel Gabriel to give birth to God’s Son. I mean, he was asking her to have a child, conceived outside of marriage and Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. And in Mary’s day, the Law said more

  • "The Humble Are Lifted Up"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 19, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about humility.

    “The Humble are Lifted Up” Luke 1:26-38 Last weekend, I read a post on Facebook by an old classmate from high school. It said that another classmate--named Sean Hodge--had passed away. Sean Hodge… Sean Hodge… It took me a minute or two, but I remembered Sean. I hadn’t known him very more

  • The Christmas Yes

    Contributed by Carlos Franco on Dec 9, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon stresses the benefits and purpose of saying yes to God. Yes is truly the best gift we can give to God.

    Introduction There are "yes" folks and there are "no" folks in the world; there are folks that respond yes to every favor asked of them and there are those that respond no. Both extremes are not healthy- if we yes everything that comes along are way then we overcommit causing us to become stress more

  • Yes - God Is At Work In The World

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jun 4, 2024

    As people of God’s Word, we may approach the Bible with a bad assumption: We presume somehow God is less active now than he was in the narrative of the Bible.

    I. Introduction – Slide 1 In Acts 16 and 17, Paul’s second missionary journey left little question. God was at work in the good and tough times: • In Derbe and Lystra, the churches there are growing. There God brings Timothy into Paul’s life. • In Phillipi, God brings Lydia and her entire more

  • The Yes Series

    Contributed by Jacob Mathew on Aug 4, 2011

    God has a plan for your life - Its 'The Yes' Plan

    THE YES! Stand & Declare these words – ‘The Anthem of The Original’ o I am created as The Original – there is nobody like me – I am unique – I am The Masterpiece – The one of a Kind – o Because I am The Original – I am designed to fulfil a more

  • God's Eternal Yes And Yes! Series

    Contributed by Matthew Oliver on Oct 20, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    2 Corinthians 1:12-24. God's eternal 'yes and yes' states a truth which dispells the relativism and lies of the post-modern era, where each person claims the right to their truth. Christians are called to rebut this split world view with the true unity

    We just starting out on our sermon series through Paul’s second letter to the Christians at Corinth. This week we hear Paul as he engages a Christian community that is living out the fruits of a cultural context that was more of Greek philosophy than of God. I always wonder how it is we more

  • Saying Yes To God Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    For such a time as this Esther is in position to save her people. Like Moses, Esther is trained and ready to lead her people.

    Esther: Saying Yes to God Chapter 4 It has been said that behind every great man is a great woman, some have said behind every great man is a surprised mother in law. King Xerxes threw a party prior to his invasion of Greece. The Queen Vashti did not attend as ordered. It cost her the throne and more

  • Saying Yes To God Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Aug 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes God puts us into positions or places we would not normally go. For such a time as this we are where we are for God’s glory.

    Saying Yes to God part 2 Esther 2:1-20 After the Kings anger subsided, he remembered. How many times have we lashed out in anger or acted on impulse and wished we could take it back. I remember when my son John first got a tattoo. He did so secretly while we were away for the weekend preaching more

  • The Woman Who Said Yes To God Series

    Contributed by W F on Sep 16, 2004
    based on 200 ratings

    Esther shows us that everyone has a purpose and a place in God’s story - His-story (Part 2 "Fresh Lessons From Former Leaders").

    Everybody makes history in some way or another. But we usually only remember the famous history makers; like, Joan of Arc, Marco Polo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Christopher Columbus or Florence Nightingale. What the story of Esther teaches us is that God orchestrates history, because it’s “His-Story.” more

  • Celebrating The Grandparents Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 23, 2018

    If Mary’s response to the angel was an enthusiastic “yes,” then we can look to her parents for their own constant response to God’s commands, their answer of “yes” to His will.

    Thursday of the 16th Week in Course 2018 Ss Joachim and Anne, parents of Mary Today we commemorate two of the great persons of salvation history, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom tradition calls Joachim and Anne. Scripture implies that Mary had a family, and the Annunciation almost more

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