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  • Mystery Babylon, The Protest Begins Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jul 15, 2015

    Eventually people get it: You must come out of Babylon. Here is the story of those first heroes of the Protestant Reformation, who saw Babylon, protested, and were forced out. Thank God for them.

    PART THREE: WHEN PEOPLE PROTEST 1300-1870 THIRTY-SEVEN: THE CALL "OUT OF HER" BEGINS The light which manifests itself to many individuals within the church slowly becomes such a burning glow that, combining with the loss of prestige of the Papacy, and the growing political tensions, it can no more

  • Picking What You Planted

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Apr 25, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Sowing and Reaping

    Picking, What You Plant (GAL. 6:6-8) INTRO: In my life time I’ve eaten a lot of taters and beans In fact I’ve grown a lot of taters, and I’ve grown a lot of beans. But I’ve never raised beans from a tater plant, nor have I ever got taters from a bean bush. If fact, I found that 99% of the time you more

  • The Scene Is Set For Revolution And Reformation Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 21, 2017

    God writes straight with crooked lines, in every age.

    Thursday of 29th Week in Course 2017 Reformation and Revolution Let’s imagine for a moment what happened when St. Paul and his companions came to a town in Anatolia or Greece, his two assigned missionary territories. There were probably Jews there, who met in someone’s home or maybe, if the more

  • Don't Be Shocked By Suffering Be Sensible! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 20, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    We as Christians need to live for God and understand that when we live holy lives in a fallen world we will suffer for our stances but we need to stay sensible through the trials and be committed to the cause of Jesus Christ.

    Don’t be shocked by suffering, be sensible – 1 Peter 4 Thesis: We as Christians need to live for God and understand that when we live holy lives in a fallen world we will suffer for our stances but we need to stay sensible through the trials and be committed to the cause of Jesus more

  • Christ Our Pattern Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 19 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE PATTERN FOR BOTH HUMBLING OURSELVES AND BEING EXALTED BY GOD IS JESUS CHRIST 1 Peter 5:6 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time." Otherwise, if we try to exalt ourselves, God must come along and humble us. Remember the more

  • Reformation 2023

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Oct 24, 2023

    Remembering the Reformation and honoring Christ

    Reformation Day Sermon 2023 Text: Romans 3:21-30 Good morning Church! I’m so glad that you have gathered with us this morning. That you have obeyed the command to not forsake the assembly. It’s the last Sunday in October… we call it Reformation Sunday – remembering the Protestant Reformation. more

  • Do Little Things Great

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on May 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Introdcution to Colossians

    Wycliffe Hall 2001 Do little things as if they were great, because of the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ (Blaise Pascal) Background to the Book of Colossians: Colossae is a town in modern-day Turkey on the banks of the river Lycus, not all that far from Ephesus. In more

  • A Pastor's Responsibility

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on May 27, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Introduction to Colossians with respect to a pastor’s calling

    Wycliffe Hall 2001 Do little things as if they were great, because of the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ (Blaise Pascal) Background to the Book of Colossians: Colossae is a town in modern-day Turkey on the banks of the river Lycus, not all that far from Ephesus. In more

  • Anticipating Advent: A Working Faith Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 19, 2009

    Depend on the Lord and be diligent in your work, because Jesus could come at any moment.

    Two young boys were spending the night at grandma’s house the week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers. The younger one began praying in a loud voice: “I PRAY FOR A NEW BICYCLE...” “I PRAY FOR A NEW NINTENDO...” more

  • The Thessalonians # 6

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 6, 2022

    One of the things adults talk about is how it seems that young people today do not appreciate the many sacrifices many parents have made for them.

    Why is this the case? It could be because they have been given many things without exerting any effort themselves whatsoever. Therefore they can not really appreciate the sacrifices that have been made to make it possible for them to have those things. This explains why they do not think the way more

  • Making The Most Of The Good And The Bad - Rom 8:28,29

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Apr 15, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    Making the Most of the Good and the Bad - Rom. 8:28,29

    Making the Most of the Good & the Bad – Rom. 8:28 Illustration: DETOURS The year was 1920. The scene was the examining board for selecting missionaries. Standing before the board was a young man named Oswald Smith. One dream dominated his heart. He wanted to be a missionary. Over and over again, more

  • God And Your Government

    Contributed by Willem Nel on May 17, 2014

    My HOPE however is not in my or your vote, but it is in God who with His unconditional love will use us to bring His way and will to our society. The Psalmist said some may trust in horses, some in chariots and it seems like some are trusting in our votes

    God and Government As we approach another national election in South Africa, once more there is a cry from the people of South Africa for good and godly people to be elected to the various offices of government at all levels. The Bible says that when good people run things, everyone is glad. But more

  • Wise Men: Portrait Of A Heart Seeking God Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 13, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The Wise Men went through great lengths in their search for the newborn King.

    Series: Characters at the Cradle THE WISE MEN: Portrait of a Heart Seeking God Matthew 2:1-12 Who were these wise men. The actual word translated is the word, "magi". The Magi were a special cast of priests in Persia and in Babylon. These were men of high stature and respect. I. THEY WERE more

  • Epicurus And Christ Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 11, 2017

    Renaissance atheists ate, drank and were merry and ignored God’s teaching, because they thought of the Christian God as just another non-existent being who wanted to keep them from enjoying themselves.

    Thursday of the 32nd Week in Course Reformation/Revolution The Pharisees were religious leaders in Israel at the time of Christ, and, like all pious Jews, they believed that God would send a Messiah to inaugurate the Kingdom of God. But most Jews thought that the kingdom would be brought by force, more

  • Faith Sighing Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on May 6, 2012

    Habakkuk does not deliver a message as much as he solves a problem. In chapter one we hear a sob, but chapter three ends with a song. Habakkuk's struggled with the same kind of problems we deal with today. Why doesn't God punish the wickedness we see ever

    Purpose: To assure believers that God will ultimately use the wicked for our good and His glory. Aim: I want the listener to hate their own sin and pray for revival in our country. INTRODUCTION: The book of Habakkuk is unique. This prophet does not speak to his own people or to a foreign nation, more