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  • Wrong Way Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Jul 16, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Heaven, Hell, two roads, the crowd

    “WRONG WAY” Matt 7: 13-14 (p 685) July 15, 2012 INTRODUCTION: Douglas Corrigan became a legendary aviator, not because of his accomplishments as a pilot but rather because of a supposed navigational error. In 1938, Corrigan “Mistakenly” flew from New York to more

  • Wrong Turns, Wrong Roads, And Dead Ends

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Dec 2, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    An Exposition of 1 Sam. 28:3-25

    Wrong Turns, Wrong Roads, and Dead Ends 1 Sam. 28:3-25 A man and his wife had just moved to town, and he was coming home from his first day at work. As he’s driving down the highway, his cell phone rings, and it’s his wife. “George, I just had to call you and tell you to be careful. I just heard more

  • Running The Wrong Way

    Contributed by James May on Apr 17, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    God will give us a second chance but we may always be identified with the sin we commit by running the wrong way from God’s will.

    RUNNING THE WRONG WAY by Pastor Jim May If you are a sports fan may remember the story of how, on New Year’s Day in 1929, Georgia Tech played the University of California in the annual Rose Bowl football game. In that game a man named Roy Riegels, the center of the California football team, more

  • Wrong Way-Right Way

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 2, 2024

    The bible tells us that if man tries to choose the way to get to heaven, it may end up being the wrong way.

    Today I have a very simple lesson. It may be simple to most of us, but to someone who has never heard the message of salvation, it may not be that simple. I want to talk about the wrong way and the right way today. Read Proverbs 14:12. So the bible tells us that if man tries to choose the way more

  • Fear: Going The Wrong Way?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 20, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We have been laying a foundation about unhealthy fear. Fear can be very destructive and cause much damage to individuals. We must never accept finite hurt and fear. We must guard our heart to never accept infinite hope as the norm.

    FEAR: GOING THE WRONG WAY By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (2 parts) TEXT: Deuteronomy 4:9 Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach more

  • The Right Way Vs The Wrong Way Series

    Contributed by Michael Karpf on Oct 28, 2008

    We need to doers of the word and not hearers to be blessed and used by God

    BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE James 1:19-27 First I want to thank you all for being here. I thought you would find these messages too convicting and quit coming. Even Simone finds them convicting because she was meowing at me yesterday when I was writing this out. Then she went back to licking herself. more

  • The Wrong Way: The Way That Seems Right

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 25, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    ALL THROUGH THE BIBLE ... THERE ARE STATEMENTS DESIGNED TO MAKE US AWARE OF POTENTIAL DANGER. One such warning is in Proverbs 14:12: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

    ALL THROUGH THE BIBLE ... THERE ARE STATEMENTS DESIGNED TO MAKE US AWARE OF POTENTIAL DANGER. The Lord reveals to us those things; knowing what is best for us and what can hurt our relationship to Him. We are often informed of wrong choices, and told of the expected consequences. We need to be more

  • Doing Right The Wrong Way

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Sep 2, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    David decided to bring the ark to Jerusalem. The Philistines had captured it during the last sad days of Eli. It caused them so much trouble they put it on a cart and returned it, and for awhile it stayed at the house of Abinadab (1 Samuel 7:1).

    DOING RIGHT THE WRONG WAY Scripture: 2 Samuel 6 INTRODUCTION David decided to bring the ark to Jerusalem. The Philistines had captured it during the last sad days of Eli. It caused them so much trouble they put it on a cart and returned it, and for awhile it stayed at the house of Abinadab (1 more

  • Rubbing People The Wrong Way

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Feb 27, 2015

    Jesus asks us the same question he asked Peter long ago at the shore of the Sea of Galilee; namely “Do you love me?” What he is really asking is “Do you love me more than anyone or anything else?

    There was once an evangelist named Billy Sunday. He was the Billy Graham of his generation. He was conducting a crusade in a particular city, and in one sermon he said something critical of labour conditions for workers in that city. After the service, several businessmen sent him a message which more

  • Right God, Wrong Way Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 19, 2021

    Worship has the power to change you like no other activity you are involved in. Worship has the power to bless you.

    Last week we focused on the first commandment: “You Shall Have No Other gods Before Me.” Last week, we focused on the “what” of worship: You Shall Worship Only God Himself. This week, we focus on the “how” of worship: You Shall Worship God the Right Way. The first commandment implicitly excludes more

  • Going The Wrong Way - Faster

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jan 25, 2025

    We look at some recent news items about global warming. The world is going the wrong way - faster. How should we respond?

    Today, we’re continuing in the series we started last week, looking at items that have been in the news recently and thinking about how we respond to them as Christians. This week, we’re going to look at some items that have been in the news recently, related to global warming. I’ve titled this more

  • My Own Way

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 5, 2022

    Is it not true that people who speak volumes at the altar and surrender their lives turn utter cold shortly after the heat of the meeting subsides?? Despite hearing million sermons, people Go their own way, anyways….

    I will go my OWN way... anyways… Jeremiah 42:2"Please let our petition come before you, and pray for us to the LORD your God, that is for all this remnant; because we are left but a few out of many, as your own eyes now see us,” With lot of expectations, during my initial days after more

  • Listen To The Prophets

    Contributed by Dennis Fox on Aug 21, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    God often gives us direction through Prophets. Why don’t we listen to him? We don’t like being told we are on the wrong path or going the wrong way. The answer as actually rooted in our psyche.

    Listen to the Prophets 21 Aug 22 Richardson TX YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY! My favorite scene in Planes, Trains & Automobiles is when Steve Martin and John Candy were driving down the freeway after getting spun around and a couple keeps screaming at them, “YOU’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Of more

  • On The Road Again: Going The Wrong Way Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 31, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Four observations from Ruth about Elimelech, a backslidden Christian.

    INTRODUCTION The story of Ruth has often been called the greatest piece of literature ever written and the Cinderella story of the Bible. I’m calling our study, “The Romance of Redemption,” a title I borrowed from Ray Stedman. How many of you have already read the story of more

  • Right And Wrong Ways To Get To Heaven

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Jun 11, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    sharing the right and wrong ways people try to get to heaven

    Intro: in the last two weeks I have shared Jesus Christ with two young ladies, one a 22 year old girl who works at a food mart near our church, and a 10 year old girl at a bowling center outside of Atlanta. In both cases you would have thought I was ministering to someone in a foreign country, they more