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  • Worldwide Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Oct 19, 2014

    Christ prophecy that the Gospel will be preached in all the world

    THE BEGINNING OF WHAT IS TO COME: WORLD EVANGELISM If you will open your Bible, I ask that you turn with me to Matthew 24:14. Matthew 24 is one of the most unique chapters in the entire New Testament. In this chapter Jesus gives us a picture of what the world would look like in the final days more

  • God's Worldwide Mission Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 13, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Isaiah teaches us that the Messiah’s worldwide mission is to preach good news, to replace shame with honor, to make an everlasting covenant, and to bring great joy.

    Scripture Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. Our Scripture reading in this Advent season brings us to Isaiah 61:1-11. In this text we read about God’s worldwide mission. This text teaches us what God’s Anointed One will do when God comes down. And it also teaches us what we will do when God more

  • Gaining A Worldwide Vision

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What happened in this passage is of critical importance to church history. The events in this passage need to be studied by every church and every body of believers.

    MAR 17 2013PM Gaining a Worldwide Vision Acts 11: 1-18 Usually as we begin each study, I lead in to the message with the ending of the previous week’s message. I don’t have to do that tonight because our passage comes from Acts 11: 1-18 and in it, Peter recaps the whole episode. So more

  • Noah's Ark And The Worldwide Flood Series

    Contributed by David Diyanni on Apr 9, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Was Noah's Ark a real story? Find out as we explore the facts about a world wide flood?

    Noah's Ark and the World Wide Flood Introduction A. The reason I am teaching on the topic of evolution verses creation is so that you can get access to scientific information that the public schools are censoring for fear that it might show how foolish the teaching of evolution really is. The more

  • Worldwide Judgment In The Days Of Noah Series

    Contributed by Mark Opseth on Apr 13, 2011

    In Noah's day, God destroyed the earth with a flood. In the last day, God will destroy the earth with a fire.

    Last week we addressed the wickedness in the days up to Noah. Why weren’t there more people on the ark? I believe because the peoples’ hearts had become hard and didn’t believe the warnings of the coming destruction. Last week we looked at the progression down the path of more

  • Worldwide Communion: Persisting To The End

    Contributed by William Baeta on Sep 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:12-

    Introduction: We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it”. (Psalm 118:24) Let us rejoice and thank the Lord for His institution of the Holy Communion and His revelations on the importance of more

  • The Measure Of Our Worldwide Evangelism

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Mar 24, 2024

    I give my permission for this sermon to be used in its fullest for the glory of God. Soul winning is very dear to the heart of God. When Jesus measures our life, one of the great things He will be looking for is what we did to bring people into His kingdom.

    THE MEASURE OF OUR WORLDWIDE EVANGELISM Please open your Bible to John 3:16 for today’s message “Worldwide Evangelism.” My hope in presenting this series, is to give you insight on how to prepare for that special day when the Lord measures your life for eternal greatness and rewards. When I picture more

  • The World’s Greatest Flood

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 6, 2022

    Never in the history of man has the world faced such a catastrophe as the people faced in the days of Noah.

    Illus: Guinness Book of Records gives this information about floods: (1) THE WORST FLOOD DAMAGE in the United States was caused by the flood of August 10, 1993. This flood affected nine states and covered an area estimated to be twice the size of New Jersey. (2) THE DEADLIEST FLOOD in the more

  • The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 22, 2015

    The four horsemen of the apocalypse are on the horizon: world-wide conquest, world-wide conflict, worldwide famine, and world-wide death. That can mean only one thing: Jesus is coming soon! Be ready.

    On March 11, 2004, terrorists exploded 10 bombs in Madrid, Spain, killing almost 200, wounding another 1,800. Two months later there was a scare in Philadelphia. It was May 5th, and a conductor for Pennsylvania's transit authority discovered something frightening on the tracks near Philly's massive more

  • One Lord, One Church, One Banquet

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Oct 2, 2023

    Celebrating Worldwide Communion

    As the first Sunday of October, today is not only our regular Communion Sunday, it’s Worldwide Communion Sunday for Christians around the world. (Our Communion table is arrayed with different types and colors of bread symbolizing the worldwide Church’s diversity.) It’s a day to celebrate the more

  • The Age Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 7, 2013
    based on 7 ratings

    Empowering the Church for worldwide mission.

    THE AGE OF THE SPIRIT. John 16:5-15. When Ezekiel looked out across the valley of the dry bones, the LORD asked him, “Can these bones live?” to which the prophet answered, “Well, Lord, if anyone knows you do.” The Lord GOD spoke to the bones through the mouth of the prophet, and they revived: but more

  • What Is Spiritual Warfare? Keys To Victory On The Worldwide Battlefield

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual warfare, for some reason it always brings to mind for me, the Lord of the Rings. Specifically the siege of Minas Tirith.

    Spiritual warfare, for some reason it always brings to mind for me, the Lord of the Rings. Specifically the siege of Minas Tirith. If I were trying to compare our situation right now in this country to the Lord of the Rings, there is one battle that comes to mind, the battle of Osgiliath. Faramir more

  • Christians Are Persecuted Severely Worldwide: Ancient Thessalonica To The Modern Era

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 27, 2021

    Did you know that today in our modern world Christianity is the number one most persecuted religion in the world? Christians face murder and death for their faith every day.

    Did you know that today in our modern world Christianity is the number one most persecuted religion in the world? Christians face murder and death for their faith every day. A great deal of persecution occurs in the following countries: Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, India, China, and the more

  • God Is Speaking To The Church

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Sep 26, 2008
    based on 37 ratings

    A word about the worldwide financial crisis that is taking place.

    September 28, 2008 Morning Worship Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14 Subject: Judgment Title: God is speaking to the Church This is one of those Sundays where I had a sermon already prepared and another well on the way and the Lord spoke to me on Friday morning during prayer, “Here is where I want you to more

  • The Joyous Birth Of Jesus SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    A festive celebration of the birth of Jesus, as observed by Christians worldwide.

    A. The Birth of a King (Prince George) The birth of Prince George, the firstborn son of Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, captured the attention of the world. The media frenzy surrounding this event was unprecedented, with reporters scrambling to gather any news about the royal baby. more

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