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  • Love One Another Series

    Contributed by Robert Wheat on Mar 12, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We know we should love God and love others, but how should we love others? There are several verses commanding us to love one another, and there is no mistaking how we should love when practicing the principles of God's Word.

    ONE ANOTHER God gave us one another for a purpose… We are the Body of Christ in this world to stir one another up, build one another up, encourage one another, and most certainly to love one another. In the Old Testament, God gave us His Word for living a life with full purpose. Love more

  • Jesus Comes To Seek And Save

    Contributed by Robert Wheat on Jan 14, 2015

    Jesus comes to the most unlikely people, and He does so for good reason. He has come to seek and save ... even you and me. Follow the story of many unlikely people and their transformation.

    Jesus Comes: Jesus Seeks and Saves A new year starts and many folks are already worried about the promises they made just before the new year began. It’s safe to say… we break promises; not because we want to, but because we simply do not have the fortitude to endure through the more

  • The Call Of The Ploughman

    Contributed by John Perry on Jul 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We know in farming & agriculture that long before a harvest is reaped there has been some ploughing of the soil. Any farmer can tell you that the idea of reaping a crop without ploughing the soil is ludicrous! Is it any different with the soil of the hear

    Bunbury Sun am 17/07/2011 “The call of the ploughman” Intro: *** Yesterday at the in-laws I did something I had never done b/4 ….. at least not w/ a machine. I ploughed some ground for my father in-law w/ a rotary hoeing machine. At first I found it quite a task to control & more

  • Snapshots Of The Second Coming

    Contributed by John Gaston on Aug 14, 2017

    Often when we speak of Christ's Coming, we speak of events but forget the Person whose coming. This message hones in on six snapshots of Jesus at His Second Coming. This is a convicting message, good for soul-winning!

    SNAPSHOTS OF THE SECOND COMING Matthew 24:36-51, NIV INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: WRONG IDEAS ABOUT THE BIBLE 1. Old Mr. Simpson was a constant thorn in the side of the PTA, with his steadfast opposition to innovation. 2. For one thing, he was vociferously against the introduction of foreign more

  • The Distinction Of Christian Love In Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Jun 17, 2022

    Christianity -or being a “follower” of Jesus is never about the whims of a fad or something popular. In fact, it is something that is quite counter cultural and disassociated from the world.

    Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD View this sermon at: Introduction In Scotland, a survey was given to law enforcement officers about their religious affiliations. What caught my attention was that 8 of the more

  • Which Path Should I Take? Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The unrighteous path is worthless, it brings judgment, and it has a destination.

    Which Path Should I Take? Part 2 Psalm 1:4-6 - Last week, we looked at the first part of Psalm 1, and started by comparing the paths of the righteous and the wicked. - We saw that both those paths have companions, and that both paths have a direction. - This week, we’re going to look at the more

  • "Running From A Lion... Into A Bear... Bitten By A Snake"

    Contributed by Bishop William Bryant Wilmore, Jr. on Aug 20, 2003
    based on 401 ratings

    A Warning from God to anyone who is "Playing Church."

    Consider the text God’s warning to anyone who’s ‘playing Church!’ I ought to just finish right there with that one statement, for the text says it all. Amos, here, is dealing with those who like to try to fool people by acting holy. One thing about it brothers and sisters... you can fool man, more

  • Pre-Trib. Or Pre-Wrath? - Study 2

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on May 17, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Does the Bible teach that Jesus will rapture His people before the Tribulation? This is a series of Studies on the question, "Will the rapture be before the Tribulation or before the Wrath of God?

    "PRE-TRIB. OR PRE-WRATH?" Study One Matt. 24:1-51 INTRODUCTION In the past few years, there have been many who have taken in hand to write on the subject of "The Second Coming of Christ." So someone will say, "Why do we need another book on the subject? I must say that I do not consider myself to more

  • A Counterfeit Contentment

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Jul 22, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Where are you on the contentment scale? Do you have genuine contentment in your life? The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” The contentment Paul speaks

    Where are you on the contentment scale? Do you have genuine contentment in your life? The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” The contentment Paul speaks of is the realization of Psalm 23:1: “The more

  • Two Approaches To The Preacher/Religion

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Let us study two approachers to the man of God and true religion. SAUL:Denial, deceit, situation ethics, lying can be a norm? DAVID: The heart of GOD, accept the message and repent. Psalms 51 is a masterpiece of repentance.

    TWO APPROACHES TO RELIGION AND THE PREACHER... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I did this in one lesson, but you have to move very quickly. It would be easy to do as two parts. We seem to love and call for victory by doing the quick and easy in our society. This attitude spills more

  • The Simple Facts Of Church Life Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 37 ratings

    We must get the simple things right. The elementary principles of church life are among the most important principles of church life.

    The Simple Facts of Church Life (Romans 16:1-27) Intro 1. What an experience I had last Sunday at the home of Ted and Janie Martin (explain story of flat tire and “lobster” cable clamp 2. Ted Martin and Neil tried not to laugh, but Brett lost it. The rest of the gusy should have, too. It was more

  • # 3 ~ Two & Three ~ Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Oct 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Today we’ll continue to look into the meaning of Bible numbers, last time we talked a little about the number TWO mostly in the Old Testament, and so today Lord willing we’ll point out it’s meaning in many places in the New Testament and move on too the n

    # 3 ~ TWO & THREE ~ THE MEANING OF BIBLE NUMBERS ~ 10-15-11 Today we’ll continue to look into the meaning of Bible numbers, last time we talked a little about the number TWO mostly in the Old Testament, and so today Lord willing we’ll point out it’s meaning in many places in more

  • God’s Kind Of Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Nov 14, 2010

    what kind of church would God design? How does it match up with the 21st Century, Americanized church? Give it some thought.

    God’s Kind of Church 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 * If you have ever built a house for your family, then you know a little about decisions, frustrations, and more. In the process, you may well discover that ‘what you want is beyond your ability to provide. We lived in Yazoo City, Mississippi, for a more

  • The Harvests Of The Lost Series

    Contributed by Pastor Jeff Hughes on Jan 10, 2014

    The Harvests of the Lost in Revelation 14:14-20

    Concise Review of Revelation 14 To Date We enter into the last installment in our series in Revelation 14. To recap concisely, first we see Jesus, the King of Kings and the 144,000 at Mt. Zion in Jerusalem; this is a preview of sorts to the start of the Millennial Kingdom. The 144,000 sing a more

  • Psalm 1 Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 2, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Psalm 1 is a wisdom Psalm and focuses on God’s Word, God’s blessing on those who obey it and meditate on it, and God’s ultimate judgment on those who rebel.

    11-10-13 Tom Lowe Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 3 And he shall be like a more

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