  • Robert Wheat

    Contributing sermons since Mar 12, 2014
Robert's church

Bi-Fork Baptist Association
Vernon, Texas 76385

About Robert
  • Education: Master's International School of Divinity in Evansville, IN. Dr. of Biblical Studies in Pastoral Ministries; Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX. Masters of Arts in Religious Education; University of Texas at Dallas, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
  • Experience: Serving churches across North Texas from Waco to Weatherford, Dallas to Carrollton, Granbury to Poetry. Served as Youth Minister from 1984-1998. Also served in Worship Ministry from 1989-1998. Served as Associate Pastor from 1998-2001. Senior Pastor from 2001 to 2016 at Poetry Baptist Church. Now serving as Director of Missions for Bi-Fork Baptist Association from January 2016 to present.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: My family and my children give me great illustrations each week. I honor them by not discouraging them but revealing my humanness before broken humans every week.
  • Family: Married since 1990 to a profoundly beautiful yet exquisitely talented young lady and parents to two wonderful children (both collegiate).
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: If I do use my spouse in any sermon... I am required to buy her a new dress. By the way, she has a great wardrobe.
  • Hobbies: Eating dessert, hanging out with my family, friends, and fellowship with those wanting more from this life. I love to travel - especially on mission (South America, Thailand, Eastern Europe - Czech Republic, Austria, South Africa, Ukraine, Crimea) and see the grandeur of God's creation in both places and people.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: You're still breathing, don't waste a breath. You're still present, don't waste your gifts. You're still able, don't waste time. Love God, love others. Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God; for Jesus Christ is Lord! He is the Way, Truth, and Life... no one comes to the Father but through Him.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Every Sunday I stand to deliver God's Word, people listen. That's funny to me... but also very humbling because God calls me ... insignificant me ... to deliver His Word. If you don't consider the consequences of the God of heaven asking you to deliver His Word, and then look in the mirror and discern that He has called you ... you'd better believe God has a sense of humor (wrapped up in a big ole' heart of love).
  • What I want on my tombstone: He still lives... just not here.
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  • Jesus Comes To Seek And Save

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2015

    Jesus comes to the most unlikely people, and He does so for good reason. He has come to seek and save ... even you and me. Follow the story of many unlikely people and their transformation.

    Jesus Comes: Jesus Seeks and Saves A new year starts and many folks are already worried about the promises they made just before the new year began. It’s safe to say… we break promises; not because we want to, but because we simply do not have the fortitude to endure through the more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We know we should love God and love others, but how should we love others? There are several verses commanding us to love one another, and there is no mistaking how we should love when practicing the principles of God's Word.

    ONE ANOTHER God gave us one another for a purpose… We are the Body of Christ in this world to stir one another up, build one another up, encourage one another, and most certainly to love one another. In the Old Testament, God gave us His Word for living a life with full purpose. Love more

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