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  • Street Evangelism Is Powerful: The Majesty Of Carrying The Gospel

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 6, 2021

    We often dream of great and mighty things. We dream of love that would be like a beautiful song, or music video. We dream of doing great things for God. We dream of revivals and great awakenings. We dream of a world that would made right by Christ. We dream of winning thousands to our savior Jesus.

    "We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 9 Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened more

  • Boundless Love (February 23, 2013).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020

    God’s love knows no bounds. The audience in the synagogue was ok hearing about God’s love so long as it met with their expectations. When Jesus talked about how God’s love reaches out to even the Gentiles, people in the synagogue got upset.

    BOUNDLESS LOVE Text: Luke 4:21 – 30 There is the story of a preacher whose preaching met with comments of affirmation praise when he spoke about certain sins, like gossip, drinking, lying, cheating, stealing. With the mention of each and every sin, there were people who more

  • The Work Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 2, 2024

    Tonight, we will see the clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord Himself. He had already revealed who the Person of the Holy Spirit is back in John 14. Now, He reveals the WORK of the Holy Spirit.

    Tonight, we will see the clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord Himself. He had already revealed who the Person of the Holy Spirit is back in John 14. Now, He reveals the WORK of the Holy Spirit. READ v. 7. We know that it is the Holy Spirit who comforts and helps us. Jesus more

  • God’s Design For His Assemblies

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Sep 4, 2024

    As the Apostle Paul is touching upon questions which the church at Corinth requested clarification, we see a situation which further caused division among the assembly; women assuming or usurping the man’s place.

    As the Apostle Paul is touching upon questions which the church at Corinth requested clarification, we see a situation which further caused division among the assembly; women assuming or usurping the man’s place. This changing of places God assigned was apparently with those who were “under more

  • Having The Right Type Of Anger

    Contributed by Margaret Olubiyi on Oct 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Is there any such thing like the right type of anger in Christianity? Absolutely! There is the anger that leads to sin and has dire consequences and gives glory to the devil and there is the type of anger that disrupts satan’s work and give God the glory and honor.

    Is there such a thing as the right type of anger in Christianity? Absolutely! There are two types of anger: one that leads to sin, resulting in dire consequences and glorifying the devil, and another that disrupts Satan’s work, giving glory and honor to God. I am referring to sinful anger versus more

  • Just A Touch PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the power of prayer, the strength of faith, and the reward of obedience.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Welcome to today's sermon, where we delve deep into the heart of the Gospel, guided by the words of Luke 8:41-56. We'll explore the Power of Prayer, the Strength of Faith, and the Reward of Obedience. Opening Prayer – Let's bow our heads and more

  • Five Witnesses To Jesus' Authority And Power Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 23, 2023

    We are going to take a look at five witnesses that help to prove Jesus’ authority and power as God’s Son.

    Tonight, we are going to take a look at five witnesses that help to prove Jesus’ authority and power as God’s Son. Let’s get right into the Scripture. READ 31. The first thing Jesus says about a witness for Him is based upon the world’s judicial system. Let’s face it; in our world a man’s own more

  • Elisha In His Early Ministry – Part 1 - The Judgement Is Bad Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 15, 2022

    Men have become followers, not leaders. In too many cases men have abrogated their positions through a bad Christian walk, laziness; a careless, unconcerned walk with the Lord. A failure to be students of scripture with nothing that God can use, leaves a spiritual vacuum for the next generation.

    ELISHA IN HIS EARLY MINISTRY – PART 1 - THE JUDGEMENT IS BAD SERIES – MESSAGES ON ELISHA – HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY Number 3 [A]. THE UNDERSTANDING IS BAD 2Kings 2 v 15 [[Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on more

  • A Personal Invitation From Jesus To You PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus invites everyone into a relationship with Him, knows us intimately, and meets us where we are, offering love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive deep into the book of John, specifically John 1:43-53, where we learn three key lessons: Jesus' invitation is for everyone, He knows who we are, and He meets us where we are. These lessons aren't just for the people in the Bible, they're for more

  • Your Mind The First Line Of Defence

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 78 ratings

    The first line of defense against satan is our mind - if we lose the battle there we have lost the war. In this message we will see how to turn our mind into a divine weapon.

    Your Mind, The First Line Of Defense Divine Weapon Number One Last week – we kicked off, what is going to be the theme for much of my teaching in 2002 – in a message called This Means War…Listen we have an enemy, a powerful enemy. Scriptures says; “Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the more

  • Escaping The Trap Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Nov 1, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Unforgiveness is a trap that we’ve all been caught in at one time or another. This series attempts to help people find release people from the trap.

    Escaping the Trap Escaping the Trap of Forgiveness July 23, 2006 For the past 3 weeks now we’ve been concentrating on the subject of “offenses”. Jesus told us that it’s impossible to go through this life and not be offended by someone or something. And so we’ve taken the attitude, “That being more

  • Living In Love Or Death Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 15 ratings

    We are taught here in John that we know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brethren. Love of the brethren is a proof of sonship. People with a heart for God have a heart for people.

    1 JOHN 3: 11-18 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES] LIVING IN LOVE OR DEATH [Matthew 22: 35-40 / John 15:12-14 / Luke 10:25-27] In his book Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home, Richard Foster tells of an OLD SAGE who asked his disciples, "How can we know when the darkness is leaving and the dawn is more

  • The Paradoxical Sayings Of Jesus: Lose Your Life To Save It Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Jul 30, 2018

    Perhaps Jesus' most challenging saying of all is that to save your lives we must be willing to lose it for His sake and the Gospels. We explore what this really means practically, and whether Jesus meant for it to be literally true.

    The Paradoxical Sayings of Jesus Lose Your Life to Save It Mark 8:31-39 We continue in our summer series on the paradoxical sayings of Jesus. Jesus said a number of things which violate common sense, and seem to be impossible with regard to all the realities we face in this world, and would not more

  • When God Gives Up On Human Sinfulness Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Mar 7, 2024

    Three times in this passage it is stated that God gave up evil humanity to its own devices. A serious warning to our generation.

    1:24 “Therefore God also gave them up …” Therefore. The wrath is coming. We deserve the wrath that is coming. Why? Well, men knew the truth of God and suppressed it. They could see His attributes, but they ignored Him. They did not glorify Him. They were not thankful to Him. They thought they more

  • Your Relationships + God's Standards = True Freedom

    Contributed by Dan Chromy on Oct 26, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    You will only find true freedom in the way you conduct your relationships with others when you abide by God's standards for your realtionships.

    What motivates your relationships with the people you meet throughout your lifetime? By what standards do you measure your relationships with others? What standards does God want for your relationships with other people? The world would have you believe that your relationships with others more

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