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Sermons on two robbers crucified:

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  • The Grave Robber

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 31, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    There was a new robber in town! I said there was a new robber in town! The grave robber! The new robber in town had taken away the Keys, to life and death from the devil, without the devil, even having a clue as to what was happening, once and for all and forevermore!

    The Grave Robber Matthew 28 1-15 NKJ 1 Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. 2 And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone more

  • Grave Robber Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    He is the God who can make your impossible possible!

    Grave Robber Text: John 11:17-44 Introduction 1. For nearly thirty years, the One who had crafted the universe with His voice crafted furniture with His hands. And He was good at what He did ”no crooked table legs ever came out of the carpenter’s shop in Nazareth. But Jesus was more more

  • The Ancient Robbers

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 2, 2011
    based on 28 ratings

    This message focuses on spiritual robbers, who have robbed even the best of believers their miracles. I beseech you to read it prayerfully, and God will bless you richly, in Jesus’ name.

    This message focuses on spiritual robbers, who have robbed even the best of believers their miracles. I beseech you to read it prayerfully, and God will bless you richly, in Jesus’ name. When physical things are stolen, they are somewhat easy to replace but it is a different thing entirely, more

  • The Ancient Robbers

    Contributed by John Gaston on Sep 6, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The worst robbery is spiritual robbery. Some of the best believers have been robbed of their blessings, happiness, and miracles because of the robbers of Fear, Discouragement, Doubt, Sorrow, and Carelessness. Jesus came to restore us from these losses. Le

    THE ANCIENT ROBBERS John 10:10 [The idea for this message and some of the text of section 3 were derived from Daniel Olukoya’s message of the same name.] INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: BURGLAR WORRY 1. Someone tells about a woman who for many years couldn’t sleep at night because she worried more

  • Joy Robbers Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jul 22, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Get the true joy!

    JOY ROBBERS Philippians 4.2-7 S: Joy C: Peace Th: Toward the Goal Pr: GET THE TRUE JOY. ?: What? What keeps us from it? KW: Thieves TS: We will find in our study of Philippians what thieves use to keep us from getting the joy God has for us. CV: “We will wholeheartedly worship the everlasting more

  • A Crucified Will

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Mar 30, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    When it comes to dying to ourselves: 1. Jesus is our example. 2. Willfulness is our problem. 3. Crucifixion is the answer.

    In Luke 20:17-18 Jesus tells one of his most mysterious parables. He begins by quoting Psalm 118:22: “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.” And then he says, “Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.” What a strange more

  • Thieves And Robbers In The Temple Series

    Contributed by Delwyn Campbell on Mar 30, 2019

    One of the most beautiful stories of the Scriptures is that of the prodigal son, the younger son who left home, got into deep difficulty, wasted his life in riotous living, and ended up in the pigpen.

    Illustrations for Biblical Preaching Prodigal Son One of the most beautiful stories of the Scriptures is that of the prodigal son, the younger son who left home, got into deep difficulty, wasted his life in riotous living, and ended up in the pigpen. Dr. J. Vernon McGee once asked, “Do you know more

  • Beware Of Grace-Robbers! Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    If you think God has already done 99.999999999% of what’s necessary for you to be saved, and then it’s up to you to do the remaining .00000001%, then you don’t understand grace.

    INTRODUCTION: When I was younger I had brief dreams of being a Biblical Archaeologist. I thought it would be a glamorous job, and that I would unearth some exciting treasure like the Ark of the Covenant or something. So I was excited about an opportunity in college to travel to Israel and to more

  • Two Crowds

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Apr 18, 2017

    Was there really just one crowd shouting "Hosanna" one day and "Crucify" a short time later? Were Jesus' followers really that fickle or were they just running for cover when the tide in Jerusalem changed? And how do we see ourselves in that scenario?

    Matthew 21:1-11 (please open your Bibles as we read this passage) The Crowd(s) - The disciples (the 12) - The followers o “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” o “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” o “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” o “Blessed is the king of more

  • Four People Crucified At Calvary – An Easter Message (For Good Friday Maybe) Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 28, 2023

    What is Calvary all about? It is about the spotless, righteous Son of God becoming Man, and at the appropriate time, laying down His own life to bring salvation to all those who will believe, and clothing them in His very own righteousness. We look at 4 crucifixions at Calvary. Living sacrifices.

    FOUR PEOPLE CRUCIFIED AT CALVARY – AN EASTER MESSAGE (for Good Friday Maybe) Throughout the world, in nearly every Easter message, you will hear the words Calvary and crucified. You will probably also hear the words “cross, Jesus of Nazareth, thieves, Pilate, resurrection,” and several others. more

  • Crucify Him! Crucify Him!

    Contributed by Michael Reeves on Sep 2, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    A sermon that looks at the three groups of people who were against Jesus at His trial.

    Introduction: Probably most of the adults here have at one time or another been called up for jury duty, and many here have probably served on a jury once or several times. I found it quite interesting yet very sobering the one time so far that I served on a jury. When you listen to testimony you more

  • Jesus Is Crucified Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 3, 2021

    Had you gone to Jerusalem that day so long ago, and had you gone just outside the wall to the north, out through the Damascus gate, there you would have seen a rocky hill. And on that hill, you would have seen three crosses, with three men on those crosses.

    Good morning to Cross Church and happy Palm Sunday to you. Turn to Luke 23 with me this morning. The universal symbol of Christianity is the cross, the old rugged cross. While the empty tomb is the foundation of Christianity, the cross is the focus of Christianity. And while I cannot take all of more

  • The Three Greatest Joy Robbers Series

    Contributed by Steve Bond on Oct 31, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Life gets messy. That’s no surprise. What is surprising is how easily we forget that God wants joy to be our regular experience of life. And it’s the stuff a a messy life where we’ll experience God’s joy. We’re called to live in harmony, peace and of cour

    Introduction Over the years I’ve noticed a pattern in how God works in my life. Whenever I’m going to speak about a particular topic God first allows me to personally experience it. I need to tell you…this is not always fun! But God seems to set things up so I have to live out the principles that more

  • Crucified With Christ Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Jul 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The Bible makes clear that it is not what we do that gives us merit, it is what we are because of the blood of Jesus.

    If you are like me, sometime in your life you have received a letter from some place you did not expect and you wondered, “What in the world is this?” A couple of years ago, we received a letter from city Code Enforcement. All kinds of questions went through our heads. What had we done? Is more

  • Christ Crucified

    Contributed by Jacob Kutty on Apr 25, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is basically pointed about the Christ Crucified.

    Christ Crucified There are three kinds of people lived in the time of Jesus: 1. Jews: (Israelites) They believed that they are spiritual. They were looking for a Saviour who will save them from the hand of Roman Govt. and set them free. So they cannot accept a man who was crucified can become more