Michael Reeves
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
His Shame, Our Glory
Contributed on Oct 3, 2002
A message that examines the spiritual truth that Christ was unclothed so that we might be clothed upon.
Introduction: Today we continue our studies through the most exciting but also the most dreadful story in all the Word of God - the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I started off with the idea of comparing the four soldiers of verses 23-24, and the four saints (women) of verses 25-27. But as I ...read more
Prayer In The Face Of Death
Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
A prayer prayed by Sampson not long before his death.
Introduction: This PM we are going to study a very unique prayer among the prayers of the Bible. There are not many prayers in the Bible that were uttered at or near the time of death of the person who prayed the prayer. The Lord Jesus Christ prayed while He was dying on the cross, and there ...read more
Prayers About Child Rearing
Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
This study concerns the two prayers uttered by Sampson’s father, Manoah.
Introduction: This chapter begins the section of chapters in Judges about Samson. In 13:1-7 we have the coming of an angel of the LORD to the wife of Manoah, a woman who was barren. The LORD told her that she would have a child, what and how this child would serve the LORD, and how she too needed ...read more
Prayer Problems
Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
We will examine one of the prayers of Joshua this PM and one he should have prayed. Though Joshua was a great man of faith, we find in these two episodes in Joshua chapters 7 and 9, examples of trouble that always arises when everthing is not brought to
Introduction: We will examine one of the prayers of Joshua this PM and one he should have prayed. Though Joshua was a great man of faith, we find in these two episodes in Joshua chapters 7 and 9, examples of trouble that always arises when everthing is not brought to the Lord in prayer. We need ...read more
Obedience And Prayer
Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
The point of this study is to see the necessity of obedience in this first matter (they were to do this so as to provide for the Levite, the stranger, the widow, and the orphan of those among them) before a prayer for blessing can be uttered by the Israel
Introduction: Last Wednesday PM we examined what Deut. 26:1-11 teaches. We examined it from the perspective of giving thanks in prayer for all that the Lord has done for us. The Israelites here were to review their past history of how the LORD had rescued them and preserved them and brought them ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Prayers Of The Old Testament
Contributed on Sep 6, 2002
Newest Sermon Illustrations
The Older, The Better
Contributed on Aug 20, 2002
THE OLDER, THE BETTER An older soman was overheard to say about her husband and their relationship together, "I’m married to an archaeologist, and I get the feeling that the older I get, the better he ...read more